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The Fateful Rift: The San Andreas Fault in the

Modern Mind

Walker Percy

To cite this article: Walker Percy (1990) The Fateful Rift: The San Andreas Fault in the Modern
Mind, Design For Arts in Education, 91:3, 2-53, DOI: 10.1080/07320973.1990.9940422

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Published online: 03 Aug 2010.

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The Fateful Rift:
The San Andreas Fault
in the Modem Mind
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would like to begin with Like Charles does not take into account
two large but I hope di- such human experiences as
gestible propositions. The Fierce, I inskt emotions, art, faith, and so
first is that our view of upon the on. Scientists are used to and
the world, which we get qualitative understandably unimpressed
consciously or unconsciously by such challenges. No, my
from modern science, is radi- and irreducible purpose is rather to challenge
cally incoherent. difference science, as it is currently prac-
A corollary of this proposi- between dyadic ticed by some scientists, in the
tion is that modern science is name of science.
itself radically incoherent not and triadic Surely there is nothing
when it seeks to understand phenomena. wrong with a humanist, even a
things and subhuman organ- novelist, taking a look at his
isms and the cosmos itself but colleagues across the fence in
when it seeks to understand man, not man’s the sciences and saying to them in the
physiology or neurology or his blood stream, friendliest way: “Look, fellows, it’s none of
but man qua man, man when he is peculiarly my business, but hasn’t something gone
human. In short, the science of man is inco- awry over there that you might want to fix?”
herent. We novelists would surely be grateful if
The second proposition is that the source scientists demonstrated that the reason novels
of the incoherence lies within science itself, are increasingly incoherent these days is be-
as it is practiced in the world today, and that cause novelists are suffering from a rare en-
the solution of the difficulty is not to be cephalitis, and even offered to cure them.
found in something extra-scientific, such as My proposal to scientists is far more mod-
New-Age religion, but within science itself. est. That is to say, I am not setting up either
When I say science, I mean science in the as physician or as the small boy noticing the
root sense of the word, as the discovery and naked emperor. What I am doing is more
knowledge of something which can be dem- like whispering to a friend at a party that
onstrated and verified within a community. he’d do well to fix his fly.
What I am raising here is not the standard For it can be shown, I think, that in cer-
humanistic objection to science, that it is too tain areas, science, as it is currently prac-
impersonal, detached, abstracted, and that ticed, fails on its own terms, not in ruling out
accordingly it does not meet human needs, traditional humanistic concerns as “unscien-
tific” or “metaphysical” or “non-factual,”
but in certain areas fails rather in the confu-
Adapted from the 18th Jefferson Lecture in the sion and incoherence of its own theories and
Humanities, delivered on 3 May 1989, in Wash-
ington, D.C. Originally published as “The Divid- models. This occurs, I think it can be shown,
ed Creature” in The Wilson Quartedy, Summer in the present-day sciences of man.
1989. Reprinted with permission. The puzzling thing is that the incoherence

2 January/February 1990

is both known and unknown, as familiar on But in fact, in speaking of the “mental”
the one hand as a member of one’s own fam- and the “physical,” of the psyche and the
ily and as little remarked. It is like a long- brain, and with however much hope and so-
standing family embarrassment, like Uncle phistication we wish to phrase it, are we not
Louie who, it is true, is a little strange but admitting that we are still hung up on the
has been that way so long that one has final- horns of the ancient dualism of Descartes,
ly grown used to him. however much we wish to believe we had
The embarrassment occurs, as I say, when gotten past it? Descartes, if you recall, divid-
the sciences, so spectacularly successful in ed all reality between the res cogitans, the
addressing the rest of the cosmos, address mind, and the res exfensa, matter. God
man himself. I am speaking of such sciences alone, literally, knew what one had to do
as psychology, psychiatry, linguistics, an- with the other.
thropology, and sociology. But in natural science we do not like to ad-
CHRONIC Something odd happens. It is not merely, mit that we are still split by a 300-year-old
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mcoHERENcE as the excuse sometimes runs, that the sub- dualism. Nor should we.
ject matter, man, is complex and difficult. Might we not in fact reasonably expect
So is the cosmos. But in the case of the cos- that the appropriate scientists, psychologists
mos there is a presumption that the areas of in this case, tell us what one has to do with
ignorance are being steadily eroded by the the other, or how to get from one to the
advance of science. In the case of the sci- other, from “matter” to “mind”? If they
ences of man, however, the incoherence is are not going full steam ahead on bridging
chronic and seems to be intractable. this peculiar gap, they must at least have
some inkling.

