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Uber Organizational Change





Table of content:

Mechanism of change:______________________________________________________________3
Motivating and creating readiness for change:___________________________________________4
Creating vision of change:____________________________________________________________5
Managing the transition of change:____________________________________________________5
Developing political support:_________________________________________________________5
Sustaining momentum:______________________________________________________________5
Professional strength:_______________________________________________________________7
Professional weakness:______________________________________________________________7
Future endeavour:__________________________________________________________________7


Uber is a multinational organization that operates a vast network of online taxis. Firstly the user has
to install the Uber app and make it in working form by entering the email or the mobile number.
Now when the user wants a ride, he identifies his current location and request for the ride. The
nearest ride in the town will reach as early as possible

Following are some problems that are faced by Uber in different fields.
 Failure to execute drivers background before approving and admitting drivers to the
organization compromising the protection of customers. (Mariquee E & Marique Y,2018)
 Non-conformity to the laws and regulations Uber is facing different issues because it is
neglecting the rules and regulation formulated by the government.
 Violation of standard and policies of London municipality
 Threatened the security of passengers and users.
 Failure to ful-fil obligations. (Beger et al,2019)

Mechanism of change:

Adopting corporate’s plan of action and approach to bring about the

desired output and the macro stage for the whole organization including people process that is
overripe by it and systems are included in the management of change. There are several
considerations for the use of effective leadership and change management in both small scale and
large scale operations. Mismanagement of transition is costly whereas efficient management of
change raises that probability of accomplishment.
List of mechanism with definitions
SWOT analysis (Strength, vulnerabilities, opportunities and threats)
Analysis that helps a company makes educated choices about the need to prepare and execute
Lewins change model
A three-stage process which can bring change in the organization
 Unfreeze: the need for change
 Change: implementation of a proposed change
 Refreeze: sustainability of change
Mckinsey’s Model
Contains 7 s
 Style
 Staff
 Skills
 Shared values
 System
 Strategy
 Structure
Kotter model
8 step method which includes

 Development of an influential guide
 Urgency
 Combining progress and development
 Establishment of new methods
 Intending and generating short term benefits
 Alliance
 Vision sharing
 Inspiration

Motivating and creating readiness for change:

Force Field Analyses:

Force Feild analysis is a product of social science it offers a structure for studying and analyzing
forces that have an impression on a scenario typically a social circumstance.
When the Lewin 3 stage theory of change become combined with Force field analysis it says that
as we work on unfreezing the current balance we make progress towards the desired change.
(Mark Connely, 2020)
Driving forces:
 Need for change in Uber
 Desire to achieve optimal outcomes
 Improvement in the organization

Restraining forces:

 Trust deficit
 Fragmented workforce
 Lawsuits by Uber’s competitors
Internal Factors:
 Exploited by effective management
 Role of workers
 Devoted young workers
 Executive change.
External factors:
 Affects both implicity and explicitly
 Social factors
 Equal opportunities
 Stability in-country
Creating a vision of change:
Uber should consider improving the terms and conditions for the worker to prevent conflict between employees and
their union. Uber should also modify its villain business model to remove business vulnerabilities that can reveal it to
distorted image crippling its services. Uber should implement improvements and initiatives to rebuild its image as a
responsible corporate firm dedicated to fulfilling needs of customers beyond their expectations. An organization should
develop its Grayball programme to make ensure that regulators do not block the exercise of their law enforcement

Managing the transition of change

It arrange emergency discussions to analyze the latest state of the company. Uber should make

ensure that it’s all activities are resumed in full accordance with relevant laws .

Denial is a widespread defensive tactic that is influence Uber in his attempt to enforce and implement changes. Denying
can hinder its growth. So, Uber should evaluate its mistakes and the areas in which it is unable to implement laws.
Resistance to change would obstruct Uber’s attempt to achieve the specified aim and scope of the project change. Uber
must implement core solutions to mitigate it to gain trust.
Experimentation and dedication would help Uber to gain the confidence of its employees. Uber can restore its
universally acknowledged reputation around the world.

Developing political support:

Political support is essential for Uber In introducing new reforms and amendments. Uber should recognize drivers
including their fears triggers disrupting the suggested changes. Uber reform team should involve their critics for their
constructive criticism. It is necessary to identify the environment and situation on the ground.

Sustaining momentum:
Uber should follow the key tactics to help planned changes. Comprehending the essence of the opposition and its
causes will enable the reform team to endure newly initiated changes in Uber. To avoid a crisis, the reform committee
aim is to guarantee that Uber staff and others should implement gradual changes in a coordinated manner
Developmental Model
I adopted the Lewin model of change which is 3 staged process:

Determine what improvements are required for the company based on an examination of the
current situation
1. Modify the thought of an administration
2. Instruct the workers on the shift
3. encouragement for reform through efficient marketing and communication
4. Using this strategy, the consultant will build a change management plan.
3.Need for change
What contributes is that the company as a whole wish to improve and acknowledges the need for
change. This extends well beyond details or figures seen. It's a connection that's compelling and
truthful. If management accepts a transition, this would benefit. Once authority or much of it has
acquired momentum, the majority of those concerned would most likely also buy into the belief
that change is going to be a positive thing. Expansion plans need to be clarified to the workforce.
Implementing changes
The organization should adopt the following attributes:
Uber should value ideas except for differences and protect the privacy of its users. The business
should strive its different lifestyle to all corporate firms. With the help of global support
technology, Uber should increase the overall awareness of the strategy of employees. Uber should
communicate with the members of the company and employees about its future goal. With this
step, the staff will be encouraged and will support the idea so that the changes would be
implemented effectively.

The management of the Uber should be autonomous enough to implement all the changes that are
mentioned above. Decisions of the administration and employees should be embraced and changes
in policies should be made accordingly. Monitoring should be done regularly to access the
implementation of changes.
Employees should be given training via different workshops. Uber should understand the
importance of about the insolence of people consent in process of change. A suggestion of
everybody from the higher to lowest rank should be acknowledged to implement change.
Uber should incorporate all the changes discussed above to improve its quality. Strict rules should
be made to force everyone to follow the rules that are made by the organization.
Uber should endorse consistent policies and frameworks to increase its market share and trust.
Uber should cooperate with government authorities to avoid any kind of legal action taken against
it. It should protect the data of customers by using modern information technology tools. Support
should be provided to the staff for effective endorsement of its policy statements.

Professional strengths
My strongest attributes are communication skills. I start to realize the value of developing and
improving strong and solid communication skills. (Deelmann,2019). Communication skills are very
important to form a healthy relationship with the administration as well as employees. As a person,
I am an expert in describing my observation, and I can present them with precision. I consider this
to be an incredible power because I can look directly at others to whom I communicate.

Professional weakness:

The greatest weakness I found in myself is analytical abilities. I usually face a challenge in evaluating
the required info. Interpreting the data or concluding. I had always a lot of difficulties in accessing it
to my best. In short, it has created tremendous problems as I was not been able to analyze info. In a
precise manner

Future endeavor:
I want to be a change consultant as I want to see my company achieving its vision and goals. I want
to find problem and divide strategies to bring about the requisite improvement in human resource
department, practices and procedure. I want to be partnered with organizations and help them
address the most serious challenges in their corporate structure, which will increase performance
and efficiency.

In this document, I have discussed Lewin’s model. We have discussed the myths that are famous
about Uber and how they should remove those myths following this model. We also have done a
debate about the mechanism of change cycles in which each cycle presents its distinctive
suggestion about consultancy.. A gained an appreciation of the realistic situation. I have also
summarized my strengths and limitations and plans for the future.


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