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JEAN: hi guys! how are you?

X: fine and you?

JEAN: Very well, although a little tired because I finished doing the housework. Do you do
housework at home?

X: Yes, I do! Even though I could afford a home, I prefer to do it on my own. I live by myself in a
small, studio apartment so it’s easy enough. Actually, I find housework to be relaxing.

JEAN: Really? I also relax when I do the housework, I like the mindless activity (something which
doesn’t require hard thinking) of scrubbing the shower, floors, and kitchen cabinets. I really
hate sweeping though! I always miss too many spots. What kinds of housework do you often

X: All of them! I do dishes, dusting, sweeping, mopping, and scrubbing the kitchen and

JEAN: How often do you perform this activity?

X: I usually do a deep clean every two weeks, but keep tidying up during the week. I have a pet
peeve (something that really bothers you) of having a clean bathroom, so I generally do that
about once a week.

Jean: Oh great! this way you keep the whole house very clean, I also usually do it twice a week
although sometimes I get very tired from university and I have to do homework and I don't
have time to do the housework. Did you do housework when you were a child?

X: Yes, my parents enforced this. They had a rotation chore assignment chart for the 4 of us
children every week.

Jean: really? We would earn $5 a week for completing them. If we acted up (misbehave), extra
chores would be put on (assigned to) us. If we had a special accomplishment, like straight A’s,
we would be off chores for a week.

Jean: Do you think that men and women should share housework?

X: Without a doubt! I don’t believe in these gender stereotypes of only women doing
Jean: Of course! I believe it is the responsibility of both people. Moreover, when they share the
responsibilities, it takes the pressure off both of them. However, if one spouse is working all day
and the other is at home, I think the one at home should cover the housework.

Jean: Well, I have to go, I'm almost in class! Bye

X: oh my goodness, it's almost 6:30 pm I have to go to class too, take care!

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