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Nutrients Cycle in the Biosphere

▪ Biogeochemical cycles, nutrient

• Hydrologic
• Carbon
• Phosphorus
• Sulfur
• Nitrogen
Water Cycles through the Biosphere

▪ Natural renewal of
water quality: three
major processes
• Evaporation
• Precipitation
• Transpiration
• Runoff
▪ Fueled by energy from
the sun
Hydrologic Cycle Including Harmful Impacts
of Human Activities
Alteration of the hydrologic cycle by humans

▪ Withdrawal of large
amounts of freshwater
at rates faster than
nature can replace it
▪ Clearing vegetation
• Increases temperature
and thus evaporation
▪ Increased flooding
when wetlands are
Water Pollution

▪ Pavement prevents soil

from absorbing water
• Increases runoff and

▪ Only 0.024% of water is

accessible liquid
• Groundwater deposits
• Lakes, river, streams
Carbon Cycle

▪ Carbon dioxide in atmosphere is taken in by

▪ CO2 is also given off by animals, decomposers,
plants and burning fuels
▪ Composes 0.038% of the volume of the
Carbon Cycle Depends on Photosynthesis and

▪ Link between photosynthesis in producers and

respiration in producers, consumers, and

▪ Additional CO2 added to the atmosphere

• Tree clearing
• Burning of fossil fuels
Carbon Cycle Equations

Cellular Respiration
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O +ATP

6CO2 + 6H2O sunlight→ C6H12O6 + 6O2
Carbon Cycle

▪ Marine sediments are

earth’s largest store of
• Carbon is trapped
between layers of
• Converted to fossil fuels
when heated and
Carbon Cycle

▪ When living things die

and decompose, their
remains may someday
become fossil fuels
• Coal, oil, or natural gas
• Burned to release CO2
Greenhouse Effect

▪ CO2 in the atmosphere

absorbs and retains
• An overload of CO2 now
exists from burning
fossil fuels
▪ Component of Earth’s
• Too much or too little
causes major problems
Natural Capital: Carbon Cycle with Major Harmful
Impacts of Human Activities
Phosphorous Cycle

▪ Phosphorus
• Helps form important molecules like DNA, RNA, and
▪ Inorganic phosphate PO43- is released into the soil
and water as sediments wear down.
• Eventually enters the ocean, where it is used by
marine organisms
• Does NOT include the atmosphere
Phosphate Cycle
• Organic phosphate
moves through the
food web and to the
rest of the ecosystem. Organisms



Phosphorus Cycle with Major Harmful Human
Phosphorus Cycle Video Clip
Sulfur Cycles through the Biosphere

▪ Sulfur found in organisms, ocean sediments, soil,

rocks, and fossil fuels

▪ Sulfate SO4 2- in the atmosphere

• Sea spray, forest fires, dust storms

▪ H2S and SO2 released during volcanic eruptions

Sulfur Cycle

▪ Marine Algae produce dimethyl sulfide (DMS)

• Involved in condensation of water (clouds)
▪ DMS is converted to SO2 and SO3 and tiny droplets
of sulfuric acid H2 SO4 (acid deposition)

▪ Absence of Oxygen?
• Bacteria convert sulfate ions into sulfide ions S2-
• React with metal ions and deposited as rock
Sulfur Cycles through the Biosphere

▪ Human activities add SO2 → sulfuric acid and sulfate

• Burn sulfur-containing coal and oil
• Refine sulfur-containing petroleum to make gasoline
and other heating products
• Convert sulfur-containing metallic mineral ores
• Copper lead and zinc
Natural Capital: Sulfur Cycle with Major
Harmful Impacts of Human Activities

▪ Essential element
▪ Needed for amino acids
• Proteins!

▪ Nitrogen gas makes up

78% of the volume of
the atmosphere
Nitrogen Fixation

▪ Nitrogen gas cannot be

used by living things
• Converted by lightening
▪ Bacteria in soil and
ocean convert nitrogen
gas into ammonium
(NH4+) and ammonia
• Fixation
Nitrogen Fixation

▪ (NH4+) and (NH3)

converted to nitrate
• Nitrification

▪ Used by plants to
produce amino acids,
proteins, nucleic acids,
and vitamins
• Assimilation
Nitrogen Cycle

▪ Plants take in ammonia, ammonium, and nitrates

through roots
▪ Animals get nitrogen by eating plants or other
animals that ate plants
Nitrogen Cycle

▪ When the animal dies and decomposes the nitrogen

is returned to the soil as ammonia
• Ammonification
▪ Plants take in the ammonia from the soil
Returning Nitrogen

▪ Specialized bacteria in soil and bottom of lakes

convert NH3 and NH4+ back into nitrates
• Denitrification

▪ Nitrates are converted to nitrogen gas and returned

to the atmosphere
Human intervention in the nitrogen cycle

• Additional NO and N2O

• Burning fuels at high
• Destruction of forest,
grasslands, and
• Add excess nitrates to
bodies of water
• Runoff
• Remove nitrogen from
• Harvesting nitrogen rich
crops and irrigation
Annual Increase in Atmospheric N2 Due to
Human Activities
Nitrogen Cycle in a Terrestrial Ecosystem
with Major Harmful Human Impacts

CODE 1: 2217 6683

CODE 2: 5625 5403

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