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When the vast majority of people all over the world have been used of online purchase

and keep buying goods in high frequency, the new purchasing trend has gradually
appeared and the whole world bursts into it. Applying of Internet in commerce has
created an effective and efficient way in shopping environment. It enables consumers to
make decisions or transitions anytime and anywhere (Yoon & Occeña, 2015).
Yoon, H. S., & Occeña, L. G. (2015). Influencing factors of trust in consumer-to-
consumer electronic commerce
with gender and age. International Journal of Information Management, 35(3), 352-363.

On-line retail sales of goods and services are projected to grow from
$45 billion in 2000, or 1.5 percent of total retail sales, to $269 billion in
2005, or 7.8 percent of total retail sales projected for that year (Dykema,
Dykema, E. B. 2000. “On-line Retail’s Ripple
Effect.” September. Forrester Research Report, <journals
Forrester Research Inc., Cambridge, MA.

Recent statistics from Statista(2022), stated that the revenue of the Philippine’s e-
commerce market amounted to US$ 1,237 M (Php 62,346,500) last year. The market
penetration reached 32.2 percent. An estimated total of 33.81 million users are
recorded. Meanwhile, electronics and media serve as the largest segment with a market
volume of US$543 million (Php 27,367,900,000).

Meanwhile, in the local aspect, small business owners’ profits were raised
due to the tapping of the advancement of technologies, most especially the internet
(Cayon, 2018). Around two hundred and forty-eight (248) micro-small businesses
boosted because of its affiliation to the social media and internet. Moreover, the
use of Facebook had been tapped by the Davao City Agriculturist Office (DCAO)
as the medium of negotiation which could be useful for the interested people in
agriculture (Jara, 2018).
Cayon, M. (2018, December 21). E-commerce boosts sales of Davao small biz
owners. Retrieved from
Jara, M. S. (2018, May 14). Davao City taps online platform to help farmers with
direct sales. Retrieved from

Though e-commerce offers a range of advantages that collectively have been shown to
be important enough to attract massive interest, recent research showed that a
fundamental problem in e-commerce environment is trust (M. Lee, 2009, Liao et al.,
2011, Shandan et al., 2012).
AlGhamdi, Drew, and Al-Ghaith (2011) demonstrated a general lack of trust in vendor
as a critical factor inhibiting online transactions. Alshehri, Drew, and Alfarraj (2012) also
suggested that a lack of trust is emerging as one of the significant obstacles to success
in Internet shopping. In terms of trust issues, it should be more important in e-commerce
than in traditional commerce because of the lack of rules and regulation in e-commerce
and because the purchase of goods and services on the Internet typically is not
immediately verifiable. Moreover, online transactions lack the assurance provided in
traditional settings through formal proceedings and receipts (Gefen, 2004). Indeed,
research has shown that high levels of consumer trust encourage online purchase
intentions and helps retain online customers (Gefen and Straub, 2000)
_Physical_and_Virtual_Store AlGhamdi, Drew, and Al-Ghaith
government_services_adoption_in_Saudi_Arabia_Obstacles_and_Challenges' Alshehri,
Drew, and Alfarraj Gefen
_Study_of_E-Commerce_Adoption Gefen and Straub

Decision-making during online shopping is different from that in other purchasing

methods, such as street
shopping. Marketers need to identify the determinants of consumers’ online shopping
process. Smith (2003)
gave a framework of online decision-making process. Zhou, Dai, & Zhang (2007) stated
various ways of
consumer’s decision and motivation, while Monsuwé, Dellaert, & Ruyter (2004) argued
that the motivation
factors are also influenced by external factors. Saranya, Anjana, & Thomas (2014)
introduced and analysed
decision support systems (DSSs) as computer based information systems which can
support decision making by
analysing data and provide interactive information.

