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IN$TRUCTION: Seled the corts*t anmmrfor ee*r of thq followlng queations. Mart $fity on?,*nafqf tur
eactr item $
ufiedlng th* box correspurOing to itre lattar of yow cfroUe on tfre aneuror
eteet ponided. STRICTLY H$ EfiABURES ALI-SW*S. Use pancll Ho. t only.
1. Determine the modulur re*llience fsr rnall*&ble cgat irun: E a 1S$ GPa, nrmral $fers s* 300 MPa.
Steo.r B. tzo.6 c. rn{}.s n" aao.$

?,. How muc*r cxygm is reouked to convert 11.?4 g of edmlum to l2.SS g mdmlum odde?
A. 1.ffi9 1.60$ C.42.CI8 g D. 24.08 e
3. The rcacfion of "&.srt g of *inc ad t.Eo g d oxryge* ,pnrduees $.?4 g of zine oxlda, ttt* only mmpurad
of these element*. Harv mudr ainc oxlde sr+uld be prdtmed if fi.Sd S of alnc *nd $,00 of srq&sn il
urere nrkgd snd allowed to rsEet?
A" tl.54s (Ds.?4 s C. 1.S4 g D. $.S{g

*. CahulEte ths numbsr of moles of solute contslned ln 3.0S L of 4.m M solufion.

A. O.7S s. r.33 c. 10.0 $u.o
s. The mhlmum siza of epp6r sguipmant lrounding con*sslor r6{uir*d for oquprne*t connee{Ed to a
S$€mpcre bram$ drcult ig.
A" 14 sq, mm. $.S sq. mm. O. S.$ $e, r$m. t). g?
B. A Sn0ls grcundin& eteclra.ds l* pwnritted when th* lesktanc* to ground as s6ted in the PEC ls:
n" S0-fims oitess B. SO ohms or moaa
$eotlms orJ*ns
D, *S olms tr filoru

7 . Flnd lhe prussum expsriancerl S a sarba druer at a depth of 40 m in e ealtrffitar.

@eo+ ttu B. **.0ltpa c. *.o+ ttpe D.44o kFa ,

L Glwn 30 mmHg abs. Flnd th* gauge prss$ure in kFa. {

@ -gB kPa B. + 0$ kPe C. - 8& kPa D"+gskPa i


g. A martlE rolling with *peed of ?O crn/s, rolk at tre edg* of a teble that lo 8O crn higtt. How fm,
lmrlzontally, frcm ttrc tahle edge does lfte ball strtkS;trrc floor?
A 5.8crn B.8.4cm Q)A.t
cnt O 7.tcm .

-'10. An lnterest rate is quoted as hlng 1.6% per month *nd compound* monthly. Whst ls rthe +ffiectiue
annual lntorostrate?
A. c, {-5{q6 D. r8.$S%
'8.1*% @ro.oa*
1t. This prine{ple stntes th*t "V{hers ths velodty of a fluld lu hlgh, th* pre$surs B fow, and tuhers th*
vdoclty le lsw, th* pres*ura le high.*
A. Arcfilmedes Principle C. Flow Frtnciple
B. Tonlcellis TheCIren @ Bemoutli's'Prlnclpte
12. lMrat ls the cfiemtsat fcrmds of $tffur tdoxlds?
Fu SsOa B.&O C. SaOr t$Ss

J 13.In harr marry yEa$B wtll &o inve$tme$t to do.6le ln urlue at 5% eimpte hter*$rate?
A 2 8.4 @ao 0. {o
An atser rsms hi$ buvu upvard and pulls fft* string of hle anowdth a farce cf 80 t-t. Tfte string* make

m -
an arlgl* of 25 deurees ufiUfre rrertimt. FInd lhelpns{on cf the *tring.
*lea @qo n c. zaru CI.34 N

ts. nffi Q or h*at to *"H

sr dee. **.;15*r en*rsv ts nsed%1lgtke B epa dmffes?

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