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Activity 7.

Two-Factor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Without Replication

Two-Factor Analysis of Variance without replication is applied when there are two assumed
to be non-interactive elements tested to affect a set of response data. The means of response data
from each combination are evaluated though a hypothesis stating that these are equal. A desired level
of probability or p-value is used as a criterion to reject or accept the hypothesis.

Software: MSWord, MSExcel

Apparatus: Thermometer, Stopwatch, Smartphone, Laptop, Desktop Computer
Scheme: Group

1. Select nine (9) students. Request them to type a one-page document with MSWord. Subject
each student to one of the following combinations of conditions shown in the table below –
the equipment/gadget each will use and the body position. Record their completion time.

Body Position
Phone Laptop Desktop

2. Test the hypothesis that the completion time of the students in the six conditions are
statistically the same. Do this by clicking Data on the main menu. Then, Data Analysis to show
the window option for the Analysis Tools. Choose Anova: Two- Factor Without Replication and
click OK.

(Sample Screen)

3. In the Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication window, enter the Input Range. Then, click OK.

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