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ANSWER SHEETS (for practice examination)

Quarter: 3 Academic year: 2021 – 2022

Student’s full name: …………………………………………… Course code: CSE 205

Student’s IRN: …………………………………………… Course name: Networks & Communications
Date of Birth: …………………………………………… Exam code: ……………………………………………
Mobile phone: …………………………………………… Date: 22/06/2022
No. of answer sheets: …………………………………………… Time: 8:00 am – 10:00 am

* During the exam, students are allowed to write their answers in word file (Answer sheet) provided by
EIU/examiner. After the exam, students convert the word file (Answer sheet) into a PDF file. The PDF file
should have name in the following format “Ngày thi_Mã MH_Mã số SV_Họ và tên SV.pdf”.
* PDF file should have screenshots of network design, screenshot or written code of each network and
device configuration (like router, switch, etc.) and screenshots of the output of every instruction.
* Source code file should have name “Student_Name_Roll_Number.ext” where ext is the extension of
corresponding program language (.pkt). After the exam, students create a .zip file which contains source
code files of the final solutions and the PDF file (Answer sheet). The .zip file should have name in the
following format “Ngày thi_Mã MH_Mã số SV_Họ và tên”. Within 10 minutes after the exam,
student should upload the zip file on Moodle with the file name in the correct format.

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