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1. Do u ever fight against schoolmates ? against your brothers ?

2. Have u ever been angered by teacher?

3. Who is more often angry with u,father or mother ?
4. Did u ever have bad marks in a test? Why ?
5. Have you ever seen your friends fighting? How do u feel n what did u do?
6. If u were a superhero,who would u like to be ?why ?
7. If you got a scholarship,would u be ready to study abroad (in Singapore) ?
8. Are you familiar with your place > what is RT/RW in your area?
9. What kelurahan are you in? do u know who pak RT is ?
10. Do u know the difference between kotamadya and kabupaten?
11. Why don’t u have KTP yet ?

1. Do you idolize someone ? who’s that? Why?

2. How well do u know about yourself.
a. What things don’t u like doing at home?
b. What things do you very often leave behind
c. Your habit when you are stressed
d. Your reaction when your parents wake u up in the morning
e. What places/cities do u want to visit?
f. Your reaction when u make mistakes
g. Your reaction when you feel ashamed
h. Yr mother’s car plate number
i. Yr student attendance in class
j. Yr father’s motorcycle’s plate no
k. Yr favourite snack for breaking the fast
l. The last time u cried? Why?

1. MODALS >> can,will,must, may,should

2. ADV OF FREQUENCY >> always,often,never, sometimes, once
3. REGULAR VERBS > berjalan,mengunjungi,mengetik,mendengarkan,menyentuh
4. IRREGULAR VERBS > lupa,membayar,menjaga,mengajar,berpikir
5. COUNTABLE THINGS > watch(es),life,study (studies),child(ren),tooth (teeth)
6. UNCOUNTABLE THINGS > berita,darah,roti,selai,lalu lintas
17. SHAPES > triangle,square,rectangle,circle,ellips
18. QUANTITY > volume (liter),weight (kg),height (cms) TV monitor (inch),Length (km)
19. SEASONING > garam,merica,bawang,jahe,gula
20. MATH TERMS > kurang,tambah,bagi,kali,sama dengan

1. Triangle,circle and square are the names of ……………

a. lines b. shapes c. angles d. ruler
2. The …………………… of Bandung city is Dada Rosada
a. governor b. head c. minister d. mayor
3. A : ……………… book is it? B : it is my book
a. Which b. who c. whose d. what
4. Yesterday I ……………… to Jakarta with my friends
a. go b. going c. went d. goes
5. A : Woud you ………………… if I sit beside you? B : No,please do
a. like b. mind c. agree d. happy
6. Opposite of hungry > a. tired b. yummy c. strong d. full
7. Busy X a, relax b. sick c. enjoy d. mellow
8. Stop X a.exit b.escape c.quit d.resume
9. Yummy X a.nice b.tasty c.delicious d.plain
10. Tall X a.small b.little c.low
11. Synonym animal > a.mammal b.flora c.fauna d.insects
12. come = a. visit b. arrive c. leave d. take off
13. answer = a.send b.ask c.replay d.reply
14. hard = a.simple b.easy c.difficult d.different
15. fast = a. speedy b. giant c. slow d. delay

The importance of learning

Assalamualaikum wr wb. Good morning everybody. Today I’m going to talk about “the
importance of learning”. Before I begin,let me introduce myself. My name is
........................... I’m in class ...................
Learning is a process to know something. As a student we must learn because if we are lazy
to learn ,we will not know something that we are supposed to know. We often feel that
learning is a boring activity. That is why we must find the way to make learning become an
interesting thing. I think we can be successful to learn if we have a high motivation. For
example, a child who is learning to ride a bicycle. Although he falls off his bicycle many
times,he never gives up until he finally succeeds to ride it.
In Qur’an of Al Alaq verse Allah commands,” Iqro !” which means “read”. In this way Allah
tells us to learn. The sources of learning is not only school books. We can also learn from our
enivironment, computer media or internet and from somone’s experience.
Allah says that He will put people with high knowledge in a higher degree. So,how can we
become someone with high knowledge if we are lazy to learn ?
Therefore, let’s spare our time to learn so that we can cope with the problems and difficulties
of life.
That’s all about my speech. I hope it can be useful for all of us. Thank you for your attention.
Wass. Wr wb
1. Tell the difference of is,am,are,was were
2. Tell the difference of do,does,did
3. Tell the difference of countable-uncountable nouns
4. Tell the difference of many.much a lot
5. this,that,these and those
6. 5 adverbs of frequency
7. 5 modals (and turunannya)
8. Tell the difference of a and an
9. Tell the difference of have,has and had
10. beside and besides…sometime and sometimes
11. Tell the difference of FOR and SINCE
12. 3 functions of HAVE

Subject-object relation

I – me – my book – mine – myself

You .......................................................
Toto .....................................................
The children .....................................................
The cat ......................................................
You and I ........................................................

