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1 Objechive 0 Study selE -concept of an îndivitual

I1biecve: To Suo 3e-Concopt
Froiduol MANUAL

Selt-concept is a dominant element in personality pattern, therefore, tie
maasurement of self-conoept becomes essential. A variety.of methods arnd
techniquas have been developed fo measure self-congept. The problem
easuring theseliconaept to a targe extent still remains unsolved. The dificuty
h copgucting researchin such an area is thgtthiee9gPepbatsplfionot very wel
geftihs and is ina state of flux. Thera arésevéYaltërms that are virtuall
synonymous with seit-concept among them are Self-image". the "Ego?
Selundestanding". Selperceptionand "Pheñomehal Self".
Self-concept has been referred by Lowe (1961) as one's attitude towards
seli, and by Paderson (1965)asan organized coñnfiuration, of perceptions.
peliets, feeings,attitudes andvaiuss Whichtieindividual views as aRartof
characteristisot himset. Rogers.(1o5) defined selt-concept as "An organized
coniguratian of perceptions of the self which are admissible to awareness. It is
gompared gf such etements às the percepttons of one'schaYacteristics an
abilities, the percepts and coñtèpts oftthe sef inrelation to others and to the
environment, fhe value qualities which are percëived as aasociated with
experlences and objects, and the ggasangideals which are perceived as having
postive or negative valence." Sarasi Gaur (1991) desctibed self-concept
as "The sel-concept is the individual'sway of lookingat himself. t also signifies
nisway ptthipkiog,feelingand behaving"
ynche. Narem-Hebeisen and Gergen (1981) have quoted William Fitt's
suggestion thai aitention shouid be shitted fròm global measures of the
Manualiors co!3
felf-concept to configurations of responses across self-conceptdimensions.

Such configurationalpatterns'should 'sensitive to ervironmejtal effeçts

Anexamination of variousinstrumepts developedto measure self-concept
important component
reveals that these measures have not innorporated may
ot self-conceptpresumed in theory andh pbseryation.Thesé measures do no
deal with all aspects of self- concept, bu piovide harroy and limited
depending upon purpose and interest ofinvestigators.
peculiar characteristics
Adolescence is a perjod oflife with its own their own phiysical,
problems. Hence for doep penetrationjptoheir-perceptions
educatjonal, moral and intellectual
spheres of sel-concept
social, temperamental,
made in questionnaire
ar attempt has been this
need to be explored. As such, and characteristics
for eiciting information regarding adolescent's perceptions

Description of Self-Concept Inventory of self-concept

sbx separatedimensions
The self-concept inverntory provides
Moral, Educaional
and Temperamental Se
viz, Physical, Social, Intellectual, definitions of
s c o r e . The operational
total self-concept
concept. t also gives a
this inventory are::
selt-concept dimensions measured by
health, physical
1. Physica-Individuals"
view oftheir body,
and strength
Social-ndividua>'s sense of worth in social intractions.
emotional state or
view of their prevailing
emotional reaction.
of a particular kind of
predominance relation to school,
view of themselves in
extracurricular activities
teachers and
and wrong
estimation of their moral worth; right

activities. and capacity of

awareness of their intelligence
6. Intellectual.
problem solving
3.Reliabily9 d gniaat so reia ER
Relabinr ottheinwentpny wastotinao encha.anditnos
foundtabe,91,forthetotslseloonceptedsue.A iclenis oeits
varigus gimensig0S4arigs from67to 88.The following
testretestreliabilty for each dimarsOn
e TO te 2
oncep inventonu
dade Ndtspeonsepromens No ftemsti Reliabilityacoefficientss}
Physicar 77tt3,

14 emerárhentaeeieic i 9.
EducationaY. ia9t 8
E Moral 8 67
8 79

Total Solf-Concept 48

Toyoon. Si da

hr Validity Manual for SC Q | 7

-Experts opinloi Were obtained to
items were establish the validity of the
which psychologists to calssify.theitems to theinventory 100
agreement were selected. ThuSthe agreement and not loss
category to
thanB0% o
establish9d. . content and construct validity wer
and Norms 7 *i*7/

Self-coRcept Questionnaire was standardizd

Higher Secondary schools of
on.1000:students of 20
Schools. The pertainingto Delhi Administration and Central
students were from IXth and Xth ctasses ranging from 4to 18
years of both the
sexes.gonoe. Sida 1
nterpretation and Classification of Raw Scores for all Dimensions

Self-concept Dimension Score Interpretation (Category)

33 to 40 High Self-concept
25 to 32 Abpve Average Selficoncept
17 to 24 Average Self-concept
9 to 16 Below Average Selftconcept
Upto.8 Low Self-concept

Interpretation and Classilication of Raw Scores for Tolal Selt-Concept

Raw Score Interpretation

193 to 240 High Self-concept
145 to 192 Above Average concept
97 to 144 Average concept
Below Average concept
49 to 96
1 to 48
Low concept

Mat aials haquire*

Moua a

ttrt ag Pr1.
No. Page No.

