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Project Development Phase

Date 18 October 2022

Team ID PNT2022TMID35911
Project Name Smart solution for Railways

Sprint Traget :
Functional User
Story Priorit Team
Sprint Requirement Story User Story / Task
Points y Members
(Epic) Number

As a user, I can sign up using Sanjay krishnan

Sprint-1 Registration -USN-1 2 High
my email, password Abishek

As a user, I will receive

Sprint-1 -USN-2 confirmation email once I have 1 High Sanjay krishnan
registered. Abishek

As a user, I can log into the

Sprint-1 Login -USN-3 application by entering email & 1 High Sanjay krishnan
password Abishek

• In this sprint we have presented an android application, which can be used for signing up and login
to use the service.
New users can enter their email address and preferably a strong password
Once they hit signup option, a verification link will be sent to that corresponding email address.
Verification E-mail :
E-Mail is saved in the database
If the user tries to login before verifying his/her email address, a pop-up window will alert them
After verification process, the user may login to use the service .

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