1. Kemarin Toto memberi kami sebuah buku. Kami sangat berterimakasih kepadanya
2. Rina sendiri membuat kopi itu untuk mereka
3. Ngong adalah kucing kami. Ia sangat lucu.
4. Tas itu bukan kepunyaan Mimi. Itu kepunyaanku
5. Mereka sendiri mengantar anak itu ke rumahnya

1. Verb-Adverb : work –hard/carefully

- walk,run,come,eat,speak,sing,play,jump,read,talk,throw,wait,drive,drink,get up
2. Noun-adj : Mr bean ? funny
- grandpa, chilli, lion, turtle, ant, hospital, ball, ice, fire, cake, Mercedez Benz,
horse, sugar, mountain, Dian Sastro/Manohara,
3. Noun-Verb : book? Read Pen? Write
- radio, house, market, frog, baby, foot, school, balloon, chair, car, eyes, birds,
kitchen, children, bed
4. Noun – Noun : blackboard? Chalk
- bird (tree), car (garage), rice (farmer), bank (money), baby (milk), library
(book), post office, hair,photo, motorcycle, animal,shoes

Lingkungan = a.neighbour b.environment c.development d.society

Kebiasaan = a.habit b.hobby c.attitude d.behaviour
Pencegahan= b.prevention c.maintenance
Keselamatan = b.healthy d.peace
Persahabatan=a.friendly b.friendster c.friendship d.friend
Agama= a.religious b.religion c.religy d.religiousity
Kebudayaan= a.tradition b.culture d.tourism
Perkembangan = a.increase b.decrease c.development
Penyesuaian = a.setting b.adaptation c.perception d.emotion
Pengetahuan = a.knowledge b.research c.investigation d.clarification
Pemberitahuan= a.guidance b.direction c.notification d.manual
Perawatan = a.treatment b.therapy c.medication d.consultation
Pencemaran = a.destruction b.danger c.contamination d.violence
Iklan = a.announcement b.information c.procedure d.advertisement
Perayaan = a.ceremony b.celebration c.invitation d.reception
Hiburan= b.entertainment c.gossip d.clubbing
Batas = a.line b.limit c.exipire d.division
Pendidikan=a.lesson d.culture
Tipuan = a.magic c.tricks d.witch
III. Answer correctly with the most appropriate words or phrases

Example : Titin is 175 cms in height. Dodo is 1165 cms (compare)

Answer : Titin is taller than Dodo.

1. …………………………… is a rich man,Mr Surahman is not arrogant at all


2. (+) We saw the drama

(-) …………………………………………………………………………

3. We …………………… not go to school yesterday because we …………………… sick

(simple past tense)

4. I live ………………………… jl Nangka 13,while my sister stays.........jl Beruk


5. I go to work ………………… seven o’clock ……………………… the morning and come

back home ………………………… night (preposition)

6. A’s car is 500 million rupiah. Dullah’s car is 500 million rupiah
too. (comparison)
so, A’s car is ………………………………………………… Dullah’s car

Check your English Vocabulary

1.Musim 6. Musim semi 11. angin

2.Cuaca 7. Suhu 12. badai
3.Iklim 8. Ramalan 13. kabut
4.Banjir 9. Mendung 14. pelangi
5.khatulistiwa 10.petir 15. matahari terbenam

16.jika 21.kurang lebih 26.siapapun

17.ketika 22.kalau tidak 27.siapa lagi
18.walaupun 23.kecuali jika 28.oleh sebab itu
19.sehingga 24.asalkan 29.apapun
20.disebabkan oleh 25.kecuali 30.paling tidak

31.di belakang 36.jalan layang 41.batas

32.di depan 37.jalan pintas 42.pusat kota
33.di sebelah 38.pertigaan jalan 43.pejalan kaki
34.di sudut 39.kemacetan jalan 44.bundaran
35.diseberang 40.jembatan penyebrgan 45.jalan bebas hambatan

46.kandungan 51.uap 56.bahan makanan

47.tekanan 52.mendidih 57.bumbu
48.zat 53.membeku 58.terigu
49.cair 54.derajat 59 merica
50.padat 55.asam 60.renyah

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