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PROF. B . V. K O RV I N - K R O L J K O V S K Y a n d E D W A R D V. L E W I S
Experimental Towing Tank, Stevens Institute o f Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey

SUM Mary and Introduction

The present paper'''') i s w r i t t e n as a record o f an informal lecture delivered b y the authors a t the O ff i c e o f
Naval Research i n Washington, D.C., on May 3, 1954. I t consists o f t w o distinct parts: t h e f i r s t describes t h e
application of a theory of rigid body motions to a ship moving in a regular head or following sea; the second part deals
with the problem o f the representation o f an irregular storm sea and o f the theory o f ship motions in irregular seas.
The theory o f ship motions in a regular sea, which is presented first, can be considered as the continuation o f the
work originated by K r i l o ff in 1896 and represented recently in the most developed form in papers by Weinblum and
St. Denis. The new development consists in the introduction o f coupling between heave and pitch motions, and i n
the more complete discussion and evaluation of various coefficients i n the coupled differential equations o f motions,
particularly those o f the cross-coupling terms. Recent experimental data obtained a t E . T. T. on forcing functions
due to waves show them to be much smaller than was previously assumed on the basis of the Froude-Kriloff hypothesis.
A comparison o f computed and experimentally determined ship motions shows quite good correlation.
In the second part, some significant features o f recent theories f o r the study o f ship motions in irregular seas arc
discussed. I t is shown that progress in this phase of seakeeping research does not need to await the complete solution
of the problem of motions in simple seas.

Part tects in 1896 and 1898 [Reference 3 ] , and was f o l -

Hearing and pitching response o f a ship to a lowed by Hazen and Nims [Reference 4 ] and Bull
regular sea [Reference 5 ] , and by Weinblum and St. Denis in
two S.N.A.M.E. papers o f 1950 and 1951 [ R e f e r -
Equations o f Motion ences 6 and 7]. The subject and the methods of the
The obvious d i ff i c u l t y o f obtaining quantitative present paper can be considered as a direct con-
tinuation and development o f the last mentioned
data on the state of the sea and on the resulting ship
motions makes it necessary to investigate the subject
by means o f laboratory research. The problem can The case o f a simple linear oscillator acted upon
be attacked in three different ways: by a harmonic f o r c i n g f u n c t i o n o f m a x i m u m
a. b y direct model experiment in a towing tank; amplitude 1; is represented b y the following equa-
b. analytically, using the simple theory o f forced
+ i + = - - I : COS ( i ) t , ( )
oscillations, w i t h independent estimates o f the
various coefficients; where the coefficient a represents the mass involved
in the motion, b is the damping f o r c e p e r u n i t
c. analytically, treating the subject as a boundary
value problem a n d evaluating t h e boundary velocity e., and c is the resoring force per u n i t o f
condition at the hull, taking into account both displacement, A p p l i c a t i o n of equation ( I ) to, say,
the prescribed wave motion and the (originally the heaving triotion o f a ship excited b y a simple
unknown) ship motion. head sea, considering t h e upward velocity o f the
Examples o f the last method are found I 11 the ship and water surface as being positive, results i n
recent w o r k o f Stoker and Peters Reference E l , [mfi + ///, + b + c:z =-- — P . , ) cos cot
and i n t h e previous w o r k o f Elaskind translated (2)
by t h e Society o f N a v a l Architects and Marine
Here, t he •mertial tC1.111 is ShOWIi t o consist o f the
Engineers I Reference 2 j. For the present, emphasis
will be placed on the second method; the first - mass o f a siti p i n , multiplied b y i t s acceleration,
the expel imental — method will be discussed later. and the iii ass Of the entrained water, in,, times
The second method was originated by K r i t o ff in
papers read before the Instatnion o f Naval A rchi- hatrelative
that of the acceleration
ship, 7-.;,which
of theiswave
the difference
so rface, b
the coefficient o f the damping force is multi
) Paper prerared i n p a r t u n d e r U . S . N a v y O t I u e o l N a v a l
Research a n d presented i n 4iccasion nil t h e - S e tent It International plied b y the relative vertical CIOCity o f ship and
'rowing 1 an k (onference... wave — : T h e excit itt g force is shown t o
• ) h i t m a t e r i a l contained m I his paper was tollectc, I as t h e
result 0 1 i i teeurrent t e t i v i l s I l i t . i t i t hors i n t he :held o f t h e
consist o f two terms, I t --- due to changes o t dis-
seakeeping qualities o t ships, most u n d e r t h e sponsorship o f t h e plaecnictit — and — due to the pressure gradient
S-3 and I 1-7 panels u i t he Hydrodynamics o m m i t tee o f die Society in t h e waves, usual1 v ref-fere,' t o as t h e - s m i t h
of N a s a l A r c h i t e c t s a n d M a r i n e luiginteers, a n d o f t h e O f f i c e o t
NaN at ReSCArdi. I t s i , O r d e r, \ . i n d V o f Contract N6onr.-247. Effect-.

