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I. How to Teach a Child to Read?

A. Common Mistakes in Teaching Reading

1. Memorizing Alphabet Song
2. Focusing on Letter Names
3. Teaching Sight words first
4. Focusing on the whole-word-approach or the word shape method

B. Learning Phonetic Reading

1. Synthetic Phonetic Reading +Phonemic Awareness Development

C. 3 Easy Steps to Teach Reading for Beginners

1. Learn first the sound of each letter
2. Blend 2 letters
3. Connect 3 letter words (C-V-C)

D. Reading Techniques and Strategies

1. Focus on the letter sounds over the letter names
2. Read Aloud with the child
3. Use flashcards, printouts, and other interesting reading materials
4. Play word games for encouragement
5. Read, Repeat and Practice Shared Reading
6. Be patient; the best way to teach kids to read is to make it fun!

II. How to teach a Child to Write?

A. Tips on How to Teach Writing

1. Make it fun!
2. Strengthen the hand muscles
3. Ensure a good grip
4. Allow them to scribble
5. Make the guide lines or margin lines more visible
6. Make use of tracing
7. Teach them letter recognition
8. Encourage and praise them

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