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Assignment # 01

Business Research Methods

1. Draw the differences among basic and applied research and highlight the conditions
under which they’re conducted. [Pts = 4]
2. What is meant by replication and what is its importance in the scientific research?
Explain using an example. [Pts = 1]
Marking Scheme:
You’ll be graded on the basis of following criteria.

Criteria Grade points

Concept application 05 Pts.

Presentation of work 03 Pts

Timely Submission 02 Pts.

Total 10 Pts.
1. The deadline for this assignment is Monday 3rd Oct 2022 before 10:00pm PST.
2. Please go through the marking scheme to be able to secure maximum points for this
3. The students will submit this assignment electronically in pdf format on the shared
4. You’re allowed to use wide range of examples and concepts to approach to the given
5. Plagiarism is strongly discouraged and will have negative marking. If you have read
from an online source, please reference your work.
6. You may submit your queries regarding this assignment with your relevant CR/GR
and they can inquire on your behalf.

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