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South Africa is one of the most unequal countries in the world,

according to the World Bank (WB), due to a very unbalanced
distribution of wealth and a limited capacity for promotion of the poorest
High poverty in the country often makes refugee, orphaned and disabled children vulnerable to
the worst forms of child labour. More than 40% of children in South Africa overall are poor and
low-income, and two-thirds of children in rural areas are poor and low-income.
The GDP per capita is a very good indicator of the standard of living and in the case of South
Africa, in 2021, it was €5,885 euros, which ranks 92nd in the table, so its citizens have,
according to this parameter, a very low standard of living in relation to the rest of the 196
countries in the GDP per capita ranking.
South Africa is one of the few countries in the world where there are more adults out of work
than adults working. Along with other factors, such as single female-headed households, this
low number of employees accounts for much of the poverty and inequality in South Africa. It is
the biggest crisis facing South Africa. South Africa is the only country that, according to our
research, has had an unemployment rate of over 20% for more than two decades
Some three million South African households, almost 18 million people, live below the poverty
level, set at a monthly income of R353 (US$58). African women constitute the majority of its
victims: 71% of African women live below the poverty line.
Poverty is also related to race: there are only 2.1% poor whites compared to 57% poor Africans.
In 1999, 20% of South Africans lack access to clean water, compared to 30% in 1994 20%
more South Africans than in 1994 have electricity in 1999, and 10% more have telephones.
A closer look at the statistics reveals a depressing situation: approximately 20% of South
Africans have no formal education and only 16.4% have completed school. Just 54% of South
Africans live in formal housing. In 1997, only 15% of African women living in rural areas were
employed. An alarming number of them were considered poor even though they received a



Gender equality, social visibility, economic and financial independence, access to the labor
market and the free development of their personality are some of the challenges faced by
women in this
Today, South Africa is considered the most unequal country in the world. Two additional facts
reveal the true face behind the increase in poverty:
From 1994 to 1999, 500,000 people were laid off from their jobs and another million jobs were
deemed redundant, contributing to a 35% increase in unemployment in the country. Most of the
losses were suffered by unskilled rural workers;
From 1991 to 1996, the income of the poorest 30% of South Africans gradually decreased,
widening the gap between deprivation and poverty.
Women who also migrate to the city find it difficult to find work and most work in the
commercial sector or as sex workers.
Currently the women of South Africa and Namibia have the guarantees of important advances
enshrined in the Constitution, thus exhausting the right to equality; freedom and security,
control over one's own body, measures to improve the quality of life for all women, the right to
Until now, the marriage law of the African country is one of the most advanced, since it
recognizes marriage between same-sex couples, without exceptions, and contemplates the
figure of polygamy, although only for men.
Incidents of gender-based violence increased markedly and women's access to sexual and
reproductive health care was restricted.
The figures of violence perpetrated against women and children are terrifying. Bheki Cele,
South African Police Minister, assured in 2019 that 114 cases of rape are registered per day (a
figure that should be multiplied by three, according to estimates of cases that are not reported)
and that a woman is murdered every three hours in the country. . Figures that have not stopped
growing in the last decade, registering between 2018 and 2019 an increase of 4.6% in the
number of deaths (21,022) and sexual assaults that include rape (52,420).



This is a critical concern for South Africans, as climate change will affect the general state and
well-being of the country, for example as far as regards water resources.
Along the west coast of South Africa flows a cold sea current, the Benguela Current, which
makes the climate arid, because it inhibits the formation of vertical currents that could
condense. We are in the southern part of the Namib desert, where rains are rare and sporadic.
There are no major cities in this part of the country.
The climate here is consistently mild, so daytime temperatures average between 16 degrees in
winter and around 20C in summer, even if rapid heating when the torrid desert wind blows
cannot be ruled out. However, with the fog, humidity and wind, it can get cold, especially in
winter. In fact, along the coast, the cold current also determines the formation of fog, mist and
low clouds, especially in the early hours of the day.
The climate here is consistently mild, so daytime temperatures average between 16 degrees in
winter and around 20C in summer, even if rapid heating when the torrid desert wind blows
cannot be ruled out. However, with the fog, humidity and wind, it can get cold, especially in
winter. In fact, along the coast, the cold current also determines the formation of fog, mist and
low clouds, especially in the early hours of the day.
The South African government has committed to peak CO2 emissions between 2020 and 2025.
South Africa has agreed to work with other signatories to the Paris Agreement to keep
temperature increases below 2°C.
How is climate change affecting South Africa?
Extreme rains and floods like those that caused more than 400 deaths in parts of the African
country in April are twice as likely due to climate change, according to a new rapid attribution
CO2 emissions on the rise in South Africa
CO2 emissions in 2021 have been 435,523 megatons, with which South Africa is among the
countries that pollute the most in the ranking of countries by CO2 emissions, made up of 184
countries, in which the countries are ordered from least to most polluting.


The South African authorities must restore law and order and the rule of law immediately,
ensuring an effective criminal justice system.


Those suspected of being responsible for the violence and looting must be held accountable in
fair trials.
South Africa is not in a good position in the global peace ranking, located at number 118 in the
global peace ranking, it can be considered a dangerous country.
It has improved its situation compared to the previous year, since in 2021 it was in 123rd place.
What is the current situation of human rights in South Africa?
Sexual and reproductive rights
Many women and girls were unable to access sexual and reproductive health services during the
restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 lockdown. In Gauteng province, 23,226 teenage
pregnancies were recorded between April 2020 and March 2021.
How did the peace process take place in South Africa?
The war ended with the independence of Namibia and the withdrawal of the South African and
Cuban forces. A period of peace arose between the nations of southern Africa, which were
signing peace with the different guerrilla groups financed by the South African regime.
Strong Instructions:
Personal space is limited. When conversing, it is common for
people are physically close, sometimes shoulder to shoulder
with shoulder Direct eye contact is common, though
staring for a long time could be considered
Everyone present is greeted, starting with the oldest person.


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