T ake a familiar example, psychology,

Psych 101, the college survey course.
Here’s what one studies or at least hears
As far as I can tell, they are not and do PROBLEMS
not. In Psych 101, the problem of the an- OF
cient dualism is usually dismissed in a sen-

about, and I mention only those items most tence or two, like Reagan dismissing the na-
familiar to sophomores: neurons, signals, tional debt. Or the solution is not sought but
synapses, transmitter substance, central ner- declared found.
vous system, brain, mind, personality, self, Here are some samples:
consciousness, and, later perhaps, ego, su- Mind is a property of the organization of
perego, archetypes. neurons, their circuitry and the neurotrans-
What is remarkable to a Martian visitor or mitters between them.
a college freshman who doesn’t know any Or: The relation of brain to mind is direct-
better is that there seem to be two sorts of ly analogous to that of computer to its soft-
things, very dissimilar things, named in the ware.
list. The words early in the list refer to things Or: The only difference between us and
and events which can be seen or measured, the Apple computer is complexity.
such as neurons, which are cells one can see But here’s the best statement I’ve come
through a microscope. The words that come across of such awkward things as mind and
later, such as self, ego, consciousness, can- consciousness. It is from a textbook, Physi-
not be seen as things or measured as energy ology of Behavior, by Neal R. Carlson.
exchanges. They can only be described by “What can a physiological psychologist say
some such word as mental or mind. about human self-awareness? We know that
Here again, I’m not telling you anything it is altered by changes in the structure or
you don’t already know, and here again you chemistry of the brain. We conclude that
may ask: “So what?” consciousness is a physiological function,
For is it not a commonplace, and in fact just Iike behavior.”
the very nature of the beast, that in psychol- These statements are something less useful
ogy we deal with “mental” and “physical” than truisms. To say that mind is a property
entities, with mind and matter, and I will not or function of the organization of the brain
quarrel with however you wish to define is almost the same as saying that Raphael’s
matter, as stuff or things or electrons and Orleans Madonna is a property of paint and
protons in motion? color.

January/February 1990 3


I refer to this gap in scientific knowledge that later scientists would probably smile
as an incoherence, from the Latin inco- and shrug, but some of them might add:
huerere, a not-sticking-together. This gap is Well, maybe not dogs, but what about dol-
incoherent and intractable, at least from the phins or chimps?
present posture of natural science. That is to Both Darwin and Freud were great men,
say, no amount of effort by “brain” scien- maestros of the organism and the psyche,
tists and “mind” scientists can even narrow made huge contributions, but nowadays no
the gap. one would claim that either had bridged the
Can anyone imagine how a psychology of gap. Darwin addressed himself to one side of
the psyche, like that of Freud or Jung, it in his study of the origin of species. Freud
however advanced, can ever make contact treated a very different though hardly less
with a Skinnerian psychology of neurons, savage struggle, the warfare between the id
however modified and elaborated it is, for and superego. Darwin and Freud were true
example, by some such refinement as Gestalt revolutionaries and were accordingly ac-
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and “cognitive” psychology? cused by their enemies of being too radical.

