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Control of scattered radiation,

X-ray tables and 'bucky'

SCA1TERED RADIATION 85 radiograph is a pattern of densities forming a shadow image

Formation of the radiographic image 85 of the structures penetrated by the radiation. The extent
STATIONARY GRIDS 87 to which the radiation is absorbed is determined by the
atomic number of the tissues encountered. Bone, for exam-
Parallel grid or non-focused grid 87
ple (atomic number 14), absorbs more radiation than soft
The focused grid 89 tissue (atomic number 7.4) or fat (atomic number 6.0).
Cross-hatch grids 90 The image is formed by emergent primary radiation reach-
The grid cassette 90 ing the film. Contrast is determined partly by the extent
The all metal grid 90 to which primary radiation penetrates the various body
Metal filter 91 structures and partly by the effects of scatter.
Assessing the efficiency of a grid 91 The optimum kVp is that which will adequately pene-
MOVING GRID MECHANISMS 92 trate the part under examination so as to outline it against
surrounding tissues and demonstrate its structure. When
Operation of the reciprocating bucky 92
the atomic number of the structure is the same as its
Disadvantages 92 surroundings it cannot be differentiated, e.g. gall bladder,
Oscillating 'vibrating' movement 92 alimentary tract, etc., and in these circumstances it is
Siemens catapult bucky 93 necessary to use a contrast agent with a different, in this
INTERCHANGEABLE GRIDS 93 case a higher, atomic number to demonstrate the part
against its surroundings.
Scattered radiation is radiation deviated in direction from
LIMITATION OF THE PRIMARY BEAM 94 that of the primary beam. At low kVp values scatter
The light beam diaphragm 95 tends to be sideways and backwards in direction whilst at
Use with automatic exposure control 96 increasing kV values the proportion of scattered radiation
Use in theatre with optical viewfinder 96 in a forward direction is increased. The effects of scattered
Undercouch tube - automatic beam collimation 96 radiation are always deleterious in diagnostic radiography.
Crossed light beam centring device 97 As forward scatter falls indiscriminately on the film it has
the same effect as general fog. Scatter reaching the film
X-RAY TABLES 97 thus reduces contrast. Figures 7.1-5 illustrate some of the
Floating top table 97 factors which affect the amount of scatter reaching the
Variable height table 98 film.
Other 'bucky' assemblies 98 So far we have discussed a number of ways in which the
The vertical bucky 98 amount of scatter reaching the film can be reduced. These
The Versatilt bucky 98 include:
(1) Smallest possible field size, e.g. beam collimation.
(2) Lowest possible kVp consistent with adequate penetr-
SCATTERED RADIATION ation of the part in question.
(3) Use of the displacement band to reduce the thickness
Formation of the radiographic image of the part under investigation.
As radiation traverses the patient's tissues during a diag- (4) In special cases, use of the air-gap technique.
nostic exposure it is attenuated by the processes of photo-
electric absorption and compton scatter. The processed Whilst these measures limit the amount of radiation


E. Forster, Equipment for Diagnostic Radiography

© MTP Press Limited 1985



Figure 7.3 (a) Large field size, large amount of scatter produced. (b)
Small field size, small amount of scatter produced. Moral- 'cone down'

Figure 7.1 Low kVp. A greater proportion of the radiation is scattered

backwards and to the sides at low kVps, thus less scatter reaches the film

Patient Radiolucent pad

Figure 7.4 The greater the thickness of tissue the greater the amount
of scatter. Moral - displace fatty tissues by means of a radiolucent pad
and a displacement (compression) band

Figure 7.2 High kVp. A greater proportion of the radiation is scattered

in a forward direction, thus more scatter reaches the film

reaching the film, they may not, in themselves, be sufficient

to produce satisfactory radiographs of thicker parts such
as the abdomen. The relatively high kVp needed to pene-
trate the part, and the thickness of the part itself results Film POSition ( t )
in a large amount of scatter being produced and conse-
quently a radiograph lacking in contrast.
In these circumstances a secondary radiation grid must
Film posi tIon (2) - - -
be used to absorb scattered radiation before it reaches the
film. It should be borne ih mind that whilst the measures
Figure 7.5 Air-gap technique. All of the scatter reaches the film in
described up to now reduce patient dose, the use of a grid position (1) but only that shown as solid lines reaches the film in position
always necessitates increased exposure dose to the patient. (2)

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