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PERTEMUAN KE 4 Nama : Rizki Ferdiansyah
Dosen : Purwono Hendradi Kelompok kuliah : A
Materi : LAN dan Wireless LAN

Based on Network design , do the task step by step and following the instruction
Screenshot and or crop the paste at the box (You can change the size but don't delete the box)

1. PC IP address setting based on your NIM

2. Set IP for Access Point (AP) Connect to The Swich-Hub

3. Set IP for AP for Wireless use Dynamic IP (DHCP)

Experiment :
1. Check IP address on wireless device (Laptop and Smartphone)

2. One form them no IP Address is :

3. Tell the reason (in simple English)

one of the devices is not connected to the internet because the access point has
been set up with a maximum of two devices that can connect.

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