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Allison Agee

Classroom Management Plan

Art Room

Includes my teaching philosophy, classroom key (rough), class expectations, a behavior

management strategy

Teaching philosophy- My teaching philosophy is a student-centered philosophy,

progressivism. Progressivism is a teaching style that has active engagement with the instruction and
promote cooperative learning. This pushes the students to be unique, self-motivated, and active in their
education. Progressivism lets the students obtain the knowledge through seeing, hearing, and doing, the
learning greatly benefits from hands on tasks.
As an educator I will demonstrate behavior I would like to see from my students, this means
doing things like being polite (please and thank you), asking permission to touch someone else’s
belongings, listening when another person is speaking and being respectful of others.

Classroom Expectations (RULES!)

First! What do you think are good classroom rules?
o Always raise your hand if you have a question during a time when I am talking. I
will call on you and answer.
o Saying “please” and “thank you” is something that should be said when asking for
something from a teacher or friend.
o Ask permission to use or barrow something if you need to use it from myself or a
friend. (Art supplies are limited and shared frequently, please make sure someone is
finished with it before you take it!)
o Return all supplies to their happy little homes!
o Last 15 minutes of class are our designated super speedy quick clean up time, so we
need to make sure supplies are put away and tables are clean and ready to go for the
next class!
o Art projects need to have your name on it and put in its designated spot at the end
of each class.
o Respect yourself and each other around you! Art class is a place for fun and
Classroom Key


Student Desk
Allison Agee

Behavior management strategy – There are a few different strategies I will uses to
manage behaviors and attend to any students need.
In my classroom I would like to see students making independent choices and being
responsible for their own belongings and actions. If there is inappropriate behavior, I will
address that on a person to person bases rather than addressing the entire class.
Consequences will address the behavior displayed and will be discussed privately. As for
good behavior I will enforce a positive and productive environment for students to thrive.
When grading or helping a student with work, I will use specific example of the things they
did well and put effort into listening, understanding, and helping them.
Art classrooms differ from the normal class, there tends to be less teacher lecture
and the classroom mood it a bit looser. During the times I will have to explain instructions
or topics to a class I will use a few strategies to help maintain the attention of the class. One
strategy I will utilize is using different speaking patterns and different voice levels to
exaggerate my description of a task and what is expected.
During independent work, the students’ desks will be arranged in groups of five,
and students will be free to talk to other classmates at a reasonable talking level. I will
explain that the class noise level needs to be not too loud so we can hear important
announcements or if there is an emergency. I will play appropriate music during
independent work times for the students to help get their brains into a creative state.
Reward system- I will put in place a reward system for positive displays of behavior
and rule fallowing. If the student keep noise levels down all week, and there are no
incidents with behavior the students will receive a treat of their choice. (I.e. cookies,
brownies, doughnuts, candy)

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