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Journal of Environmental Psychology (2000) 20, 91^97 0272 - 4944/00/010091 + 07 $35.

# 2000 Academic Press
doi:10.1006/jevp.1999.0144, available online at on




Cornell University, NY, U.S.A.


Previous research has shown a link between chronic noise exposure and reading skills. Elementary school-age
children are thought to be negatively a¡ected by such exposure. A limited amount of work has been done on
the e¡ects of chronic noise on pre-school children, and such work has primarily focused on attentional skills.
A cohort model was used in this study to examine the e¡ects of chronic noise on pre-school children's pre-
reading skills. All of the children attended the same child care center. Ninety 4 and 5 -year-old children were
tested on cognitive measures of pre-reading skills and were rated by classroom teachers on their understand-
ing and use of language. Children were tested in year one, before sound attenuation work in the classrooms,
and in year two, after the installation of sound absorbent panels. In the quieter condition, children scored
higher than their noisier cohort on the letter^number^word recognition measure and were rated higher by
their teachers on the language scale. In addition, children in the quieter classrooms were less susceptible than
those in the noisy classrooms to induced helplessness. # 2000 Academic Press

Introduction tion of a day care center in order to rectify the

original, unacceptable poor acoustic qualities of
There is a considerable amount of literature docu- the building.
menting the e¡ects of ambient noise (e.g. aircraft) Children begin to acquire language skills related
on school-aged children (Evans & Lepore, 1993). The to reading before they begin formal reading instruc-
¢ndings indicate that academic achievement, in par- tion. A developmental hierarchy appears to exist in
ticular reading skills, are vulnerable to the e¡ects the way children learn to read. In order to be able to
of chronic noise exposure. A recent study suggests read, children must ¢rst learn to recognize the let-
that a possible intervening mechanism linking ters of the alphabet, as well as the fact that letters,
noise and reading is language acquisition (Evans & when put together, form words. Children also learn
Maxwell, 1997). Speci¢cally, ¢rst and second grade the symbolic nature of words; that words can be la-
children exposed to chronic noise scored lower on bels for things, feelings, and thoughts. Furthermore,
a reading test and on a test of speech recognition. children must learn the relationship between the
The primary objectives of the present study are: (1) sounds of speech and the way those sounds are re-
to investigate whether the relationships between presented in the printed word. Therefore, children
noise, language acquisition, and subsequent ability need to have practice in both seeing and hearing
to read appear earlier in a child's development, spe- words (Mason, 1980).
ci¢cally, how pre-school children's acquisition of To date, there have not been any studies that ex-
language and pre-reading skills are a¡ected by ex- amine the relationship between noise and pre-read-
posure to chronic noise; (2) rather than examine ex- ing skills in pre-school children. Some related work
ternal transportation noise sources (e.g. aircraft, with this age group has investigated attentional
trains) as in prior studies (Evans & Lepore, 1993), skills. Four-year-old children in noisy day care cen-
the present study examines the e¡ects of poor inter- ters performed better in noisy conditions on a
ior acoustics in a daycare center. We were fortunate matching task; whereas children in quiet centers
to be able to take advantage of a naturally occur- performed better in quiet conditions (Hambrick-
ring experiment a¡orded by the acoustical renova- Dixon, 1986). Thus, perhaps young children adapt to
92 L. E. Maxwell and G. W. Evans

