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Neurobiology of Aging 26S (2005) S98–S102

Essential fatty acids and the brain: From infancy to aging

S. Yehuda a,∗ , S. Rabinovitz a , D.I. Mostofsky b
a Psychopharmacology Laboratory, Department of Psychology and Brain Research, Institute, Bar Ilan University,
Ramat Gan 52900, Israel
b Department of Psychology, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA

Received 3 September 2005; accepted 11 September 2005


The major effects of essential fatty acids (EFA) on brain structure and functions are reviewed. EFA determine the fluidity of neuronal
membrane and control the physiological functions of the brain. EFA is also involved in synthesis and functions of brain neurotransmitters,
and in the molecules of the immune system. Since they must be supplied from the diet, a decreased bioavailability is bound to induce major
disturbances. While the brain needs a continuous supply during the life span, there are two particularly sensitive periods—infancy and aging.
EFA deficiency during infancy delays brain development, and in aging will accelerate deterioration of brain functions. In discussing the role
of EFA two issues must be considered—the blood–brain barrier, which determines the bioavailability, and the myelination process, which
determines the efficiency of brain and retinal functions.
© 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Essential fatty acids; Brain; Infancy; Aging; Membrane fluidity; BBB

1. Introduction Clearly, the blood–brain barrier is a key to the bioavailability

of brain EFA and PUFA.
Dietary essential fatty acids (EFA) mediate brain functions Linoleic acid is a member of the omega-6 (n-6) fatty acids
and structures from infancy to aging, and are involved in many family, while alpha-linolenic acid is an omega-3 (n-3) fatty
brain related disorders. They are considered essential because acid. These terms refer to characteristics in the chemical
the body cannot synthesize them and they must be supplied structure of the fatty acids. Other omega-6 fatty acids, such
via diet. As one of the most fatty tissues in the body, the as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), dihomo-gamma-linolenic
brain needs fats (together with glucose) for energy and for acid (DHGLA), and arachidonic acid (AA), can be manu-
the maintenance of normal brain functions. factured in the body using linoleic acid as a starting point.
Fatty acids are commonly classified as saturated, monoun- Similarly, other omega-3 fatty acids that are manufactured
saturated, and polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids, depending in the body, using alpha-linolenic acid as a starting point,
on the chemical structure and the length of the chain that can include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic
vary from 12 to 26 carbon bonds. Two types of PUFA are acid (DHA). The relationship between the omega-3 and
EFA: linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. EFA have the omega-6 families, and the role of various PUFA as precursors
shorter carbon chain (18 bonds), while other PUFA are deriva- to bioactive molecules (such as prostaglandin) is described
tives of these EFA, and have longer chains. The brain cannot in Fig. 1.
distinguish among longer chain fatty acids that have been Among the significant components of cell membranes are
synthesized in the brain, and those same fatty acids that have the phospholipids that contain fatty acids. The types of fatty
been obtained from diet and crossed the blood–brain barrier. acids in the diet determine the types of fatty acids that are
available to the composition of the cell membranes. A phos-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +972 3 531 8583; fax: +972 3 535 3327. pholipid made from a saturated fat has a different structure
E-mail address: (S. Yehuda). and is less fluid than one that incorporates an essential fatty

0197-4580/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
S. Yehuda et al. / Neurobiology of Aging 26S (2005) S98–S102 S99

Fig. 1. Some of the major essential fatty acids and their metabolites.

