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Laboratory 1: Experiments

1. Create the following tables in MySQL:

a) Table name: Employee

Column Name Data Type Size Constraints

Emp_Name VARCHAR 20
Salary INT
Join_Date DATE

b) Table name: Department

Column Name Data Type Size Constraints

Dept_No INT Primary Key
Dept_Name VARCHAR 15
Dept_Loc VARCHAR 20 Not Null

c) Table name: Project

Column Name Data Type Size Constraints

Project_No VARCHAR 15 Primary Key
Project _Cost INT
Project _Head VARCHAR 15

2. Insert the following Data into the corresponding tables:

Department Project

Dept_No Dept_Name Dept_Loc Project_No Emp_No Project _Cost Project _Head

1 Research Ho Chi Minh P1 E1 1000000 E4
2 Finance Hanoi P2 E3 1200000 E3
3 Maintenance Da Nang P3 E5 1530000 E4
4 Store Dai An P4 E1 850000 E3
5 Production Da Lat P5 E2 2500000 E2
P6 E4 280000 E4
P7 E5 1800000 E7
P8 E7 2250000 E9
P9 E6 700000 E6
P10 E8 120000 E1

Emp_No Emp_Name City Salary Dept_No Join_Date

E1 Dat Ho Chi Minh 10000 1 10/02/2015
E2 Phương Da Nang 18000 2 06/08/2015
E2 Phương Da Nang 18000 2 06/08/2015
E3 Tân Da Nang 7000 1 09/05/2016
E4 Việt Hanoi 8000 2 13/10/2016
E5 Dat Ho Chi Minh 7000 1 05/12/2016
E5 Dat Ho Chi Minh 7000 1 05/12/2016
E6 Duc Dai An 12000 5 07/02/2015
E7 Quân Da Lat 8500 3 20/08/2016
E8 Nhung Ho Chi Minh 15000 4 12/03/2015
E9 Khôi Hanoi 12000 5 03/12/2016
E10 Tân Da Nang 9000 4 15/08/2016
E11 Lợi Ho Chi Minh 8500 5 17/05/2015

3. Write SQL queries for following operations:

a. Show all the databases names present into your system.
show databases;
b. Create a new database name as “Lab1”.
create database lab1.
c. Use the database “Lab1”.
use lab1;
d. Show all the tables names present into your database “Lab1”.
show tables;
e. Create “Employee” table.
create table employee (emp_no varchar (15), emp_name varchar (20), city varchar
(20), salary int, dept_no integer (3), join_date date);
f. Create “Department” table.
create table department (dept_no int, dept_name varchar (15), dept_loc varchar
g. Create “Project” table.
create table project (project_no varchar (15), emp_no varchar (15), project_cost int,
project_head varchar (15));
h. Describe the “Employee” table description.
desc employee;
i. Describe the “Department” table description.
desc department;
j. Describe the “Project” table description.
desc project;
k. Insert values into “Employee” table.
insert into employee values (‘E1’, ‘Dat’, ‘Ho Chi Minh’, 10000, 1, ‘2015-02-10’);
l. Insert values into “Department” table.
insert into department (dept_no, dept_name, dept_loc) values (1, ‘Research’, ‘Ho
Chi Minh’);
m. Insert values into “Project” table.
insert into project values (‘P1’, ‘E1’, 1000000, ‘E4’);
n. Display all data of “Employee” table.
select * from employee;
o. Display all data of “Department” table.
select * from Department;
p. Display all data of “Project” table.
select * from project;
q. Find all employee names from “Employee” table who lives in Ho Chi Minh City.
select emp_name from employee where city = ‘Ho Chi Minh’;
r. Find all employee names from “Employee” table who lives in Hanoi.
select emp_name from employee where city = ‘Hanoi;
s. Display all employee names from “Employee” table without duplicate values.
select distinct emp_name from employee;
t. Create a new table name as “EmpSalary” from “Employee” table whose attributes are
employee name, employee number and employee salary.
create table empsalary as select emp_no, emp_name, emp_salary from employee;
u. Insert data “E12” as employee number and “50000” as salary in “EmpSalary” table.
See the previous insert into example…
v. Show all data from “EmpSalary” table.
select * from empsalary;
w. Find all the employee’s name from “Employee” table whose salary is greater than 10000.
select emp_name from employee where salary > 10000;
x. Find the employee’s name from “Employee” table whose city is “Ho Chi Minh” and
salary is less than equal to 10000.
select emp_name from employee where city = ‘Ho Chi Minh’ and salary <= 10000;
y. Find all the employee’s name from “Employee” table who lives in either “Hanoi” or “Dai
select emp_name from employee where city = ‘Ho Chi Minh’ or city = ‘Dai An’;
z. Find all the employee’s name from “Employee” table who are not lives in “Ho Chi
Way 1: select emp_name from employee where city <> ‘Ho Chi Minh’;
Way 2: select emp_name from employee where city != ‘Ho Chi Minh’;
Way 3: select emp_name from employee where not city = ‘Ho Chi Minh’;
aa. Display only all employee names and their salary from “Employee” table.
select emp_name, salary from employee;
bb. From “Employee” table, select all those employee’s name and city of who born 31st
December 2015.
select emp_name, city from employee where date_of_birth = ‘2015-12-31’;

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