their surroundings (ambient conditions), and young nicating involves both speaking and listening to
children in noisy surroundings are less a¡ected by the speech of others. If children are learning to
acute noise. Heft (1979) reported similar ¢ndings screen out others' speech, what e¡ect does this have
for kindergarten children exposed to irrelevant on their acquisition of language and pre-reading
speech during a visual discrimination task. In Heft's skills? Are there other cues related to pre-reading
study, children from noisy homes were less dis- skills in noisy environments besides speech that
tracted during the task than children from quiet children tune out?
homes. Work by Cohen and colleagues (1980, 1986), The psycholinguistic and reading literature indi-
however, indicates that over time (or as children cates that learning to read is strongly related to
age) children exposed to chronically noisy settings speech perception (Brady et al., 1983) and phoneme
may lose any short-term advantage they had over recognition in particular (Wagner & Torgesen, 1987;
children from quieter settings when performing a Mann and Brady, 1988). Brady et al. (1983) demon-
task under acute noise conditions. strated that speech recognition signi¢cantly discri-
Taken together, these ¢ndings suggest that minates between good and poor third grade readers.
chronic noise may negatively a¡ect children as Tunmer and Chapman (1995) found that good read-
young as 4 years old, but that the consequences are ers-to-be are more sensitive to the spelling of words
not evident until several years later. One explana- and to the phonological mapping of words, in com-
tion for why pre-school children accustomed to a parison to poor readers-to-be. Adams et al. (1997), in
noisy environment are not distracted by noise dur- a recent review, concludes that there is a link be-
ing a task, is that they may learn to screen out po- tween children's ability to sound out words and the
tentially distracting stimuli. Children from quiet likelihood of learning to read. The more successful
environments do not have to learn that skill. How- children are at understanding the sound structure
ever, as children age and remain in noisy environ- of words, the better chance they have of becoming
ments, the ability to screen out increases. Evidence good readers.
from three studies suggests that older children The literature on noise and reading establishes a
chronically exposed to loud noise over-generalize clear link between exposure to noise and poor read-
this `tuning out' coping strategy. In the ¢rst study, ing skills (Evans & Lepore, 1993). In addition, noise
elementary aged children living above a major inter- interferes with language acquisition skills in elemen-
state highway evidenced poorer auditory discrimina- tary school-aged children. It has also been demon-
tion (i.e. ability to discriminate between similar strated that the acquisition of language skills are
sounding words) as a function of the noise levels in related to reading skills. Noise may have a major im-
their apartment (Cohen et al., 1973). Cohen et al. pact on important developmental processes related
(1986) found that children attending elementary to both language acquisition and reading. Thus, it be-
schools in the £ight path of the Los Angeles comes critical to understand whether young, pre-
International Airport had di¤culty, relative to school children's abilities to seemingly adapt to noisy
well-matched, quiet school children, in selecting situations may interfere with acquiring the necessary
the optimum signal to noise ratio in a listening skills related to language and reading.
task. Finally, Evans et al. (1995) conceptually repli- The present study examines the relation between
cated the Los Angeles ¢ndings in Europe with a si- exposure to chronic noise and pre-reading skills in
milar task. All of the above studies tested children pre-school-aged children. It builds on ¢ndings from
under carefully controlled quiet conditions and had both the noise literature, and from the reading and
pre-screened children for normal auditory thresh- psycholinguistic literature. We hypothesize that chil-
olds. Perhaps children `learn' to screen out too much dren in a noisy setting will have poorer pre-reading
stimuli in general, or important cues in particular, skills than those in a quieter one. Pre-reading skills
that are useful with academic-type tasks in the ele- include recognition of letters, numbers, simple
mentary school years. words, symbols, phoneme recognition, and story
One of the stimuli children may screen out is comprehension. We also hypothesize that noise will
speech. If pre-school children in noisy settings are have a negative e¡ect on the developmentally appro-
good at screening out speech, what, if any, relation priate use of language, as rated by teachers. In ad-
does this have to the acquisition of language? dition to direct, language-related impacts in
Children acquire language in the context of develop- reading, noise exposure is stressful (Evans & Cohen,
ment in social interaction. In other words, a major 1987), elevates psychophysiological stress indices,
impetus to acquiring language is to be able to com- creates tension and annoyance, strains inter-
municate with other people (Bloom, 1997). Commu- personal relationships, and disrupts complex task
The E¡ects of Noise on Pre-School Children's Pre-Reading Skills 93

