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7. What uniquely strategic things does the business do to deliver its proposition?

The proposed product not just makes delivery by water possible, but it also helps lessen the
delivery time because transferring of supplies is not going to be necessary anymore as the amphibian
vehicle can just be transformed into the necessary form (boat, vehicle) for a fewer amount of time.

8. How does the business earn revenue from the value proposition?

This vehicle is necessary for delivery of materials across water. Construction firms need to have
this product for them to be able to finish projects on time or even early. And upon saying that, we aim to
offer this product to firms with projects in isolated areas or in islands.

9. What are the business’ major cost drivers? How are they linked to revenue?

Our major cost drivers are going to be the size, speed, and gas consumption of the vehicle. The
size of the product our clients are going to need depends on the project they are working on. And the
engine installed in the vehicle is going to be crucial for the urgency of the project. And lastly, the gas
consumption which is a vital resource for the vehicle. Our business can sell out vehicles if the firms want
to have their own amphibian courier permanently. And we can also rent out our vehicles to the firms
with one-time projects in isolated areas or islands.

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