IS. - V i ii. 2 -

The present problem is t o f i n d t h e ship motion equivalent to the right-hand sides of equation ( 3 ) ,
resulting from a specified wave form, which there- are represented in complex form in order to simpli-
fore is assumed t o be known. The first step in the fy t h e subsequent algebraic operations, and i t is
solution is t o separate the known wave motion and understood that the real part is to be taken. F- and
the unknown ship motion terms o f equation ( 2 ) , NI— are complex amplitudes o f f o r c i n g functions,
which leads to ix., they indicate both the absolute magnitudes o f
(m + + + = • . , ) cos rot m + the force and moment, respectively, and their phase
( 3 ) relationships w i t h respect t o cl"'t F o r instance, i f
The l e f t - h a n d side o f t h e above equation r e - a convention is established that time t is zero when
presents n o w t h e m o t i o n o f a ship oscillating i n the wave crest is at the midship section, and i f i t
smooth water, and t h e right-hand side represents is observed t h a t the heaving force has a maximum
the exciting force due t o waves acting o n a r e - value o f I l b . a t this instant, then F = = 1.
strained s h i p w h i c h is f o u n d t o consist o f f o u r However, i f t h e m a x i m u m pitching moment of,
terms representing forces due to: say, 3.3 f t . l b . occurs 90 e a r l i e r in the cycle, i.e.,
change o f buoyancy due t o wave profile, when the wave crest is a t Station 5 (considering
change o f pressure gradient i n t h e undisturbed the ship length t o be divided i n t o 20 parts), and
wave (Smith E ff e c t ) , the nodal point at the midship section, then M =
acceleration o f t h e "added mass'' due t o wave
= 3.31, where i I . I n the present work, the
forcing functions have been determined as a whole
water velocity i n wave affected b y the presence
from experiments on a completely restrained model.
of the ship's hull.
The consideration o f only t h e f i r s t t w o terms on
Solution o f Me Equations o f A/lotion
the r i g h t - h a n d s i d e i n equations o f m o t i o n i s
known as the " F r o u d e - K r i l o ff hypothesis-. I n this It w i l l be assumed that equations ( 4 ) are linear,
hypothesis, the pressures acting on the ship surface and that all coefficients are constant and are inde-
due t o t h e undisturbed w a v e s a r e considered, pendent o f time. I t w i l l be f u r t h e r assumed that
neglecting completely the added water disturbance the ship is m o v i n g i l l a u n i f o r m sea and that a
due t o t h e presence o f the ship's hull. T h e latter steady state o f pitching and heaving is established.
two terms i n t h e definition o f exciting force re- In such a case, t h e transient responses have been
present the effect o f this distortion or interference. damped o u t , and only, t h e particular solution Of
Equation ( 3 ) i s written f o r the heaving motion equations ( 4 ) is needed. Since the forcing functions
and a similar equation i s easily w r i t t e n f o r t h e are harmonic, the resultant motion can be expected
pitching m o t i o n . I n a l l previous w o r k ( e x c e p t to be likewise harmonic, and t h e solution can be
Haskind's), the equations o f motion were written assumed t o be in the form
and solved separately f o r heaving a n d pitching, Zei"'' and 0 = ( 5 )
and the coupling effect between these t w o motions
where Z and ( - ) a r c complex amplitudes o f the
was neglected. Ye t i t is k n o w n f r o m other fields form
of activity t h a t t h e coupling effects can be very
important. 2 Z „ c i " and - - = „ e l l ' .
A coupled system o f pitch and heave motion is Here, 7„ is the absolute value of heaving amplitude,
represented b y a p a i r o f simultaneous differential H., is that o f pitching, and a n d -it are the phase
eqUations o f the usual f o r m : lags o f motion w i t h respect t o ci"".
+ (IN -1- e N Substitution o f the assumed solutions ( 5 ) i n t o
equations ( 4 ) leads, a f t e r a f e w simple algebraic
I + 14-) H- + + I M
operations, t o t h e evaluation o f complex a m p l i -
•rhc first three terms o f each equation are identical tudes:
with h tile original noncoupled equations. • I h e last A10
two tcrms on t h e left-hand side o f each equation ( ( )
QR - - PS
are coupling tel fls i f ' ) is -a heaving 101-Ce due t o — P
R — PS
pitching yeli city, 0 ; c H is the heaving force due
to pitching displacement, " , and Oil, and a r e tile • rhe capital letters in the abpve expressions represent
pitchnig moments d u e t o heaving velocity a n d the groupings o f t h e coefficients o f differential
hemv ing displacement, respecti vet y. ' F i l e cross- equations ( 4 ) as follows:
coupling i n e r t 111 terms a r e o m i t t e d i n v i e w o f //Ho + c
previous experience w i t h .iirpl.miles and seaplanes in 0 id,/ -1- c
porpoising, it1 w huh cases I hey were shown t o be
negligibly small. t h e harmonic f o r c i n g functions
on the right-hand sides of equations ( 4 ) , which are S + C.