There are similar incoherences in other sci- When in truth, as it now appears, they were
ences of man. not radical enough. For neither can account
Sociology and cultural anthropology have for his own activity by his own theory. For
to do with groups and cultures, with people: how does Darwin account for the “variation”
that is to say, human organisms. But sociol- which is his own species and its peculiar
ogy deals with such things as self, roles; an- behavior, in his case, sitting in his study in
thropology with such things as sorcery, rites. Kent and writing the truth as he saw it about
But how do you get from organism to roles evolution? And if Freud’s psyche is like
and rites? ours, a dynamism of contending forces, how
Linguistics is about the sounds people did it ever arrive at the truth about psyches,
make. Many organisms make sounds, to at- including his own?
tract attention in courtship, to scare off Perhaps the oddest thing about these inco- WE Do
predators, to signal to other creatures the
finding of food, to call their young, and so
herences is the fact that we do not find them
on. So do human organisms. But they, hu- We do not find it odd to jump from the
man organisms, also make sounds which natural science of the biology of creatures to
form sentences to tell the truth about things, a formal science of the utterances of this par-
lie, or don’t make any sense at all. How did ticular creature without knowing how we got
this come to pass? there.
We do not find it odd that there is only
E ven the great scientist Darwin, who con-
nected everything else, had trouble
when he came to this peculiar activity.
one science of chemistry and neurology but
at last count over 600 different schools of
DARWIN’S Here’s how Darwin went about it. The psychotherapy, and growing. We accept the
mental act, Darwin claimed, is essentially of explanation that, after all, the brain is vastly
the same nature in an animal as it is in man. more complicated than a molecule of sodium
How does he know this? He writes: “When I chloride or even a nerve cell. That may be
say to my terrier, in an eager voice (and I true, but it doesn’t explain why the physical
have made the trial many times), ‘Hi, hi, sciences are converging whereas the psychic
where is it?’ she at once takes it as a sign that “sciences” are diverging-and getting nut-
something is to be hunted, and generally first tier as they do.
looks quickly all around, and then rushes into In what follows, I wish to call your atten-
the nearest thicket, to scent for any game, tion to the work of an American scientist
but finding nothing, she looks up into any who, I believe, laid the groundwork for a co-
neighboring tree for a squirrel. Now do these herent science of man, and did so a hundred
actions not clearly show that she had in her years ago. Most people have never heard of
mind a general idea or concept that some him, but they will.
animal is to be discovered and hunted?” The man I speak of is Charles Sanders
This is a charming account, and it is not Peirce (1839-1914), scientist, logician (he
necessary to comment on it except to note gave us symbolic logic), philosopher, and

4 JanuaryIFebruary 1990
founding father of semiotics, the science of- The great contribution of Charles Peirce,
signs, a discipline in high fashion these days. a rigorous scientific realist, was that he pre-
He was a difficult, eccentric man. One of his served the truth, as he saw it, of philosophi-
peculiar accomplishments was that he could cal realism from Aristotle t o the 17th cen-
write down a question which was bothering tury, salvaged it from the medieval language
him with one hand and with the other simul- of the scholastics which is now all but incom-
taneously write the answer. prehensible to us, recast it in terms familiar
Although I speak here of Charles Peirce’s to scientists, to the most simple-minded em-
“discovery,” it was not altogether original piricists, and even to us laymen. It, Peirce’s
with him, stemming as it did from the real- realism, cannot now be escaped or fobbed
ism of the medieval scholastics. By realism off as scholastic mumbo-jumbo.
he and his predecessors meant that there is a Peirce saw that the one way to get at it, the
real world and that it is possible to a degree great modern rift between mind and matter,
to know it and to talk about it and be was the only place where they intersect,
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understood. Not only are material things language. Language is words and meanings.
and events real. So are the ideas and words It is impossible to imagine language without
with which we use to think and talk about both.
them. As Peirce put it, “there are real things In brief, he said that there are two kinds of
out there whose characters are independent natural events in the world. These two kinds
of our opinion of them.” of events have different parameters and vari-
ables. Trying to pretend there is only one
kind of event leads to all the present misery
A lthough this may seem a commonplace
to us, just ordinary common scnse, this
connection among things and words and
which afflicts the social sciences, and even
more important, at least for us laymen, it
knowledge has been under attack for 300 brings to pass a certain cast of mind, “scien-
years, by Descartes, who split off mind from tism,” which misplaces reality and creates
matter, and by the English nominalists who vast mischief and confusion when we try to
even now split off words and ideas from understand ourselves.
things. One made knowledge unexplainable; Peirce said it indirectly and I make bold to TRIADIC
the other made it impossible. And this is to say it directly, and I repeat the statement
say nothing of the European materialism because it could not be more revolutionary:
and idealism of Peirce’s time, the first of There is not one but two kinds of natural
which set out to explain everything by the events in the world. One he called dyadic,
doctrine of matter in motion, the other by the other triadic.
that of subjectivity, such as Hegel’s ideal- Dyadic events are the familiar subject
ism. One put everything in one box, the box matter of the physical and biological sci-
of things; the other put everything in the ences: A interacting with B; A, B, C, D in-
mind box. But neither told how to get from teracting with each other. Peirce called it “a
one box to the other. mutual action between two things.” It can
Fortunately, modern scientists have taken apply t o molecules interacting with other
none of these still regnant philosophies molecules, a billiard ball hitting another bil-
seriously-whether nominalism, material- liard ball, one galaxy colliding with another
ism, or idealism. If they had, there would galaxy, an organism responding to a stimu-
have been no Newton or Einstein or Darwin. lus. Even an event as complex as Pavlov’s
For if the world is not real or could not be conditioned dog salivating at the sound of a
known, why bother with it? bell can be understood as a “complexus of
Despite inadequate philosophies, science dyads.” The sound waves from the bell, the
has advanced spectacularly, particularly stimulation of the dog’s auditory receptors,
physics and biology. Yet, as we have seen, the electrical impulses in the efferent nerves,
they, the scientists, are still trapped in the the firing of the altered synapses in the
ancient dualism and still cannot explain what brain, the electrical impulses in the efferent
the mind box has to do with the thing box- nerves to the salivary glands, and so on-the
much to the detriment and confusion of the whole process is understandable as a se-
social sciences. quence of dyadic events.

