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I am writing this letter to express how I feel being a University of Melbourne’s soon-to-be freshman and

my genuine interest in the course that I have applied to, Bachelor of Design. As shown on the file, my
name is Kiet, people call me Kazle, I am an energized teenage who has always been seeking for anything
to do to be considered as “useful” in my parents’s point of view. According to them, dissolving myself
into math, physics would ensure me a great career with admirable paycheck and the only way to meet
my parents’s expectations was to become either an engineer or a doctor. However, I was indeed given a
box of crayons on my third birthday which I spent most of my time drawing, expressing my idea as a
toddler things that adult could never understand. I dissolve myself into the world of art, all the colors
and shapes that my physical appearance could never be able to transform into. People see me through
my paintings, sometimes NFT’s instead of the emptied words that anyone regardless of their jobs could
spell out within seconds despite of it having an impact on the others. In addition, I prefer playing video
games after hours of brain storming ideas for my art work, school work, I go to the gym on a daily basis
to keep my body in shape which I have been lying to myself for since my highschool years.

Before going further into the reason why I chose the University of Melbourne, I will be telling how much
I love being at Australia instead of the other world-known universities in other countries. I have been to
Singapore where the Nation University of Singapore (NUS) is located, People’s University in Beijing, the
Hong Kong University, the HCM University of Technology at my country, everything before seeing the
University of Melbourne a few years later. Except for NUS being one of the hardest university to applied
for in my opion, none of them on the list has the ideal environment that would fit me personally since I
prefer living in a peaceful, developed country which is filled with healthy life styled citizens. Therefore,
the will to living at Melbourne and studying at on of its universities has been of dream of mine for years.

As a soon-to-be freshman, and a typical Asian teenager, I would admit that going to a well-know or
prestigious university was one of my ultimate goals in high school and since my only option was to study
in Australia, I considered the University of Melbourne as a “destiny”. Besides that being a very straight
forward reasoning on how I got here, I still want to talk about the other aspects of this institute that is
very appealing to me. I first get to see the beauty of the University of Melbourne on my 14th birthday
trip to Australia where I simultaneously went across the universities of 3 cities, Adelaide, Sydney,
Melbourne, Canberra. The University of Melbourne was the brightest among them, now with a new
facility specialized for design student, I could not resist myself from applying to this university. I also
found that the bachelor of design course that being provided by the institute is filled with dedicated
lecturers, and talented students which reflects the general look of this community, top-notch education
environment. Last but not least, I prioritized the University of Melbourne over the other universities
partly because I do have families and friends over there who are also graduated from this city, I was
encouraged by them to work towards my dream, I am glad and proud to be part of this community.

Besides being an art enthusiast, I also spend two hours (usually at 4:00-6:00) as soon as I wake up to
craft wooden models of cartoon characters or working on my architecture models or upgrading my desk
to make it more convinient as a vital process for an energized day. I believe that Bachelor of Design will
give me the access to the world of design where I get to interact with people with the same interests
everyday. Since I am also an auditory learner, the University of Melbourne will be a great place for me to
communicate with my fellow friends, sharing ideas, work of art and seeing theirs as well, thereby,
enhance our visions on different aspects of the field, also, learning from each others’s advantages and
weaknesses. Additionally, I do aware that studying in Australia ensure me a great potential of learning
the new cultures. Being in Melbourne, a developed city, I am able to access the good standards of living
through the means of transportation, goods, neccessities which are controlled under a strict

It can be argued that Vietnam also provides relevant courses at its universities such as RMIT, Fullbright
University, Van Lang University. However, I personally prefer to spend my next few years in a foreign
country, being alone in a random coffee shop, thousand kilometers away from my hometown, the
feeling of an independent young man. I would not be surrounded by my Vietnamese friends who would
ask me out everyday, instead, sitting there, staring at a blank space, explore my inner-self as much as

After nailing the Bachelor of Design course, I would spend another two years to study architecture and
try to find a job, as an architect, that gives me experiences rather than a high paycheck since I value my
effort more than my working hours. Before I could ever reach there, the Bachelor of Design course is an
inevitable process I have to work through, the knowledge and skills I am taught from this course will
work as a solid foundation for my higher education.

Thank you for reviewing this letter, it is an honor for me to study at the university that I have dream of
for four years straight, the University of Melbourne. I believe that I have demonstrated my commitment,
knowledge and value that you seek. Looking forward to be there by February 2023.

Yours sincerely,

Thi Nham Chi Kiet

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