Verne Characters For Ipad v10

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Programming notes - There are two versions of

Verne 1.0
this pdf. One is designed expressly for pdfExpert for
the iPad, which is one of the few apps capable of
handling the forms and calculations, though it
INTRODUCTION - This is a semi-automated requires a number of ugly programming tricks to
adventurer creator for Verne. The way it works is do so. The other version is designed for desktop
pretty simple: implementations of the Acrobat Reader. The only
difference is the placement of the form fields, since
1. Go to the next page pdfExpert does not align text in the exact same way
2. Initialize things by hitting the red reset button as a normal computer using Acrobat.
3. Answer the questions from your adventurer’s
point of view, or hit the “random” button to There are two hidden buttons right below the
generate a semi-random selection of answers “reset” button on ther second page. These toggle
4. When you are happy with the answers, hit the diagnostic windows on the upper left of that page
“calculate” button. This will generate both a to show results of the questions or which program
nationality and a profession for the adventurer subroutines have run.
5. Go to the adventurer sheet on the last page
and hit the “make adventurer” button. This will The adventurer sheet has a few tricks of its own.
generate a full selection of Attributes, skills and First, it automatically figures your Hit Brackets, taking
Traits for the adventurer. into account the Verne setting adjustments. As best
it can, skills are generated according to Verne
There a number of ways you can do this for norms and it tries to give adventurers a second
generating adventurers, and some hidden tips language according to their personal affinities.
and tricks. We recommend that if you are going to
generate adventurers using the questions, that you Gear and savings default to normal EABA
get three tries at it. If you do not like the results of amounts. Clicking the word “value” at the top of
your first questions, you can change up to three this box will toggle the costs in and out of Verne
answers and try again, and then one more time if mode (1/6th cost for goods, 1/20th cost for income).
you still do not like it. As long as you keep track of
the changes, this gives you three adventurers to The small circle next to the word “unspent” in
choose from. the lower right is green if all calculations are up to
date, and red if you have made any changes that
Now for some detailed stuff. This adventurer require recalculation. Clicking the word “unspent”
creator works off of Victorian stereotypes. Each will recalculate things based on your changes.
answer has weighting factors that will lean it Clicking “make adventurer” will reset the
towards a nationality and a profession. The total adventurer to the default.
result of your answers is in the bar graphs on the
lower left of the page. And because it is based on You can make changes to most spots on the
stereotypes, you can “game the system” fairly sheet. You can adjust attributes and it will calculate
easily. For instance, if you choose a sexist Catholic the new costs. If you put the word “Toughness” on a
who values his reputation above all else, thinks his Trait line, it will recognize it and adjust your Hit
nation is strong (but is not sure of it) and prefers style Brackets accordingly. You can add new skills and
over substance, you’re well on your way to a gear and so on, but you will have to adjust the
Spaniard (an Italian would value love over all else). values manually.You might want to adjust any
Or, if you choose a Protestant who knows his nation second language to make sure all adventurers can
is a major player, is slightly racist, prefers order to talk to each other.
chaos and believes troubles are to be endured,
then congratulations, you’re probably going to be The arrows at the top and bottom of the
an Englishman. picture oval will run through a selection of eighteen
Victorian personages, but there is no way at this
The wealth of an adventurer is based on the time to put in a custom picture of your own.
Verne rules and EABA guidelines. This means there
can be extraordinary variation in wealth. Some Clicking on the Hits track will mark a damage
professions pay more than others, the Wealth Trait “X” through that hit, and clicking on the word “hits”
magnifies this, and skill levels also adjust things. You will erase all damage marks. There is no way at this
can have a starting adventurer who is destitute, or time to cycle through the different types of damage
one who has a country manor and owns their own marks.
ocean-going steamship.
Have fun!

Reset Calculate Random

0 0

0. Are you a man or a woman? Man Woman

1. Are you Protestant, Catholic, or other? Protestant Catholic Other
2. Have you ever killed anyone? Yes No
3. Have you ever killed and eaten an animal? Yes No
4. Are you single-minded in pursuit of your goals? Yes No
5. Do you have a regular job? Yes Not at the moment Work is what others do
6. Are you well off? Very much so Somewhat I get by No
7. Do you like to travel? Very much so Somewhat Not at all
8. Do you prefer theory, or practice? A
A little
little of
of each
each Theory Practice
9. Have you ever been arrested in your native land? Yes No Not quite
10. Are troubles to be endured, or railed against? Change what you Endured Rail against
can, endure the rest
11. Do you have a college education? Yes No
12. Do you prefer order, or chaos? Order Chaos
13. Do you know how things work? Yes A little bit No
14. Is the journey as important as the destination? More important Same Less import.
15. Can a woman do a man's job? Yes Sometimes No
16. Is style more important than substance? Yes No
17. Are you reserved, or outgoing? Reserved Only outgoing with friends Outgoing
18. My nation sets the standard for lesser nations to follow? Yes No
19. How long will you remember Until honor is satisfied A while Quick to anger, quick to
a personal slight? forgive
20. Does the world understand your vision? Yes No I have no need for vision
21. How important is tradition and continuity? Very much so Somewhat Not at all
22. Do you prefer the city, or the wilds? City bustle Wilderness Each has its charms
23. Are you the curious type? Yes Only for a few things No
24. Are rules meant to be broken? Yes Just the inconvenient ones No
25. Are all men created equal? Yes Only within their race No
26. Who do you respect most: speakers, thinkers, or doers? Speakers Thinkers Doers
27. Which would you be least willing to sacrifice for a friend? Wealth Reputation Love
28. Do you respect the decisions of Respect and agree Respect, I respect no decisions
higher authority? with even if I disagree save my own
29. Do you prefer it warm, or cold? Warm Cold Neither
30. Is your nation a major player on the world stage? All know that it is so I think so Sadly, no

Adventurer: Detective Wealth

Big game hunter British
Description: Explorer American
Artist German
Scientist French
(ex)Soldier Italian
Servant Russian
Reporter Norwegian
(ex)Criminal Irish
Dilettante Scottish
Engineer Spanish
0.0 0 0 0

d+ d+







0 0 0

+ d d+ 0S 0A 0S
+ d d+ 0S 0A 0S -3d
+ d d+ 0S 0A 0S
+ d d+ 0S 0A 0S
+ d d+ 0S 0A 0S
+ d d+ 0S 0A 0S
+ d d+ 0S 0A 0S
+ d d+ 0S Savings 0A 0S
+ d d+ 0S Weekly inc. Attributes/Skills 0A 0S
+ d d+ 0S Weekly exp. Traits 0A 0S
Total S Unspent 0A 0S

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