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Bromine and

Mercury are the

only elements
that are liquid at
All babies are
born with
blue eyes
The Moon was made
when a rock smashed
into Earth
25% of bones in
our bodies are
located at our
Almost 67% of
fresh water on
the earth is
trapped in
glaciers and
cannot be used.
The only part of
the body that has
no blood is the
Cornea of the eye.
It receive oxygen
directly from the
If you could
produce a sound
louder than
1100dB, you would
create a black hole
and ultimately
destroy the
A bubble is round
because the air within
it presses equally
against all its parts,
thus causing all
surfaces to be
equidistant from its
Venus is the only
planet in the
Solar System
that rotates in
There is another
form of water
called heavy water
which is the
formula D20. It is
slightly heavier
than normal
water, blue and
not drinkable.

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