acid. In addition, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids per se have 2. Membrane fluidity and myelin
an effect on the neuronal membrane fluidity index. They are
able to decrease the cholesterol level in the neuronal mem- Fatty acids are major components in brain structure. Very
brane, which would otherwise decrease membrane fluidity, high levels of fatty acids and lipids can be found in two struc-
which in turn would make it difficult for the cell to carry out tural components; the neuronal membrane and the myelin
its normal functions and increase the cell’s susceptibility to sheath. About 50% of the neuronal membrane is composed
injury and death. These consequences for cell function are not of FA, while in the myelin sheath lipids constitute about 70%.
restricted to absolute levels of EFAs alone, rather it appears The lipid component has a relatively high turnover rate, in
that the relative amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 contrast to the protein component that is especially stable.
fatty acids in the cell membranes are responsible for affecting The membrane fluidity index is a common denominator
cellular function. for the various effects of the various PUFAs and ratios of
At least six categories of PUFA effects on brain functions omega-6 to omega-3 [34,37]. Some molecules are able to
have been discussed elsewhere [40], namely: (a) modifica- change the physical state (e.g. the fluidity index) of the mem-
tions of membrane fluidity; (b) modifications of the activity brane; e.g. alcohol fluidizes the membrane, while cholesterol
of membrane bound enzymes; (c) modifications of the num- hardens it. The ability of PUFA to modify the neuronal
ber and affinity of receptors; (d) modifications of the function membrane fluidity index is correlated with different ratios
of ion channels; (e) modifications of the production and of various fatty acids that can change the neuronal functions,
activity of neurotransmitters; (f) signal transduction, that con- and with supplementation of various fatty acids that can affect
trols the activity of neurotransmitters and neuronal growth the composition and the function of the neuronal membrane
factors. [36,42].
Symptoms of essential fatty acid deficiency include The integrity of the myelin is of utmost importance for the
fatigue, dermatological problems, immune problems, weak- proper functions of axons in the nervous system. Breakage
ness, gastrointestinal disorders, heart and circulatory prob- or lesions in the myelin can lead to disintegration of many of
lems, growth retardation, and sterility. In addition to these the nervous system functions. Recent studies emphasize the
symptoms, lack of dietary essential fatty acids has been impli- major role of dietary EFA to the normal functions of myelin.
cated in the development or aggravation of breast cancer, Moreover, the EFA are important in the active phase of the
prostate cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, preeclampsia, myelin synthesis. If EFA are not available in this phase or
depression, schizophrenia, and attention deficit and hyperac- are metabolically blocked, amyelination, dysmyelination, or
tivity disorders (ADHD) [39]. This list is neither exhaustive demyelanation may occur [3,26]. If EFA deficiency occurs
nor conclusive. during the postnatal period, a major delay in the myelination
S100 S. Yehuda et al. / Neurobiology of Aging 26S (2005) S98–S102

process will occur, accompanied by impaired learning, motor, immune system leave unexplained the mode of action of
vision, and auditory abnormalities [30]. Similar impairments its effects. The PUFA mediation of immunological func-
in the myelination process and in the cognitive function are tions and cytokines level is evident in several disorders
found in postnatal iron deficient rodents and humans [43]. such as Alzheimer and schizophrenia [33]. Several mech-
Disorders associated with myelin malfunction or with dys- anisms have been proposed, including membrane fluidity
myelination, can also occur during the adult period, e.g. (changes that might effect the capability of cytokines to
multiple sclerosis. The rate of myelin lipids turnover is age- bind to their respective receptors on the cell membrane);
dependent, and with a very slow turnover rate during aging, lipid peroxidation (decrease in free radical-induced tissue
and the rate of repairing damaged sections of myelin is cor- damage); prostaglandin production (an indirect mechanism
respondingly slower [1]. whereby prostaglandins, which are derivatives of PUFA,
modify cytokine activity); and regulation of gene expression
(PUFA influences on the signal transudation pathways and
3. Essential fatty acids, the blood–brain barrier, and modified mRNA activity). The role of PUFA in immune func-
the brain tion is complicated since n-3 and n-6 have different effects on
various immune components. A recent review [28] indicated
Since EFA must be supplied via the diet, it must be that n-3 fatty acids induce a decrease in lymphocyte prolifer-
possible for EFA and PUFA to cross the blood–brain barrier ation in humans and rats, a decrease in IL-1 production, and
(BBB). The involvement of the BBB is crucial in two devel- a decrease in IL-2 production in both humans and animals. In
opment periods: infancy and aging. The human infant is born addition, n-3 FA decreases TNFalpha production in humans
with an immature BBB with the structure and functions of but increases it in mice macrophages, and also decreases nat-
the BBB not at their optimal levels. There have been reports ural killer cell (NK) activity. On the other hand, n-6 increases
of structural changes in the blood–brain barrier complex, the production of IL-2 in mice and decreases production of
in aging and in Alzheimer’s patients, but our knowledge of TNFalpha production and NK cell activity. Still, other studies
functional changes is quite limited. The important, but as have shown that linoleic acid (n-6) decreases the activity of
yet unanswered question is whether omega-6 and omega-3 IL-2 [39] and increases IL-1 production and tissue response
fatty acids have different rates of transport into the brain. to cytokines, while n-3 generally decreases IL-1 production
[34]. and activity [16]. Despite some disagreement among studies,
A second issue concerns the immature infant brain’s abil- it seems that n-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid, DHA, EPA)
ity to convert the linoleic and alpha-linolenic fatty acids decrease the production and activity of the pro inflammatory
that are ingested from diet into longer chain fatty acids, e.g. cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, TNFalpha ) [4,9,17,32] and that n-6 fam-
arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), The ily has the opposite effect [8,19,16]. The ability of n-3 PUFA
majority of studies agree that even the infant brain has such to reduce pro inflammatory cytokines and prostaglandin [9]
a capacity [34]. EFA and PUFA improve the functions of the argues for the use of fish oil to relieve pain. Fish oil, rich in
BBB while infusion of saturated fatty acids into the carotid n-3 PUFA, has been shown to decrease IL-6, IL-10, IL-12,
artery caused vasogenic edema and disruption of functions TNFalpha , and PGE2 [13].
[20]. This finding can explain the alteration in glucose trans- Increasingly, the salutary effects of PUFA are being exam-
port in the brain in omega-3 deficiency [31]. ined not only with respect to their absolute level in diet,
supplementation, or serum and tissue content, but also with
respect to their proportional relationship to other FAs. One
4. Brain neurotransmitters and PUFA example of the critical nature and importance of a proper ratio
can be seen in the level of anti-inflammatory IL-2 production
The relationships between PUFA ratios and the various that is increased following treatment by a mixture of n-3 to
neurotransmitters are of special interest [36]. It is impor- n-6 FA in a ratio of 1:4 [41], and with an increase in n-3 in
tant to note that omega-3 deficiency reduces the dopamine the tissue [19].
vesicle density in the cortex and causes malfunction of
the dopaminergic mesocorticolimbic pathway. The ability to
recover from the dopaminergic effects of omega-3 deficiency 6. Early development
is age-dependent, while the contribution of alpha-linolenic
acids to recovery from omega-3 deficiency is dependent on In general, EFA improves learning and memory [37]. Most
the specific member of the n-3 group. studies on omega-3 deficiency cite the early development
period as an important if not ‘critical’ period for brain devel-
opment. A discussion of the merits of adding long chain
5. PUFA and the immune system PUFA to baby formula is beyond the scope of this review, yet
it is interesting to note the discussion between Clandinin and
Repeated demonstrations that PUFA can modify the Fewtrel [10]. Both agree that LCPUFA supplements will at
production and activity of various components of the least improve the short-term developmental outcome. PUFA
S. Yehuda et al. / Neurobiology of Aging 26S (2005) S98–S102 S101