performance. There is also evidence that uncontrol- and is asked to choose from three words that rhyme
lable noise, in particular, can cause motivational with the target word. The measures were derived
de¢cits, resembling learned helplessness (Glass & from two standardized tests, the TERA-2 (Test of
Singer, 1972; Cohen et al., 1986; Peterson et al., 1993). Early Reading Ability, 2nd edn, Reid et al., 1989)
Therefore, we also examine whether pre-schoolers and the MRT6 (Metropolitan Readiness Tests, 6th
chronically exposed to noise are more prone to moti- edn, Woodcock, 1987).
vational de¢cits related to helplessness. Each child was also rated by the classroom tea-
cher on a language scale. The language scale con-
tained four items on which a child was rated as
Method either `adequate', `could use help', or `de¢nitely needs
help'. The items asked about the child's (1) ability to
Subjects understand when spoken to, (2) amount of age-ap-
propriate language used, (3) use of sentences, and
Ninety children participated in the study; 48 in the (4) ability to make him/herself understood by others.
¢rst year of the study and 42 in the second year. The alpha for these items was 080, therefore the
There were 36 boys (18 in each year) and 54 girls items were treated as a scale.
(30 in year one and 24 in year two). All of the chil- A helplessness measure was also used in the
dren were in pre-school (3 and 4 years old) or pre- study. To test for this concept children were given
kindergarten (4 and 5 years old) classes. The mean an unsolvable jigsaw puzzle (geometric shapes with
age of the children was 55 months ( 4 years, 7 5 pieces) to set up a frustrating situation. The chil-
months), with a range of 44 months to 69 months. dren worked on the puzzle until they gave up (or a
Four classrooms participated in the study. Class maximum of 25 minutes given the young age of the
sizes ranged from 17 to 18 children in the pre-school children). The children were then presented with a
classrooms and 23 children in the pre-kindergarten moderately di¤cult but solvable jigsaw puzzle and
classrooms, with two teachers in each room. permitted to work for a maximum of 4 minutes. It
The children in each of the noise conditions were was hypothesized that children in the noisy condi-
from families of similar backgrounds. The mean in- tion would be more likely to give up on the solvable
come range was U.S. $50,000^$60,000, and the mean puzzle after having experienced a situation in which
years of schooling completed indicated that both they were unsuccessful.
parents either attended or graduated from college. The study was conducted in a child care center
located in a small town. The child care center was
Procedure not near any major external noise source. The noise
levels were generated by people within the building
A cohort model was used in this study. Measures and a consequence of poor acoustical design. The
were taken in year 1, the noisy condition, and in center was speci¢cally designed for child care and
year 2 after the installation of sound absorbent pa- serves children from infant to 5 years old. The class-
nels in the classroom ceilings. Testing was done in rooms used in this project had ceiling heights in ex-
March and April of each year. The testing took ap- cess of 12 feet. The ceilings and walls did not always
proximately 40 minutes and was done over a 2 day meet at right angles, and in some cases the walls
period so as not to fatigue the children. Testing did not go completely to the ceiling, thereby allow-
was done in a separate room away from the main ing sounds to drift from one room to an adjacent
activity and noise of the classroom, so only the tes- space. (See Figures 1 and 2.) Only a small area of
ter and the child were present. each room was carpeted. Each room had window
Children were tested on three cognitive pre-read- space and two doors, one of which was glass and
ing measures: (1) number and letter recognition, (2) led to the outdoor play area. Peak and average Leg
letter^sound correspondence, and (3) rhyming.1 The noise readings were obtained by placing a decibel
¢rst measure consists of items such as identifying meter (B & K model #2236) in each classroom for
the number representing the child's age, naming let- 4 hours during similar classroom activity periods.
ters (a, i, e), and a simple word, `mama'. The second To the extent possible, the microphone was placed
measure consists of pictures of familiar items (belt, at the same height and orientation in each room.
rope, doll), and the child is asked to point to the let- In the second year after noise attenuation treat-
ter that makes the sound of the ¢rst letter of each ment, each of the classrooms had lower peak and
word (`b' would be the correct answer for `belt'). In average Leg noise levels. Table 1 indicates both aver-
the third measure, the child is given a target word age and peak decibel levels in each test year.
94 L. E. Maxwell and G. W. Evans

FIGURE 1. The classroom before installation of sound absorbent FIGURE 2. The classroom after installation of sound absorbent
panels. panels.

