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aper B-IIVE-101

Human Values & Ethics

Course Credit: 02.

Contact hours/week: 02
Total Marks: 50

Course Outcomesr

will be able to correlate the need

of:uman values to sustained
B-HVE-101.1:- The students
the core aspirations of human beings.
happiness and prosperity-
the knowledge of human
B-HVE-101.2:- The stuclents wi!l be able to express
in holistie perspective for a peaceful
analyse their importance

Approaches to teaching .

ectures. power point Presenlations. Group Discussion

Requirements material;
Books and reference
attendance and active participation during the course;
assignments and presentations
Evaluatjon against expected the learning
understanding will be evaluated
Knowledge gained and quiz and disçussions based examples
basis of class participation. regularity,
outcomes on the concerned faculty:
will be conducted by
and situations. Evaluation


Human Values , Meaning and Delinjticons

education. Self-exploration
values and value
the need of human
(a) Lnderstanding understanding.understanding body
as an
and prosperily. Righi
concept happiness
of n digital age through
instrument of'1, Living in harmony, reaching highest potential
care & empathy balancing inlerestsiand
kindness. integrily. courage, co-operation.
(b) Basic human values: Honesty;
spirituality. understanding dutis & righis.
commitment, cleanliness.

Life Values and uni versal
Trust and respeCt.
Understanding of harmony in yourself family:
(a) Life Values:- units and
Nature mutually interacting
& unity in diversity
society: Co-exiatence
universe. the law, doing good and
adherence to
for others,
LUniversal Ethics-Loyality. respect
(b) accOuntability.
sensilive towards environment.
avoding harm to other.

impartiality and objectivity

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