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Holocausto —también conocido en hebreo Shoá, traducido como, la

Catástrofe, terminología nazi como solución final, el genocidio que tuvo lugar
en Europa durante el transcurso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial

La Convención para la prevención y la sanción del delito de genocidio es un

documento de las  Naciones Unidas . Su principal impulsor fue el jurista
polaco Raphael Lemkin que fue el primero en utilizar y definir el delito
de genocidio de los crímenes nazis cometidos en Europa

The Holocaust - also known in Hebrew Shoah,

translated as, the Catastrophe, Nazi terminology as a
final solution, the genocide that took place in
Europe during the course of World War II

The Convention for the Prevention and Punishment

of the Crime of Genocide is a United Nations
document. Its main promoter was the Polish jurist
Raphael Lemkin who was the first to use and define
the crime of genocide for Nazi crimes committed in
Europe. ( voy a decir yo)
Ariel cueva Victimas

The victims of the Holocaust were people attacked by the Nazi German government through
various discriminatory practices due to their ethnic origin, religion, political beliefs or sexual

The main people most attacked by the Nazi government were: Jews, homosexuals, Jehovah's
Witnesses and the disabled.

Jostin Mora Causas

A holocaust can be caused by a way of thinking or an idealism, such as the Jewish holocaust. They
held the Jews responsible for their hardships and convinced themselves that it was part of a global
conspiracy against them, in an unlikely alliance with communism and with the German socialists of
the Weimar republic. The articulation of this racist and violent thought was the key to Hitler's
appearance as a leader, political, military and spiritual guide. He managed to expand that thought
and unleashed chaos. In this way, the holocaust would be the consequence of the need for a
scapegoat to justify the poverty that was reduced after the First World War.


-It is estimated that the Germans murdered a third of the Jews living in Europe in 1939, so that the
European Jewish community was weakened and deeply traumatized by the experience suffered.

-Although the figures are not exact, some 6 million Jews are believed to have been victims of the
Holocaust. Approximately 5 million more people were killed in the death camps, totaling about 11

-The Holocaust led the United Nations to push for the creation of the State of Israel, so that Jews
scattered around the world would have a place to establish their homeland.

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