4Me thod ologu

Name -POvitaa BalomuIUgpn_

EducOHON Stucuim gnode 12

O )he 'E' Oiaraea he 1aboiotoy-
b) The 1S' uuas cOued in9 ice ioboiotou
c Ihe S' uos mode LOsitcomfotobly
ad oppont u0s etoblished

dlInaAaLchons Fan conduehco oFhe

t e s t wene paovded
e AFLen h e best_uas commpieled the i9 Lwas
debieled, honKea od econLed u t oF
he 1obo1akay

The FOLLOLDi9instTLchons uueie quen by the
This is 0 SeIF - concept inuentoy: Tmene ane uS items

n it Faainst each item hene ane Fve xespongcs

undaram TeachersSign..
No. Page No

YOu bave to ICod ach Heee item coeklly

and i e p dto iE by maahing a HCk ( ) on onLY
one O h e Hve iesporees given ogainst
I t e m , u b i c h uou hinh descaibe uOu e l :

Thene 1S no gbE o n uaong anSwer The a1ghE

anauue1 1S Oniu_whoE uou Hee amutOUICE
Tay to give oun aesponses accondim te eBieb-
what uOu Ece about uounselE witb e i e n e r e
o Hhot astoternent: Youn anSLueSwillb e
Kept canfdeDHal:
Thene is no Hme limit bubL n y Lo complete
iEOA eoaly oS uou COn Hove LOU UDdenstoad
ADu queshons

0 Scoung:
Ine nesponoenE is paovided uuib ive a i t e m
ahes t o gives bis 1eapongea anqing
most accepLoble to least acceptoble descaipiOn
OF his seIE- corcepE The altenohues OF
AeapoDses o e oinanged insuch a a y HOt
h e SCOning susEem_EOn a h e iLems U
1emain he same i e , , 3,2,I
Lwhetthe h e iEemA Oae posihe aaneqoHve

Sundaram Teacher's Sign.

No. Page No

iespandent put(V)mank Fo H1SE
oltesDOHve aeeeese Hhe scOie 19 5,EO
secog oileinohye scone is , FO1 he hiid
OiteaOhe SCOne is 3 , Fon the FOUah s it
S 2 ad FOa h e HEb ord iosE alteiOHve
h e a c o i e 1S One The sumDOLad saoe OE O
he EoTty eighE iEems P1OvIde he Eotal
seiF -CoDept scOie oE an
bdiviUO: A bigh
ScOne on Hhis ineDtOL indicakee a bighen
SeEConaept ubile o l SCone shOuS IO
eeIf- conme pt TOnSFe hesC01e ot ech
lLen o n Hne EAODt O g e a q a i n 9 t H e Jt m:
Odd aHhe scOaes oF eight items
qiven in HhOE CoioumD, his uillQie uOU
econe For Hhat poihauior dinension OF
seiF -concept:

*Neipetotion 19 Indivituol aiea descphon.

-> Dimensio 'A' whicb states he indivituals

v i e w OF theiabady,heoth eic (phusica)
the s hod attOined a scoe o ubich

means the ls' cOn9iclens her physicai appeONane

leacherS Sign.

LO be avenaqe., She
veiu conHaci
is not
abeut hei phusical oppaaaanceaod heolhbur
SOished wIb hen lookg od accepis h e
EIdus a d
ui Lncat_ibem as hi sthenqth
DimenSiON_'B' Lbich sLaLes
indivituais senseg
oF UOnh n social ink1achon (90CiO
, he
S had attOined a 9cone aE 13
h a t h e sociol
ubich means
sKills oFS 1S obove Oveioge
She i S
Faiendly and caim but hesitanl Lo
apicochbut ullLOve_tO be aound peOpie

Dime nsion Cuhich gEates Hae indiitualg

i e w O F Hhein paeailinq
emoHona Stale
Ctempeiamental): Ihe s' had otLained a
aConeoF 29 uhich
mians9'hod abov e
Ovenage selF Concept The 's wll be in
h n best behavICUI i n m0SE aE he sitEua hion9
Ts cOOI ad
cheeafll mcsAlu e xcept ceilain.

Dimension 'D which stalea Hhe indivituas

vieu F henmseLNes In aeiaian LO schcal,
Leochen ond extacUaicUiOm achuity (Educoical)
The ' s hod abtained O
scone ok ubich
means 'S' hod abONe
aveioqe sei_conCept
The 's' wil have SLgble baion.ce betuueen school

leacher S Sign.
Page No

od exEnacunicLlon 'S uillbe veau hoad

wonkIDg cind cammitted tO hiauoak:

Oimens ionE unich statcs indivituals eshm0-

i o nin of hun monol uonth.( MO1al): The s
had oblgined a sCO1e at 31 wbich hod.

oboe aueioqe sei eancept s w l mast

of hmne hove kouwledae of whotis ight
land unong od wiL have cleon ieus Ch it:
Dimension Fuhich stokes indivitLuais
auaaneas of hin inHiigence om copadity
OF pacblem a0lum and judgenmenis (intilectualL
The 's' bad cbtoined 4bich had oboVe
Neaoqe seiF COncept \s is nat mch
owone of hin capocily and ine ligence But
will wonk hand ot OIL Hmee to mosten a
ponhculo ieid
The sum of ai dimAOIONS3 w0s whiCh
ineapieed hoL ndivuai hod aboue aveicQe
seiF Concep

h s net the end, Hre Conoluon Jek,

comtinue okt emLen koda

Sundaram Teacher's Sion

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