In this form, the numerical solution o f the coupled In the case of the 5-ft. model of D.T.M.B. Series
equations ( 4 ) can be carried out quite convenient- 60, with a block coefficient o f 0.60, the evaluation
ly. First, the values o f all the coefficients o f equa- of the above integrals gives
tions ( 4 ) are listed, then groupings o f those shown
c = 146 lb. per f o o t o f heaving displacement
by equations ( 8 ) are computed, then the complex
amplitudes ( 6 ) arid ( 7 ) , and f r o m these, finally, C = 202 f t . - l b . p e r r a d i a n o f p i t c h i n g d i s -
the absolute amplitudes Z . and H „ and the phase
lag angles a n d —13 o f heave a n d p i t c h , r e - c — E = - —28 l b . p e r radian o r f t . - l b . p e r
spectively, are computed. foot o f displacement.
Next i n order o f simplicity are the mass coef-
Eratuation o f Coefficients ficients a and A . Here, a = i n 1 + k , ) , and A =
=J 1 + ) , where in and I arc the mass and
The solution o f the coupled equations o f motion the longitudinal moment o f inertia o f a ship, re-
(4) is shown above to be quite simple and suitable spectively, and k,, and k. o a r e the coefficients o f
for the analysis of ship motions. The practical value added mass o f entrained w a t e r o r accession t o
of the calculations hinges now entirely on whether inertia. Following the common practice, these are
it is possible t o estimate the values o f the various assumed on the basis of comparison with submerged
coefficients o f equations ( 4 ) . T h e simplest and ellipsoids, and i n t h e present w o r k were actually
most definite coefficients w i l l be treated first: t h e read f r o m the charts given i n the Weinblum and
restoring force and moment coefficients c and C St. Denis S.N.A.M.E. paper of 1950 [Reference 6].
and the cross-coupling coefficients c and E due to A t this point, i t is well t o remember t h a t t h e
changes o f displacement in pitch and heave. A l l o f natural angular frequencies o f oscillation o f a ship
these a r e i n r e a l i t y quite nonlinear, b u t w i t h a in still water are given b y the expressions
linearizing assumption t h e y are computed on the
basis o f the waterplane offsets y as follows: anti =
m (1 + k,) (1 k e )
• I.12
( 10)
2.(2g 1
–z I Since the restoring force and moment coefficients
- • 1,12 are known f r o m equations ( 9 ) , the correctness o f
the assumed coefficients o f accession to inertia can
•( ) a be verified b y comparison o f the computed and
C — (91 • ( ( ) . V ) experimentally observed natural periods. The cor-
- • 1.12 relation ill this case was found to be very good, and
-1 1,12 appears t o b e independent o f m o d e l f o r w a r d
e velocity.
I ( 0 X ) t I V
Next are the four coefficients b, B, I , and D o f
the terms Which are dependent On the velocity o f
•. 1 , 1 2 motion. The basic building block i n evaluating all
2eg dv of these is tile expression derived b y St. Denis i n
his 195 l S.N.A.M.F. paper [Reference :
u!,) sin ' ( k y )
In the above, x is the distance from the midship N ) I I )

