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20 August 55 Middle School_Morsott_ Tébessa

Full name .........................................

Level: 2MS................... 20

Have you ever had the flu? Or “influenza”? if you have, you know how miserable it can make you feel.
Most children get the flu sometimes during their school years. When you have the flu you usually have
symptoms like: fever (which can be very high), have a cough, feel very tired, and may have a sore throat as

well. It can make you feel sick for a few days or for a week. For most children, the flu comes and goes, but
for some, it is a serious illness.
Most children have the flu in winter; because, germs spread more easily when they are inside in places

such as classrooms. The best way to prevent from getting the flu is to wash your hands, keep your hands to
yourself, and go to the doctor for the flu shot or mist.
Part One :( 14 points)
A) Reading Comprehension (7 points)
Activity1: Choose (a, b or c) to complete the following statements. (2pts)

1. The text is about the ..........................................................................

a) cancer b) flu c) sore throat d) cough

2. Influenza is a .........................................................................................

a) food b) medicine c) notice d) sickness

3. The flu shot means a .........................................................................................

a) vaccine b) virus c) symptom d) fever

Activity2: Read the text and answer these questions.(2pts)

1. Is the influenza a serious illness?

2. What are the symptoms of the flu?

Activity3: Find in the text words that have the following definitions. (3pts)

1. A rise of the body temperature ...................................

2. A person who examin patients ....................................

3. A painful inflamation in the throat ....................................

B) Mastery of The Language (7points)

Activity1: Add one word to each list.(2pts)

1. Sore throat _ fever_ ..............................
2. Arm_ ankle_ .............................
Activity2: Re-write the following passage in the imperative form.(3pts)
The doctor said: “You should stay in bed, you should take your medicines and you
shouldn’t make any physical efforts”.
Activity3: Classify the following words in the right stethoscope. (2pts)

Ache_ cheese_school_children

……..……………………………… …………………………………………………….

……………………… ……….. ………………………………………….

/t∫/ /k/

Part Two (6 points)

Situation of integration:
You are not in a good shape. Your friend is asking you some questions about your
health. Answer his / her questions.
My partner: Hello, you look sick today. How do you feel?
Me: ........................................................?
My partner: What’s the matter with you?
Me: .......................................................
My partner: Did you see the school doctor?
Me: ........................................................?
My partner: What did she say?
Me: She prescribed some medications and advised me to ............
My partner: Take care of your health. Good bye.
Me: ..............................................................? Good Luck !

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