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Course Professional Practice

Submitted to Mam Amber Sarfarz
Department BSCS
Semester 3

Assignment No 3
Title Professional Practices

Name Zarq Javed Gill

Submission Date 17-12-22

Zarq Javed Gill BSCS-2022-Section-3C


Analyze the code of ethics by IEEE and ACM and

differentiate them?

IEEE and ACM, two of the most prominent professional

organizations for computer scientists, have both developed a
code of ethics for their members.

The IEEE code of ethics emphasizes the importance of

professional responsibility, competence, integrity, and
fairness. It also encourages members to be honest and to
uphold the public trust. It requires members to strive for
objectivity in their work and to avoid conflicts of interest.
Finally, it requires members to be respectful of the rights and
dignity of others, to promote the safety and welfare of the
public, and to respect the environment.

The ACM code of ethics emphasizes the importance of

professional responsibility and respect for the public. It
encourages members to act responsibly and to use their
knowledge and skills in a manner that benefits the public. It

Zarq Javed Gill BSCS-2022-Section-3C


also encourages members to be honest and to act with

integrity. Furthermore, it requires members to not
discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender,
nationality, or other factors. Finally, it encourages members to
work to improve the quality of life and to promote a safe and
secure computing environment.

The main difference between the IEEE and ACM codes of

ethics is that the IEEE code is more focused on professional
responsibility and fairness, while the ACM code is more
focused on the public and on

How these rules are protecting the basic rights in

any software development company?

The IEEE and ACM's rules are designed to ensure ethical

principles in software development, including protecting the
basic rights of individuals. These principles include protecting
the privacy of users, ensuring data security and accuracy,
safeguarding intellectual property rights, providing clear and

Zarq Javed Gill BSCS-2022-Section-3C


understandable terms of service, and promoting transparency

and accountability with respect to technology decisions. The
rules also promote responsible research and development
practices, such as open source software and software testing.
By adhering to these standards, software development
companies can protect the rights of their employees,
customers, and other stakeholders.

Zarq Javed Gill BSCS-2022-Section-3C

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