section, y denotes the half-breadth o f the water-

plane a t a given x , and equations ( 4 ) define the
motion as t h a t o f translation o f t h e center o f N (x) i s the force acting on a unit length o f a
gravity in heave, and the rotation of the ship about prismatic floating b o d y d u e t o a u n i t
it i n pitch. T h e usual small displacement o f the heaving velocity, t h i s expression was
C.G. f r o m t h e midship section w i l l be neglected derived bv considering the dissipation o f
here f o r simplicity, and the origin o f coordinates energy ill plane waves caused by the -
-:-- 0 w i l l be taken a t the midship section. T h e ing oscillations of a prismatic body ,4 the
quantity (ig is the weight o f water per cubic foot. beam 2 i and the mean draft a (here, the
The arbitrarily assumed displacements a n d (9 are frequency o f oscillation i s equal t o the
shown only f o r completeness of form, but in practi- frequency o f encounter w i t h t h e sea
cal computations they call be taken as unity, so that waves);
the integrand has the general form of yx" IX, where
is the offset a t the load waterline ( a
it = 0 , 1 , o r 2. Following the usual practice i n
function o f
displacement calculations, t h e integration can be
readily performed by Simpson's rule. is wave number 2.7

- V o l . 2 - N o . t; 1 9 5 5

is the length o f the waves generated b y of a viscous or eddvmaking force resulting from the
the ship's oscillation o f circular frequen- water flow around the bilges. The coefficient b can
cy, (,); therefore be assumed to be correctly represented by
is the mean depth o f the section o f the t he integral ( 12).
In the case of the integral ( 1 3 ) , f o r the moment
ship considered, ( s e c t i o n a l area), 2y.
coefficient B , a d i ff e r e n t situation exists. T h e
Various coefficients f o r the entire ship are now largest part o f the contribution to the value of this
evaluated b y the strip theory method i n which i t integral comes from sections at the ends of the ship
is assumed t h a t each element o f ship length acts where the true three-dimensional f l o w differs con-
independently' o f the adjacent ones, as though i t siderably from the two-dimensional flow postulated
were a p a r t o f an infinitely l o n g prismatic body. by' equation ( I I ) and by the integral ( 1 3 ) ; there-
The contribution o f all elements are then integrated fore, t h e true value o f the coefficient B must be
by Simpson's rule. The simple integrals are: much smaller than t h a t indicated by' the •integral.
The exact three-dimensional solution is available ill
the case of an elongated submerged spheroid [Refer-
b I N( ( I v ( 1 2 )
ences 8 and 9 I, and comparison o f it with the strip
theory integral ( 1 3 ) indicates that one-half of the
in lb. per f t . sec. o f heaving velocity, 'al ue o f the latter must be used. I t is assumed i n
the present work t h a t the same factor o f one-half
B = I N ( ).v d x ( 1 3 ) will also be applicable in the case o f surface ships.
- - 142
• Integral ( 1 4 ) f o r the cross-coupling coefficients
d and D contains x ill the first power in the inte-
in ft.-lb. per rad. sec. o f pitching velocity,
! 1,12
grand as against zero power for b, and square for B.
It w i l l b e assumed, therefore, t h a t 7 5 Ye o f t h e
d = D = / N ( x ) . v tLv ( 1 4 ) calculated value o f the integral ( 1 4 ) is t o be used
— 1,12 as compared t o 100 (/'; a n d 50 (/1( f o r b and B., re-
in lb. per rad.. sec. of pitching velocity', H, spectively. I t w i l l later be shown that, w i t h these
and in ft.-lb. per f t . 'sec. o f heaving velo- assumptions, there is very good correlation between
the corn puted and experimentally measured ampli-
tudes o f ship motions.
The curves representing the computed values o f
the above integrals plotted vs. circular frequency
of encounter, ,,,, are given on Figure 1. T h r 1'orcin,f4 Flinclious
It remains now to consider the forcing functions
on the right-hand side o f equations ( 4 ) , which, in
the case o f heave, f o r instance, are equivalent t o
the right-hand side o f equation ( 3 ) . The first t w o
terms o f equation ( 3 ) , due to displacement changes
and changes o f pressure gradient, comprising the
"Fronde-Kt-doff hypothesis'', are readily calculable
by t h e familiar methods o f buoyancy calculation.
It is believed t h a t the other t w o terms can also be
computed by' methods indicated i n t h e St. Denis
S.N.A.M.F. paper o f 1951 1 Reference 7 ] , b u t this
▪ 2 work has not yet been done. Instead, the entire forc-
ing function was measured experimentally b y sup-
▪N ' J I
f-T t t porting a restrained model i n the towing tank b y
a 7 6 , 9 / 0 // /2
means o f dynamometers having small deflections,
C e ? ? . / E / l e
since the first part o f the problem is defined as that
Fig. I ( : o m p u l e d r o e ' I icieol, I r r i n i I . 13(1) , 1 and of verifying the correctness of the MC Of the coupled
requend I t r a t c c m - o n nler - w r i t , 6 0 , Q e m , 5 - m e a d
equations ( 4 ) , and o f the evaluation o f their coef-
ficients. Suffice i t to say' here that the total heaving
In t h e case o f the coefficient b , the largest part force was found t o be o f the order o f SO r/c, and
of its value is contributed b y t h e middle p a r t o f the total pitching moment o f the order o f 75 ',/1(
the ship's length i n w h i c h t h e w a t e r f l o w i t n o t of those computed o n t h e basis o f t h e Froude-
too different f r o m t h a t o f a long prismatic body. K riloff hypothesis. T h e measurement o f these
Whatever small deficiency o f force results from the forcing functions was made under the sponsorship
cross f l o w f r o m one ship section t o a v e r y similar of the H - 7 panel o f the S . N . A . M . I . ; t h e prelim-
neighboring one is compensated f o r by the addition inary data are given in Reference