January/February 1990 5
Such events indeed are the familiar subject be I’ve gone over the hill, and perhaps say,
matter of the natural sciences, from physics “Ball? What about it?”
and chemistry to biology and to Psych 101. The difference between the two, variously
and confusedly called index and symbol,

B ut there is another kind of event, quite

as “real,” quite as natural a phenome-
non, quite as observable, which cannot be so
sign and symbol, signal and sign, was per-
haps most dramatically illustrated by Helen
Keller’s famous account: her first under-
understood, that is, cannot be construed by standing of words spelled in her hand, like
the dyadic model. It is language. The sim- cup, door, water, to mean go fetch cup,
plest example I can think of, and it is any- open door, I want water, and then the
thing but simple, is the child’s early acquisi- memorable moment in the pump house when
tion of language, an 18-month-old suddenly it dawned on her that the word water spelled
learning that things have names. What hap- in one hand meant the water running over
pens here is the same sort of thing that hap- the other. It was nothing less than the begin-
pens when a lecturer utters a complex sen-
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ning of her life as a person.

tence about the poetics of T. S. Eliot. The triadic event, as Peirce would say, al-
NAMING What happens when the child suddenly ways involves meaning, and meaning of a
grasps that the strange little sound cat, an ex- special sort. The copula “is,” spoken or im-
plosion of air between tongue and palate fol- plied, is nothing less than the tiny triadic
lowed by a bleat of the larynx followed by a lever that moves the entire world into the
stop of tongue against teeth, means this cat, reach of our peculiar species.
not only this cat but all cats? And means it in
a very special way: not look over there for
cat, watch out for cat, want cat, go get cat,
but that is a cat. Naming is the new event,
T his strange capacity seems to be unique
in Homo sapiens, and even though
there is nothing unscientific about assigning
and of course soon after the appearance of a “species-specific” trait to this or that spe-
this naming “sentence” appear other cies, if the evidence warrants, many scien-
primitive sentences: there cat, cat all gone, tists, including Darwin, find this uniqueness
where cat? offensive. We are all familiar with the heroic
As Peirce put it, this event cannot be ex- attempts in recent years by psychologists and
plained by a dyadic model, however com- primatologists to teach language to primates
plex. Words like cat he called symbols, from other than Homo sapiens, particularly chim-
the Greek symbailein, to throw together. Be- panzees, using ASL, the sign language of the
cause the child puts the two together, the deaf. The premise behind such research is
word and the thing, a triadic model is re- that chimps don’t speak because their vocal
quired. For even though many of the famil- apparatus does not permit speech. The most
iar dyadic events are implicated, the heart of famous chimp was Washoe, whom Alan and
the matter is a throwing together, one entity Beatrk Gardner claimed t o have taught lan-
throwing together two others, in this case cat guage, that is, the ability not only to under-
the creature and cat the sound image. stand and signal “words,” the common nouns
This even is a piece of behavior, true of language, but also to form these words into
enough, but any behavioristic reading of it sentences.
as a sequence of dyads will miss the essence But we are also familiar with the discredit- COMPLEXUS
of it. ing of these claims, mainly as a result of the OF
He, Peirce, was particularly interested in work of Herbert Terrace. Terrace adopted a
using the dyadic-triadic distinction t o chimp, which he named Nim Chimpsky,
understand communication by a discipline with every expectation of teaching Nim lan-
which he called semiotics, the science of guage as one would a human infant. What
signs. He distinguished between an index he learned was that Nim, though undoubted-
and a symbol. A low barometer is, for a ly as smart as Washoe, was not really using
human, a sign, an index, of rain. The word language. What he and Washoe were really
ball is for my dog an index to go fetch the doing was responding t o small cues by the
ball, but, if I say the word ball t o you, you trainer to d o this or that, the appropriate be-
will receive it as a symbol, that is, look at me havior rewarded by a banana or whatever.
with puzzlement and the suspicion that may- The trainers were doubtlessly not acting in