Results Discussion

Children performed better in the quieter condition The results of this study indicate that chronic expo-
on two of the cognitive measures. In the quieter sure to high noise levels a¡ects pre-school children's
condition, children answered more of the questions language and pre-reading skills. There were signi¢-
correctly on the measure of pre-reading skills re- cant di¡erences on one objective measure of pre-
quiring recognition of numbers, letters, and simple reading skills and on the teacher's subjective rating
words (t ˆ 248, df. ˆ 88, p ˆ 0007). Children in the of children's use of language. In addition, children
quieter condition were rated on the language scale in noisy classrooms took longer to solve a challen-
by their teachers as using and understanding lan- ging puzzle immediately following work on an un-
guage better than the cohort in the noisier class- solvable one. These di¡erences held up even when
rooms (t ˆ 285, df. ˆ 88, p ˆ 0002). No signi¢cant children who participated in the study the ¢rst year
di¡erences were found for the rhyming measure were removed from the analysis since they might
(t ˆ 050, df. ˆ 88, p ˆ 0616), or for the letter^sound
correspondence measure (t ˆ 059, df. ˆ 88, p ˆ TABLE 1
0554). Table 2 contains the ¢ndings for the t-test Average and peak decibel levels in the classroom in each test
for independent samples used for these measures.2 year.
After working on the unsolvable puzzle, children
Average decibel level Peak decibel level
in the quieter classrooms (M ˆ 184 minutes) solved M (S.D.) M (S.D.)
the second, solvable puzzle signi¢cantly faster than
their noisy cohort (M ˆ 243 minutes), (t ˆ 228, Year 1 7592 (051) 9550 (137)
Year 2 7090 (119) 8926 (287)
df. ˆ 88, p ˆ 0012).
The E¡ects of Noise on Pre-School Children's Pre-Reading Skills 95

T-test results for independent samples used in each of the measures.
Recognition-letters Language Rating Scale Rhyming Letter-S and correspondence
numbers, words M (S.D.) M (S.D.)* M (S.D.)*
M (S.D.)*
Year 1 (n ˆ 48) 144 (030) 454 (117) 131 (025) 157 (025)
Year 2 (n ˆ 42) 130 (026) 402 (015) 128 (031) 160 (028)
*1 ˆ correct responses to questions, 2 ˆ incorrect.