Comparison o f Calculations w i t h Experimental /.6

Results CAL Ctit A 7E0
– — + — /1-/ / T T E S T
— o — ,07-NB, TEST 1 • -----°r-----
So far, the calculations have been applied to one •
model of D.T.M.B. Series 60, having a 0.60 block
[Reference 11], at one wave length equal to the IMErAir
model length and a height of 1/48 of its length.
06 =RIM '111=
Since this is the wave height chosen by the Inter-
k 0.4 E N T I I I I M I
national Conference on Ship Hydrodynamics f o r
comparative tests of models in many tanks, a large
amount o f experimental data should soon become
available for comparison with theoretical calcula-
•••4 02

III / 5 2 0 2.5
I 3.0
A/00EZ S P E E D /-77/1A-c.
tions. F o u r American laboratories have kindly
Fig. 3. H e a r i n g o f series 6 0 , 0.60 block, parent model ft. long
furnished their test data to the authors. Figure 2 I,: 5 f t . X 1.25 i n . wares
shows the computed curve of pitch amplitudes, and
/0 however, that a shift of resonance to a lower speed
will be generally found as in the present case.
arm's TEST D Figure 3 shows a similar correlation for heaving
amplitudes. I t can be seen that the disagreement of
the experimentally measured heave, even i n the
4so case of the t w o laboratories having the closest
agreement of data, is very large, and therefore a
complete verification o f the computational p r o -
cedure is not possible. Nevertheless, good agreement
3 as to the order of magnitude o f the maximum
heaving amplitude i s evident, as well as general
similarity of the shapes of the computed and ex-
perimental curves. The experimental data indicate,
00 as 2.0 30
however, the shift of the apparent resonance i n
Afoz7z-z spEes, PT/SEC heave to a much higher speed, i.e., in the direction
Fig. 2 . P i t c h i n g o f 3cries 6 0 , 0.60 bloc/c parent model 5 f t . l o n g
opposite that of the pitching resonance. The com-
in 5 P. X 1.25 i n . waves puted curves show correctly the direction of the
trend i n separating the speeds o f apparent r e -
sonances in pitching and i n heaving, but fail to
the experimental data of the two laboratories which
were most consistent both with each other and with show the shift of heaving resonance to such a high
speed as is shown experimentally.
the computed curve. I t will be observed that good Figure 4 shows the phase relationships. The upper
agreement is obtained throughout the speed range
part of the Figure indicates the phase lags of the
from zero to a speedlength ratio of nearly 1.0. This
good correlation throughout the speed range can
be taken as a confirmation of the validity of the /60

