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World Children’s Day

Scene; 1
- Zain
Good Morning and Assalam O Alaikum, I’m Muhammed Zain
and along with me is Abdul Hanan. Today, we have been
invited on stage to show the importance of World Children’s
Day. First established in 1954, it is celebrated each year to
promote international togetherness, awareness among
children worldwide, and to improve children’s welfare.

- Hanan
“Recite the Quran and listen to it being recited. In doing
so, you will find true peace, happiness, and tranquility.”

Before we get any further into our morning assembly, let's

start our day with the name of Allah. We would like to invite
Hafiz Abdullah for recitation, ____________ for an English
translation, and __________ for the Urdu translation.

Scene; 2
Now, we would like to invite __________ for a beautiful and
eloquent nat.

Scene; 3
- Zain
Every child has their own rights, such as the right to
education, health, non-discrimination, privacy, freedom, and
much more. With this, a child must also feel protected when
they go anywhere. Bullying can be a significant issue for
children, and it can also happen in many ways. As
Muhammad (PBUH) said, “The best among you is the one
who doesn’t harm others with his tongue and hands”.
Regarding this topic, we would like to invite __________ for a
compelling speech so we can gain further knowledge about
World Children’s Day.
Scene; 4
- Hanan
That was a powerful speech, but Zain, what if we could put on
a play to better describe this topic?

- Zain
Sure, a play would help us to visualize this topic. Now we
would like to invite our mimes, for a mime performance.
Scene; 5
- Hanan
I didn’t know how mimes can convey such emotionally
powerful messages without uttering a single word! Anyways,
now I would like to invite our choir for a song about World
Children’s Day.
Scene; 6
- Hanan
That was a very harmonious song. We need to recognize the
importance and significance of World Children’s Day.
Although it may not seem like much to a majority of students,
it is a very serious topic if we want our future generations to
be safe. Many policies go against bullying everywhere, and
many other policies clearly state children’s rights. Children
should practice their rights freely, without any limitations, and
they should confront concerned authorities if they are not
provided with them. They should also do the same if they are
being bullied.

- Zain
We have been celebrating this very day since 1954, and I
hope we will keep celebrating this day in the future too so that
someday we can live in a more peaceful world.

Conduction wrote by,

Muhammed Zain,
and Abdul Hanan.

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