deficiency may delay the process of myelination that may dementia. Some studies [38] showed that EFA supplementa-
explain several sensory deficits (vision, hearing, taste, and tion can correct the EFA deficiency.
smell) observed in EFA deficit babies [5] and in the develop-
ment of many neurological reflexes that was observed among
those babies [14]. Recently, EFA deficiency was induced a 9. Retina
delay in neurite growth in hippocampal neurons [7]. Malnu-
trition, including protein–energy malnutrition, induces PUFA Retinal tissue is an integral part of the brain. The hall-
deficiency, which might contribute to the poor cognitive sta- mark of EFA deficiency in infancy is visual disturbance [18].
tus [21]. Dopamine, which is the major neurotransmitter in the retina,
With few studies of the long-term effects of early PUFA is under control of EFA [35]. Following several studies, San-
deficiency, speculative reports suggest that this deficiency Giovanni and Chew [27] hypothesized that DHA deficiency
contributes to later presentations of Huntington’s disease is involved in age related macular degeneration (AMD) and
[11], schizophrenia [12], high blood pressure [2], and other age related retinal disorders.
increased appetite signaling [23].

10. Conclusion
7. Childhood development
Infancy and aging are two sensitive and critical periods,
Several studies illustrate the similarity between ADHD where adequate EFA and PUFA bioavailability is crucial for
children and the symptoms observed in EFA deficiency in proper functioning of the brain. PUFA deficiency in both peri-
animals and humans [6]. Many ADHD children suffer from ods has an effect on learning and memory, sensory function,
EFA deficiency and mainly the n-3 subgroup of fatty acids and mood. In addition, PUFA deficiency in infancy might
[25], with a high correlation between the severity of the have tardive effects. The pivotal role of PUFA in the neu-
EFA deficiency and the severity of ADHD symptom (r = .80). ronal membrane function renders it as an essential dietary
One explanation is a decrease in ERA intake from food, and component that requires supplementation in cases of defi-
another is the impaired capacity of the ADHD’s neurological ciency.
system to convert EFA to longer chain FAs. Supportive stud-
ies showed the relationships between EFA deficiency and
ADHD [15,16,29]. Richardson [24] summarized two stud- Acknowledgements
ies in which fatty acids supplements were given to ADHD
children, with an effective outcome in one study, and no We thank the Rose K. Ginsburg Chair for Research in
effect in the other. Our laboratory found that ADHD children Alzheimer’s Disease and The William Farber Center for
given essential fatty supplementation improved their mood Alzheimer Research for their support.
and sleep disturbances (submitted for publication).

8. Aging and Alzheimer disease
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