computation o f the coefficients o f the velocity /40 R a d

terms shown in Figure 1, as well as the application 110"°-
of correction factors o f 1.0, 0.75, and 0.50 for 0/ 0
coefficients /), et and D, and B, respectively.
P i Tc AI A
A peculiar feature of the experimental data, the
occurrence of the maximum amplitude of pitch at


very low speed, is also confirmed by the calculated

curve. The natural period of the model oscillation
P i P r REA,
d r
in pitch indicates the resonant speed to be at about 'c 0
1.8 ft. sec., whereas the apparent resonance of the
actual motion is shown to be at about 1.5 ft./sec. 4 . /00
, , 111
This shift of the apparent resonance t o a lower N

speed is now seen to be the effect o f the cross- 60

coupling coefficients d, D, c, and E. A different 40
amount, and possibly a different direction of shift, 0 0.5 /0 /3- 20 25 30 3.5
N O DEL 5.z3Z-E0 Fr/sec
can be expected with different values of these coef-
ficients for another hull. The usual characteristics
Fig. 4. Computed phase relationships of series 60, 0.60 block, parent
of conventional ship forms makes one expect, model 5 f t . long in 5 f t . X 1.25 in. !caves

I . S . P. - V o l . 2 - N o . 6 - 1955

heave a n d p i t c h amplitudes with respect t o the The high damping in heave and small magnitude
amplitudes o f heaving force and moment. T h e of the measured heaving force indicate a very small
maximum heaving force occurs when the wave heaving amplitude, i f computed as uncoupled
crest is close to the midship section. The maximum motion, leaving the large experimental heave utterly
amplitude o f heave, however, is delayed until the unexplainable. O n the other hand, low damping
wave crest rolls further aft. For instance, at the and high exciting pitching moment tend to give an
time of apparent resonance in heave, at a speed of exaggerated pitching motion when calculated i n
1.8 ft., 'sec., the phase lag is 90c; i n the present the single mode. The effect of taking the coupling
case, this is equivalent to 1/4 o f the ship's length. into account is to hold down the pitching and to
The maximum height o f the heaving motion will increase the heaving, thus bringing both to a much
therefore occur when the wave crest is at Station better correlation with the experimental data.
15, and the following wave through is at Station 5.
It is interesting to note here that in all cases of
The lower part o f Figure 4 shows t h e l a g o f
previously published calculations o f ship motions,
heaving amplitudes with respect to pitching ampli- such as those o f Kriloff i n 1898 [Reference 3],
tude. The experimental data on phase relationships Hazen and Nim [Reference 4] and Bull [Reference
are not yet available, but some preliminary infor-
mation indicates that the low value of this lag at 5], no experimental verifications of the calculations
are made. The indicated pitching motions, however,
low speed is found experimentally also. I t can be appear b y examination t o be exaggerated. This
added here that, in the past, few experimental data
exaggeration is now seen to be the result of two
on ship motions have been published, and then factors: the use of the Froude-Kriloff hypothesis
often only i n the form o f heaving and pitching
leads to exaggerated values o f forcing functions,
data separately, without any information on the and the use of uncoupled equations likewise tends
phase relationship between the two. I n such form, to exaggerate the pitching amplitude. I n the case
the information given does not describe completely
of the St. Denis paper of 1951 [Reference 7], the
the ship motions, and does not permit the deriva- calculated amplitudes do not appear to be abnormal.
tion of other properties of motion, as, for instance,
the vertical acceleration a t the bow o r stern. I n In the Introduction to that paper, it is stated that
the Froude-Kriloff hypothesis was used, b u t i n
order to completely describe the motion, all three
reality, in the development of the paper, all terms
quantities — the amplitudes of heave and of pitch, of equations (2) and (3) of the present work were
and the phase relationship between the two, are
taken into account. Hence, the exaggeration o f
necessary. These three quantities will describe the
absolute motion o f a ship, b u t they still do not forcing functions was probably avoided. The ex-
permit judgment o f the degree o f bow o r stern aggeration o f the pitch due t o the use o f the
immersion. For this purpose, it is necessary to relate uncoupled equation of motion was likewise balanced
by not considering the reduction o f the damping
the ship motion to the wave motion by giving these coefficient B due t o three-dimensional flow. I n
phase relationships also, as shown by the computed
fact, the assumed damping was effectively taken
ones in the upper part of Figure 4.
as double the probable actual one. However, since
A question can be asked at this stage as to what no experimental check was available i n this case
has been gained by the use of the coupled equations either, a more detailed discussion is not possible.
of motion a s compared t o the simpler separate
equations for pitch and heave. I t has already been It must be clear from what has been said above
mentioned that coupling has brought the calculated that a verification of a theory at one test speed for
resonance in pitch t o a lower speed, correctly re- either pitch or heave alone is quite meaningless. I f
presenting t h e experimental data. Comparative a theory is to be valid, i t must show a reasonable
coupled and uncoupled calculations were made at agreement i n p i t c h a n d heave simultaneously
one speed of 2.1 ft.., sec., which is somewhat above throughout the entire practical speed range. I f this
the uncoupled resonance speed, with the following stringent requirement is fulfilled, as i t appears to
results: be in the present case, the agreement can hardly
be called fortuitous, and can be accepted as a valid
Computed f r o m
verification. Further verification is needed in the
per 'nein al
Uncoupled C o u p l e d Val tics
present case f o r waves o f other lengths and f o r
Equations E q uations ships of other forms, but at the moment it appears
that a practical engineering tool is near at hand
for the prediction o f ship motions on the basis of
Heave Amplitude 0.42 in. 1.1 i n . about 1.15 in.
ship hull geometry, and a known or specified sea
Pitch A m p l i t u d e 10.9 6 . 2 a b o u t 6.3 of simple form. 'File extension to irregular seas will
be discussed in the second part of this paper.

