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Cognate and false cognate words Leonardo, 104

COGNATES: Family [Família] (fam·lee), Ex: I have a great Family

Visible [Visível] (vi·zuh·bl), Ex: That isn´t Visible

Patience [Paciência] (pei·shns), Ex: Do not try my Patience

Culture [Cultura] (kuhl·chr), Ex: I love russian Culture

Economy [Economia] (ee·kaa·nuh·mee), Ex: He doesn´t understand about Economy

Precious [Precioso] (preh·shuhs), Ex: My Precious

Specific [Específico] (spuh·si·fuhk), Ex: This is too Specific for my little head

Music [Música] (miu·ssk), Ex: She loves lo-fi Music

Machinery [Maquinário] (muh·shee·nr·ee), Ex: In grandmom´s far has a Machinery

Idea [Ideia] (ai·dee·uh), Ex: They had a great idea

FALSE COGNATES: Actually [Na verdade] (ak·shoo·uh·lee), Ex: He thought that i like fries,
actually no...

Contest [Concurso] (konn·tust), Ex: Sorry, I have a contest tomorrow

College [ Faculdade] (kaa·luhj), Ex: I have to go to College tomorrow

Fabric [Tecido] (fa·bruhk), Ex: All my clothes are made with good fabrics

Adept [Especialista] (Ah·da·pt), Ex: Call the informatic adept now!

Prejudice [Preconceito] (preh·juh·duhs) Ex: I don´t have any prejudice

Service [Atendimento] (sur·vuhs) Ex: I didn´t pay any service for anyone

Cigar [Charuto] (suh·gaar) Ex: Could you bring a cuban cigar for me ?

Push [Empurrar] (push) Ex: I pushed him because he hitted me

Engaged [Noivo] (uhn·geijd) Ex: Now he’s engaged!

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