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As we know social media has taken the world by storm, since its
invention in the early 2000s the people has experimented a lot of
mixed opinions, some of them says that the social media is
something harmful and something that causes more damage than
good, but for many reasons the social media opened a whole
new gateway for the people. As any thing in this world, when
you make a wrong usage of it, it became something that doesn’t
helps. For this reason we can say that the problem starts with us
because we are the main consumer of social media, when our
mind is weak all our actions will be weaker that the average. As
people tries to blame the social media for everything, we need to
know that social media is something too powerful and very
impactful that when used in the incorrect context becomes a
weapon rather than a tool, but this is because of our sins and
flaws, all the responsibility resides in us.

In conclusion we can say that social media is too young to
determine that is harmful. Even that rise of the usage of it as of
2005 in relation to 2022 can be expected, it grew from 5% to
70% in a timelapse of 17 years. But we can also say that the
invention of technology contributed to this, since the 21st century
the rise of technology has helped the social media to grew up.
We as society tend to create dogmas and prejudges to the things
new and unknown to us, since it is something that we aren’t
used to. The social media isn’t a exception, and as everything it
is demonized and blamed by all of us because we always need to
find something to blame, just to justify things we do for nature.

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