6 JanuaryIFebruary 1990
U E S I G h F O R


bad faith. What Washoe and Nim Chimpsky darmed, and take up a New-Age religion
were exhibiting, however, was not the lan- ike Gaia.
guage behavior of the human two-year-old On one side are the dyadic sciences, from
but the classical reinforced response of the atomic physics to academic psychology, the
behaviorists. As Peirce would say, both atter with its behaviorism and the various
Washoe’s and Nim’s “language” can be refinements and elaborations thereof; on the
understood as a “complexus of dyads.” Xher are the “mental” psychologies with
One can draw a picture with things (mat- juch entities as consciousness, the uncon-
ter) and arrows (energy) connecting them d o u s , dreams, egos, ids, archetypes and
setting forth the behavior both of the chimp ;uch.
Washoe and the pre-language human infant
with its responses to sights and sounds, its
crying for mama and milk. I trust, incidentally, that when I speak of
dyadic phenomena as descriptive of
“matter” in motion, it will be understood
But one cannot draw such a picture of an
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that I am using the word matter to mean

18-month-old human who looks at mama,
whatever you please as long as it is also
points to cat, and says da cat.
understood that such phenomena, at least at
One would naturally suppose that the ap- the biological level, are not challenged by SO-
propriate scientist, the developmental psy- called chaos science or the indeterminacy of
chologist, the psycholinguist, whoever, particle physics, however vagarious and
would zero in on this, the transformation of mystical the behavior of some particles and
the responding organism into the languaged however chaotic some turbulences. Which is
human. to say: Even though it has been tried, it is
Unfortunately, such is not the case. What surely a silly business to extrapolate from the
one finds in the scientific literature is some- indeterminacy of subatomic particles to such
thing like this: a huge amount of information things as the freedom of the will. At the sta-
about the infant as organism, its needs and tistical level, large numbers of atoms behave
drives, its behavior and physiology. But lawfully. Boyle’s law still obtains. If the will
when it begins to speak, what? What is is free, it is no thanks to Heisenberg. As for
thought to happen? What one finds are very chaos theory, it has been well described not
careful studies of the structure of the earliest as a repudiation of Newtonian determinism
utterances and their development, the rules but as its enrichment. Accordingly, like
by which an 18-month-old will say that a my Charles Peirce, I insist on the qualitative and
coat but not a that my coat. Rules, gram- irreducible difference between dyadic and
mar, linguistic structure is what we find, the triadic phenomena.
same formal approach which issues later in But if scientists, both “physical” scientists
the splendid disciplines of structural linguis- and “mental” scientists, can operate com-
tics and even in “deconstruction.” fortably on both sides of the Cartesian split,
NOTICING We go from biology (dyadic science) to what happens when the serious scientist is
THE grammar (triadic science) without anybody obliged to look straight down at the dysjunc-
seeming to notice anything strange. Such ture? That is to say, what is one to make of
belle indifference can only have come to pass language, that apparently unique property
either because the scientist has not noticed of man, considered not as a formal structure
that he has jumped the chasm or because he but as a natural phenomenon? Where did it
has noticed but is at a loss for words. come from? What to make of it in anatomi-
It is as if we lived in a California house cal, physiological, and evolutionary terms?
straddling the San Andreas Fault, a crack The chasm must make one dizzy.
very narrow but very deep, which has how- Not many psychologists or neuro-anato-
ever become as familiar as an old shoe. You mists want to look down. Norman Gessch-
can get used to anything. We can hop back wind is one who has. He points out that
and forth, feed ourselves and the dyadic dog there are recently evolved structures in the
on one side, or sit on the other, read Joseph human brain which have t o do with speech
Campbell or write a triadic paper and never and understanding speech, such as the inferi-
give it a second thought. Once in a while we or parietal lobule, which receives informa-
might look down into the chasm, become (Continued on puge 51)