Concluding Remarks distance, perhaps in a hollow of another wave. The

In concluding the first section o f this paper, motion o f a ship i n such a sea likewise is quite
the bearing of the theory on the interpretation of irregular, w i t h pitching, rolling, yawing, etc. all
experiments can be briefly discussed. Theoretical combined. Concentrating on pitching, for example,
calculations indicate that the effect of the heave the continually changing apparent periods, lengths,
and pitch coupling is to bold down the pitching and heights o f the waves result i n continually
amplitudes, or it may be thought of as effectively fluctuating periods and amplitudes o f pitching.
Thus, it is clear that the use of average waves for
increasing the damping i n pitch. This makes the
the study of motions is inadequate, and the present
pitching motions less sensitive to odd disturbances,
knowledge o f behavior i n regular waves i s n o t
and, indeed, the experimental pitching data are directly applicable to the problem o f motions i n
found t o be reasonably consistent. O n the other irregular storm seas.
hand, the effect of coupling is to increase heaving
amplitudes, i.e., effectively, to decrease the damping A very promising approach to the irregular sea
in heave, making it much more sensitive to unfore- motion problem has been set forth by St. Denis and
seen excitations. I n fact, t h e experimental dis- Pierson ill Reference 12, and in the work of Fuchs
crepancy in the heave data, even between the labo- and MacCamy [Reference 13]. The essential idea
ratories having the best agreement, is disappoint- is that motions in irregular waves can be accounted
ingly high. for on the basis of motions in regular waves of a
So f a r, only, t h e coupling between pitch and variety of lengths. It is first shown that the irregu-
lar surface o f the ocean i n a storm can be con-
heave has been considered theoretically. I t is ex-
sidered as t h e combined effect o f a n infinite
tremely desirable to consider the entire motion in
number of component waves o f different length,
a plane o f symmetry, i.e., surge as well as heave
and pitch, and particularly to investigate the effects height, and direction. The hypothesis is then ad-
vanced that ship responses to such irregular waves
of surge coupling and of variation in test conditions
in pitch, heave, roll, etc. may be considered as the
in regard to surging motion. This will indicate to
sum o f the responses t o each o f the component
what extent i t is necessary to provide the correct
waves. This means that studies o f regular waves
freedom i n surge i n laboratory tests. A t present, become more, rather than less, important than i n
although efforts have been made to have the test
the past.
conditions correct with respect to heave and pitch,
apparently no control is exercised as to the masses The theory has far-reaching consequences, for,
involved in surging motion. I t would be of interest if confirmed, i t means f o r one thing that when
to check, both experimentally and by calculation, satisfactory analytical solutions for ship motions in
the extent t o which this may affect the heaving regular waves are obtained, they may be applied at
motion, in which the discrepancies are most con- once to obtaining the complete analytical solution
spicuous. of the irregular sea case. However, this goal is not
within immediate possibility o f achievement. A
second consequence i s o f more immediate i m -
Part I I portance: t h e possibility o f obtaining t h e ship
responses to regular waves experimentally, and ap-
Theoretical and experimental investigation o f ship plying them to the irregular wave problem without
motions i n irregular, long-crested seas waiting for the complete analytical solution. I t is
this second aspect that will be considered here.