have remembered the puzzle. The insolvable puzzle print-related materials. In addition, since the chil-
¢ndings suggest that children may be more prone dren were from similar socio-economic back-
to the induction of helplessness in noisy settings. grounds, there does not seem to be any reason to
This is consistent with prior research (Evans & assume that the availability of print-related materials
Lepore, 1993), which was restricted to aircraft noise. or reading activities in the homes were signi¢cantly
Three objective measures of pre-reading skills di¡erent in the two groups. The question then re-
were used in this study; however, signi¢cant di¡er- mains why di¡erences were found on this measure.
ences between the two noise conditions were found One explanation might be related to children's at-
only for the recognition measure. No signi¢cant dif- tentional abilities. Previous research (Heft, 1979;
ferences were found for the rhyming and the letter^ Cohen et al., 1980, 1986; Hambrick-Dixon, 1986) indi-
sound correspondence measures. Children in the cates that pre-school children accustomed to noisy
quieter condition were better at recognizing letters, situations can complete tasks while exposed to
numbers, and simple words. Reading researchers re- noise. They seem to be able to do this because they
port that pre-readers' letter knowledge is the single screen out distracting stimuli. Perhaps children in
best predictor of ¢rst-year reading achievement, and the noisier classrooms in this study were simply too
the ability to auditorily discriminate phonemes overloaded with auditory stimuli to notice the cues in
ranks second (Bond & Dykstra, 1967; Chall, 1967; the classroom environment that related to letter and
Adams et al., 1997). label recognition. In other words, in order to pay at-
Mason's (1980) research indicates that initial tention to speci¢c play activities children may have
reading skills are marked by pre-school children's screened out other stimuli such as various visual
acquisition of the concepts of letters as symbols cues. The study also suggests that young children's
and printed words as labels for objects. This skill abilities to concentrate on a task may be a¡ected by
seems to be the ¢rst to appear in the process of noise, because children in the quieter classrooms
learning to read. The skills related to letter^sound completed the solvable puzzle in less time than those
correspondence, and phoneme recognition and ma- in the noisy classrooms. The second group of children
nipulation develop later. Mason's research demon- may have developed better attentional skills.
strated that over a 9 -month period, pre-school Children's use of language was better in the qui-
children with letter and label-recognition skills be- eter classrooms based on ratings by their teachers.
gan to acquire letter^sound correspondence skills. Children in the quieter conditions were more likely
Children who already had more of the latter skills to speak in complete sentences, they were better un-
improved those skills; none of the children re- derstood by others, and they understood what was
gressed in skill level indicating that the letter and said to them. Kryter (1985) states that steady noise
label recognition skills precede the letter^sound at 45 dBA or peak noise (aircraft, cars) at 55 dBA
correspondence skill. will interfere with speech communication. Decibel
An interesting question raised by this study's levels were higher than both of these levels in the
¢ndings is why letter-recognition skills were sensi- quieter classrooms; however, teachers reported that
tive to changes in noise levels. Children become fa- there were less echoes in the classrooms after the
miliar with letters, labels, and symbols by being acoustical panels were installed. The panel installa-
exposed to them and noticing them. Parents, tea- tion was accompanied by a 5 dBA drop in the aver-
chers, and caregivers often help to make children age noise levels (Leq). A drop of 10 decibels is
aware of these items in their environment. The experienced as a halving of noise, so a 5 dBA shift
classroom environment remained relatively constant is substantial. While overall decibel levels were still
in the availability and amount of pre-reading and high in the quieter classrooms, less echo probably
96 L. E. Maxwell and G. W. Evans