January/February 1990 7
Ol?.SlC.N F O R

The Fateful Rift becomes curious. “Speech acts?’’ he asks.
(Continuedfrom page 7) “What do you mean by acts? You never use
the word acts in describing the behavior of
tion from the “primary sensory projection other creatures.” An act entails an actor, an
systems,” that is, the cerebral cortex which agent who initiates the act. Draw me a pic-
registers seeing and feeling water and hear- ture of a speech act. Where, what, is this
ing the word water. These are described as creature, the actor?
“association areas.” But Charles Peirce
would call such associations dyadic events,
as he would “information processing sys-
tems” such as the computer. A computer, in
B ut how does Charles Sanders Peirce help
us here? Are we any better off with
Peirce’s thirdness, his triadic theory, than we
fact, is the perfect dyadic machine. were with Descartes’ res cogifansand res ex-
What do biologists and anthropologists tensa?
make of the emergence of language in the Let me first say that I do not have the
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evolutionary scheme? The advantages of competence t o speculate on the brain struc-

language in the process of natural selection tures which may be implicated in triadic be-
are obvious. The psychologist Julian Jaynes havior. Nor would I wish to if I had the com-
would go further and say that “the language petence. Such a project is too uncomfortably
of men was involved with only one hemi- close to Descartes’ search for the seat of the
sphere in order to leave the other free for the soul, which I believe he located in the pineal
language of gods.” Maybe, but setting aside gland.
for the moment “the language of gods,” No, what is important to note about the
what goes on with the language of men? triadic event is that it is there for all to see,
Jaynes doesn’t say. that in fact it occurs hundreds of times daily
This is what Richard Leakey, the anthro- -whenever we talk or listen to somebody
pologist, says, describing what happens in a talking-that its elements are open to inspec-
human (not a chimp) when a human uses a tion to everyone, including natural scientists,
word as a symbol, in naming or in a sentence: and that it cannot be reduced to a complexus
“Speech is controlled by a certain structure of dyadic events. The chattering of an entire
of the brain, located in the outer cerebral population of rhesus monkeys is so reduci-
cortex. Wernicke’s area of the brain pulls ble, but the single utterance of a two-year-
out appropriate words from the brain’s fil- old child who points and says fhat aflower
ing system. The angular gyrus . . . selects the cannot be so understood, even though mil-
appropriate word.” lions of dyadic events also occur, light
Pulls out? Selects? These are transitive waves, excitation of nerve endings, electrical
verbs with subjects and objects. The words impulses in neurons, muscle contractions
are the objects. What is the subject? Draw and so on.
me a picture of Wernicke’s area pulling out a Admitting that there is such a thing as an
word or the angular g y r u s selecting a word. irreducible triadic event in language behav-
Is there any way to understand this, other ior, are there any considerable consequences
than supposing a tiny homunculus doing the for our anthropology, that is, for the view of
pulling and selecting? man which comes as second nature t o the ed-
Then there is what is called speech-act ucated denizen of modern society?
theory of John Austin, John Searle, and There are indeed. And they, the conse-
others, promising because it studies the ac- quences, are startling indeed.
tual utterance of sentences. Thus Austin dis- For once one concedes the reality of the THE
tinguishes between sentences which say triadic event, one is brought face to face with coNsEQuEN~Es
something and sentences which do something. the nature of its elements. A child points to a
The sentence “I married her” is one kind of flower and says flower. One element of the
speech act, an assertion about an event. “I event is the flower as perceived by sight and
do,” uttered during the wedding ceremony, registered by the brain: blue, five-petalled,
is another kind, part of the performance of of a certain shape. Another is the spoken
the ceremony itself. The classes of speech-act word flower, a gestalt of a peculiar little se-
behavior have multiplied amid ongoing de- quence of sounds of larynx vibrations, es-
bate, but once again the emperor’s little boy cape of air between lips and teeth and so on.
January/February 1990 51
