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Saara Gayle M.

Gipanago BSN 4G

1. Did de Morga consider the indios of Las Islas Pilipinas to be civilized? 

- Morga's point of view, the Philippines' islands were inhabitable, and the Filipino
civilization did not exist. The livelihood during pre- Spanish period were only basic and their
means of foods are Beef and fish are best when tasted after it has began to decay and stink. It
provides the reader the sense that the food that Filipinos consume previously is already ruined,
which can make Filipinos feel disgusted. According to De Morga, Indios were civilized during
the Spanish era, as religion was introduced in the Las Islas Pilipinas.

2. How did Rizal react to de Morgas " Suceso de las Islas Pilipinas? 

- Rizal theory in his annotations that the pre- hespanic civilization of the Philippines is that
Filipinos have a system of writing and literature, metallurgy, ship-building industry and have
trade contacts with China. On the fourth chapter of the book, Rizal annotate Morga’s narrative
about an old indio, Panday Pira who handle the making of artillery. In Java and Borneo, Panday
means “metalworker or ironsmith”, how come Panday Pira became a cannon maker? Upon
contemplating about Morga’s interpretation, it’s another negligence of Spaniards to treat indios
rightfully, even in this little thing it projects their wrongdoings. On the other hand, Rizal claim
that indio at that time already knew how to find cannons even before the arrival of the Spaniards

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