made it easier to orally communicate. Not only types of learning. In addition to the classroom pro-
could teachers better understand children, but chil- blems already described, the dining area for the old-
dren could also better understand each other. This er children was not usable for meal service because
may have encouraged the children to speak to each the noise generated a¡ected adjacent infant/toddler
other more and in more complex sentences. In retro- rooms. The younger children were not able to sleep
spect, reverberation time should also have been while the older children ate in the dining area. The
measured; future research should incorporate these dining area had a ceiling height in excess of 14 feet,
measures. window space covering one wall, and a walk way
Reading researchers (Brady et al., 1983; Mann & above the dining area (which children were not per-
Brady, 1988) have found that children who are sensi- mitted to use). This provides an interesting space to
tive to the phonological mapping of words are more look at, but a space that was not able to be used as
likely to be better readers. The present study sug- part of the childcare program. In addition, since the
gests that in the presence of chronic noise, pre- classrooms had not been designed for mealtime ac-
school children may not use oral skills as much or tivities, the rooms had to be adapted by the teachers
pay attention to oral and other pre-reading cues in for this purpose. A moderate amount of complexity
the environment. Earlier work by Evans and Max- is desirable in childcare settings, but complexity
well (1997) found that school-aged children who should enhance the childcare programme and not
had poor speech perception skills due to chronic detract from it.
noise exposure were also poorer readers. Taken to- This study has demonstrated that there is a link
gether, these two studies suggest a developmental between interior chronic noise levels and pre-read-
sequence. Children exposed to chronic noise use ing skills in pre-school children. Children's use of,
language less, pick up fewer language cues, and de- and understanding of, language is poorer in loud
velop poor speech perception skills. These skills are classrooms. Additionally, one of the earliest and
critical to the development of reading skills. most fundamental of pre-reading skills, letter/num-
This study examined the relationship between ber recognition, is adversely a¡ected. As in previous
noise and pre-reading skills. Previous research with research with older children (Evans & Maxwell,
pre-school-aged children looked at attentional skills 1997), the critical role of language in acquiring
(Hambrick-Dixon, 1986). This research is also unique reading skills is disrupted by loud noise. We also
in that it's focus is on interior acoustical elements provide evidence that there may be adverse motiva-
of a building, as opposed to external noise sources tional consequences of chronic noise exposure
such as airports, trains, or truck tra¤c. Acoustical among pre-schoolers.
problems can more easily be corrected than site To date, the research related to noise and reading
problems once construction is completed; however, has been cross-sectional and therefore, developmen-
as demonstrated in this study, with the installation tal trends in language and reading skills can only
of sound absorbent panels, such renovations may be implied. Additional longitudinal work is needed
not always completely solve the problem. to con¢rm this relationship. Future work should
The results of this study suggest that designers also observe actual language use under various
must give considerable attention to acoustical fea- acoustic conditions, both among children as well
tures (i.e. shape of rooms, height of ceilings, as between children and their teacher(s) and/or
¢nishes, adjacencies) of facilities used by young chil- parent(s).
dren. The participating classrooms were visually in-
teresting spaces. Not all windows were rectangular,
sinks had plexiglass plumbing allowing the children Notes
to see where the water goes, and the ceilings were
not typical institutional ones (i.e. ceiling tiles). Reprint requests and correspondence addressed should be
to: Lorraine Maxwell, Design and Environmental Analy-
Structural beams were exposed and the ceilings sis, Martha Van Rensellaer Hall, Cornell University, Itha-
were not parallel to the £oor. The number of hard ca, NY 14853- 4401, U.S.A.
surfaces, and the height and design of the ceilings We are especially grateful to the children, teachers, and
however, contributed to a noisy classroom. administrative personnel of The Corning Children's
Designers may be tempted not to provide a `plain, Center of Corning, NY who participated in this project
vanilla box' as a classroom; however, creative spaces for their interest and support of this work. Shannon John-
son, Megan Lynam, Rahsaan Maxwell, Jennifer Melny-
in child care settings should not be at the expense chuk, Christina Sun, and Manuel Velez assisted in data
of acoustical comfort. To do so may have program collection and analysis. Preparation of this article was
implications as well as consequences for certain supported by Hatch grants NY 327-7408 & 327- 6408 from
The E¡ects of Noise on Pre-School Children's Pre-Reading Skills 97

the USDA, and by the National Institute for Child Health Evans, G. W., Hygge, S. & Bullinger, M. (1995). Chronic
and Human Development, IF33H008973 - 01. noise and psychological stress. Psychological Science,
(1) Two other pre-reading measures were also used, but 6, 333^338.
both proved to be unreliable and therefore were not in- Evans, G. W. & Lepore, S. J. (1993). Non-auditory e¡ects of
cluded in the analysis. noise on children: A critical review. Children's Envir-
(2) A small number of the children (12) participated in the onments, 10(1), 31^51.
study both years. The above analyses were re-run for each Evans, G. W. & Maxwell, L. (1997). Chronic noise exposure
measure without the repeated children and as a repeated and reading de¢cits: The mediating e¡ects of lan-
measures for the within group di¡erences. The ¢ndings guage acquisition. Environment and Behavior, 29(5),
for each measure remained signi¢cant. Statistical con- 638^656.
trols for parental education and household income made Glass, D. C. & Singer, J. E. (1972). Urban Stress: Experi-
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the general homogeneity of the sample population. demic Press.
Hambrick-Dixon, P. J. (1986). E¡ects of experimentally im-
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