But what is the entity at the apex of the tri- reality through its symbolic vehicle.
angle, that which links the other two? But, finally, what can one say about this
Peirce, a difficult, often obscure writer, entity and event, the reality of which Charles
called it by various names, interpretant, in- Peirce demonstrated 100 years ago and
terpreter, judger. I have used the term which we ourselves encounter a hundred
coupler as a minimal designation of that times a day?
which couples name and thing, subject and To begin with, what to call it, this entity
predicate, links them by the relation which which symballiens, throws together word
we mean by the peculiar little word “is.” It, and thing? As we have seen, Peirce used a
the linking entity, was also called by Peirce number of words: interpreter, interpretant,
“mind” and even LLsouI.” asserter, mind, “I,” ego, even soul. They
may or may not be semantically accurate,
but for the educated denizen of this age they
H ere is the embarrassment and it cannot
be gotten round, so it might as well be suffer certain semantic impairments. “Inter-
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said right out: By whatever name one chooses pretant” is too ambiguous, even for Peirce
to call it-interpretant, interpreter, coupler, scholars. “Soul” carries too much furniture
whatever-it, the third element, is not material. from the religious attic. “Ego” has a differ-
NOT It is as real as a cabbage or a king or a neu- ent malodor, smelling as it does of the old
u.IITERIAL ron, but it is not material. No material struc-
Cartesian split.
ture of neurons, however complex, and how- Then don’t name it, for the present, but
ever intimately it may be related to the triad- talk about it, like Lowell Thomas coming
ic event, can itself assert anything. If you upon a strange creature in his travels, in this
think it can, please draw me a picture of an case a sure enough beast in the jungle.
assertion. There are certain minimal things one can
A material substance cannot name or as- say about it, this coupler, this apex of
sert a proposition. Peirce’s triangle.
The initiator of a speech act is an act-or, For one thing, it is there. It is located in
that is, an agent. The agent is not material. time and space, but not as an organism. It
has different parameters and variables.
Peirce’s insistence on both the reality and
For another, it is peculiarly and intimately THE
nonmateriality of the third element is of
critical importance to natural science be-
involved with others of its kind so that, un- y$TDL
like the solitary bjological organism, it is im-
cause its claim to reality is grounded not in
possible to imagine its functioning without
this or that theology or metaphysics but in
the other, another. All solitary organisms
empirical observation and the necessities of have instinctive responses, but Helen Keller
scientific logic.
had to receive the symbol water from Miss
Compare the rigor and clarity of Peirce’s Sullivan before she became aware of the
semiotic approach to the ancient mind/body water. Peirce’s triad is social by its very
problem to current conventional thinking nature. As he put it, “Every assertion re-
about such matters. We know the sort of an- quires a speaker and a listener.” The triadic
swer the psychologist or neurologist gives creature is nothing if not social. Indeed he
when we ask him what the mind is: that it is a can be understood as a construct of his rela-
property of brain circuitry and so on. tions with others.
We now know, at least an increasing num- Here’s another trait. It, this strange new
ber of people are beginning to know, that a creature, not only has an environment, as d o
different sort of reality lies at the heart of all all creatures. It has a world. Its world is the
uniquely human activity-speaking, listen- totality of that which is named. This is dif-
ing, understanding, thinking, looking at a ferent from its environment. An environ-
work of art-namely, Charles Peirce’s triad- ment has gaps. There are no gaps in a world.
icity. It cannot be gotten round and must Nectar is part of the environment of a bee,
sooner or later be confronted by natural sci- cabbages and kings and Buicks are not.
ence, for it is indeed a natural phenomenon. There are no gaps in the world of this new
Indeed it may well turn out that conscious- creature, because the gaps are called that,
ness itself is not a “thing,” an entity, but an gaps, or fhe unknown or out fhere, or don’t
act, the triadic act by which we recognize know.
52 January/February 1990
U E S l C l F U R

