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In recent times, huge technological leaps have provided businesses with advantageous ways of

saving time and money. However, I only partially agree with this view, as relying too much on technology

causes logistical problems and has resulted in financial difficulties for members of the workforce.

Advances in technology have brought about financial and logistical benefits. Firstly, such

advances have meant businesses are able to cut down on their employees, resulting in lower wage bills.

This has led to higher profits and cheaper products. One example of this was the introduction of

supermarket tills that can scan bar codes on items instead of the cashier having to enter each price

manually. Secondly, technology enables businesses to perform tasks more quickly than before. A prime

example is word processing software. Products like Microsoft Word have shortened the work flow in the

publishing industry. Whereas journalists in the 1980’s had to write an article on a typewriter, then take

it to a printer, who then had to do the painstaking task of adding individual letters to a printing press,

now they create Word documents, email them to the printer, who inputs them into publishing software.

However, in my opinion, these technological improvements have led to logistical problems and

devasting financial consequences. Firstly, computer bugs create major problems, such as delays at the

airport. These cause anxiety for passengers, and meaning that the airport or airline carriers often need

to pay customers compensation, leading to falls in profit. Moreover, whereas businesses delight in

reducing their staff, this has put many unemployed workers in financial straits.

In conclusion, despite many people celebrating technology at work, I firmly believe that its

disadvantages are more significant. However, since technology will continue to progress, workers must

try to educate themselves in this respect to improve their chances of employment.

300 words


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