Smith, A. D. (2003). Strategic online customer decision making: Leveraging the

transformational power of the
Internet. Online Information Review, 27(6), 418-432.
Zhou, L., Dai, L., & Zhang, D. (2007). Online shopping acceptance model-a critical
survey of consumer factors
in online shopping. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 8, 41-61.
Monsuwé, T. P. Y., Dellaert, B. G. C., & Ruyter, K. D. (2004). What drives consumers to
shop online? A
literature review. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15(1), 267-287.
Saranya, K. S., Anjana, P., & Thomas, G. K. (2014). Decision support system for CRM
in online shopping
system. International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology, 3(2),

In Bettman (1979) The customer is portrayed as having a constrained capacity for

information processing in Information Processing. Consumers rarely conduct extremely
in-depth examinations of the different options when given a choice. Instead, the
customer usually uses quick decision-making methods or heuristics. These decision-
simplifying principles help the customer make a selection by giving them a way to avoid
the unnecessarily burdensome effort of evaluating all the information available about all
the options.

Bhatnagar, A., & Papatla, P. (2016). Increasing online sales by facilitating spillover
shopping. American Society
of Civil Engineers, 29, 58-69.
Nielsen. (2016b). What are connected shoppers doing and not doing online? Retrieved
Monsuwé, T. P. Y., Dellaert, B. G. C., & Ruyter, K. D. (2004). What drives consumers to
shop online? A
literature review. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15(1), 267-287.

Payne, J. W. (1982). Contingent decision behavior. Psychological Bulletin, 92(2), 382-

Shugan, S. M. (1980). The cost of thinking. Journal of Consumer Research, 7(2), 99-

Anderberg, M. R. (1973). Cluster Analysis for Applications. Probability & Mathematical

Statistics New York
Academic Press, 347-353.
Everitt, B., & Hothorn, T. (1980). Cluster analysis. Quality & Quantity, 14(1), 75-100.
Kaufman, L., & Rousseeuw, P. J. (2009). Finding groups in data: an introduction to
cluster analysis. John Wiley & Sons.
Huang, Z. (1998). Extensions to the k-means algorithm for clustering large data sets
with categorical values.
Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery, 2(3), 283-304.
Beach, L. R. (1993). Broadening the definition of decision making: The role of prechoice
screening of options.
Psychological Science, 4(4), 215-220.
Peng, W., Chen, J., & Zhou, H. (2009). An implementation of ID3 - decision tree
learning algorithm. From.
Ratchford, B. T. (1982). Cost-benefit models for explaining consumer choice and
information seeking behavior.
Management Science, 28(2), 197-212.
Chang, C. (2011). The effect of the number of product subcategories on perceived
variety and shopping experience in an online store. Journal of Interactive Marketing,
25(3), 159-168.

Agrawal, R. (1993). Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases.
Acm Sigmod Record,
22(2), 207-216.
Wang, W., & Benbasat, I. (2009). Interactive decision aids for consumer decision
making in e-commerce: The influence of perceived strategy restrictiveness. Mis
Quarterly, 33(2), 293-320
Hoch, S. J., & Schkade, D. A. (1996). A psychological approach to decision support
systems. Management
Science, 42(1), 51-64
Festinger, L. (1954). A theory of social comparison processes. Human Relations, 7(7),
Hess, T. J., Fuller, M. A., & Mathew, J. (2006). Involvement and decision-making
performance with a decision
aid: The influence of social multimedia, gender, and playfulness. Journal of
Management Information
Systems, 22(3), 15-54.

Häubl, G., & Trifts, V. (2000). Consumer decision making in online shopping
environments: The effects of
interactive decision aids. Marketing Science, 19(1), 4-21.

Nearly 76% of American adults purchase online. The value of global e-commerce is
predicted to reach $5.5 trillion in 2022. (Cloudwards, 2022)

According to projections, online retail sales of products and services will increase from
$45 billion or 1.5% of total retail sales in 2000 to $269 billion in 2005, or 7.8 percent of
the anticipated total retail sales (Dykema, 2000).
Practically all online purchases are covered under the e-commerce sector and online
shopping. These online purchases now total trillions of dollars annually as a result of
stores going online, third-party marketplaces, and expanding internet access worldwide.

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