For this creature, moreover, words, sym- Finally, the Dasein, which has undergone
bols and the things symbolized are subject to a “fall,” a Verfalfeninto an unauthentic ex-
norms, something new in the world. They istence, can recover itself, live authentically,
can be fresh and grow stale. They can be dull become a seeker and wayfarer, what Marcel
and everyday, then sharp as a diamond in calls Homo viator.
the poet’s usage. The modern psychologist and social scien-
tist cannot, of course, make heads or tails of

I t is possible here to do no more than call

attention to the intriguing and, I think,
quite felicitous way in which the properties
such existentialist traits as “a falling into
unauthenticity” or a sentence of Marcel’s
such as this: “It may be of my essence to be
of this strange triadic creature as arrived at able to be not what I am.” He, the scientist,
by a scientist and logician 100 years ago, generally regards such notions as fanciful or
flow directly into the rather spectacular por- novelistic or “existentialist.” But perhaps
trait of man by some well-known 20th-cen- he, the scientist, lacks an appropriate scien-
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tury philosophers who came at the same sub- tific model. At any rate, it is possible that he,
ject, Homo symbolificus, from the wholly the modem scientist of man, will be obliged
different direction of European phenom- to take account of these fanciful notions, not
enology. by the existentialists but by their cold, hard-
I will mention only a couple. headed compatriot, Charles Peirce.
There is Martin Heidegger who uses the Here is a prophecy. All humanists, even
word Dasein to describe him, the human novelists, are entitled to make prophecies.
creature, a being there. The Daseiin, more- Here is mine. The behavioral scientist of the
over, inhabits not only an Umwelt, an envi- future will be able to make sense of the fol-
ronment, but a Welt, a world. lowing sort of sentence which at present
Most important, this Dasein, unlike an or- makes no sense to him whatever: There is a
ganism, exists on an ethical axis. It can live difference between the being-in-the-world of
“authentically” or “inauthentically.” It is the scientist and the being-in-the-world of
capable of Verstehen, true understanding, the layman.
and Rede, authentic speech, which can dete- And lastly, with this new anthropology in
riorate into Neugier, idle curiosity, and hand, Peuce’s triadic creature with its named
Gerede, gossip. world, Heidegger’s Dusein suffering a Ver-
Gabriel Marcel and Martin Buber speak of fallen, a fall, Gabriel Marcel’s Homo viator,
the human being as radically dependent man as pilgrim, one might even explore its
upon others, as an I-thou which can deteri- openness to such traditional Judeo-Christian
orate into an I-it. Marcel describes the being notions as man falling prey to the worldli-
of a human as a being-in-a-situation. ness of the world, and man as pilgrim seek-
Sartre is less optimistic. His human being ing his salvation.
is a solitary consciousness existing in a dead But that’s a different story.
world of things. As for the “other,” Marcel’s
person, Buber’s thou, Peirce’s listener, Sar-
tre says only that L’Enfer, c’est les autres. Walker Percy, novelist and philosopher, Lives and
Hell is other people. works in Covington, Louisiana.

The editors wish to thank Margie Hanson for her many years
of service on the advisory committee of Design for Arts in
Education and to welcome Roger Bedard and Luke Kahlich to
the advisory committee.

January/February 1990 53

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