Impm-lance o f Irregular Waves To start with, it must be realized that successful
It is generally recognized that regular waves of completion of any research requires a certain simpli-
the type discussed in Part I of this paper are not fication of the problem. On the one hand, it must
representative of actual storm seas, although they be stripped of unimportant elements, so that atten-
may approximate a smooth regular swell. Of course, tion can be concentrated on tile most significant
swell conditions are often encountered at sea after features, and on the other hand, certain important
a storm has passed o r as the result o f a distant features must be segregated for investigation first,
storm; t h e y arc more common on some o f the independently o f t h e others. F o r t h e present
ocean routes than on others. But the problem which problem, the complete ship motion i s separated
is usually more serious, and certainly more difficult, into the three component rotations o f pitch, roll,
is that of ship motions in storm seas while a strong and yaw, and the three translations of heave, sway,
wavegenerating wind is blowing. The sea is then and surge. Experience with ship motion studies -
characterized b y great apparent irregularity, i n - as well as with comparable work i n aeronautical
cessant change of appearance, and by the fact that engineering — has shown that i t is feasible t o
waves are "short-crested'', i.e. looking along a crest, segregate the three motions in the plane of sym-
one may see that i t seems to disappear at a short metry — heave, pitch, and surge - and t o i n -

- Vo l . 2 - N o . 6 - 1955

vestigate these first, postponing the study o f all predicting surf conditions at landing beaches. Work
six until later. Physically, this means that motions has been continued in the United States under the
in head or following seas can be investigated inde- sponsorship o f the Beach Erosion Board and the
pendently of motions in waves of other directions. Office of Naval Research, leading to the extension
This is clear enough in a regular wave or swell, but of the knowledge and techniques for application to
in the case of an irregular sea, it implies the further ship motion problems [see Reference 12].
assumption that all irregularity i n the transverse Sample records o f the ocean surface at a fixed
direction is neglected. I n short, t h e problem i s point are shown i n Figure 5 . Such records are
considered as being completely two-dimensional. obtainable from a pressure recorder on the bottom
This t y p e o f two-dimensional, o r long-crested, in shallow water, for example, or by means of a
irregular sea will be further discussed later. Suffice long floating " w a v e pole" i n deep water, with
it to say at this point that the current development instruments f o r recording the water elevation in
of the analytical and experimental techniques for relation to it. The first record (a) is typical of the
ship motion studies is not yet adequate to deal with sea surface i n a storm area, where the wind has
the problem satisfactorily unless so simplified o r been blowing for some length of time. I t is charac-
limited. terized by an appearance of great irregularity and
confusion, with wide fluctuations in the intervals
between crests and in the wave heights. Record (b)
Characterizing the Ocean Surface is typical of a "swell", the sea surface after a storm
The question o f ship motions i n irregular seas has passed or at some distance from a storm. I t is
leads first t o the problem o f characterizing t h e irregular, but not nearly so irregular as the other
complex surface pattern o f the ocean. I t is com- record.
paratively easy to create a completely confused sea Both records of Figure 5 - even the apparently
in the model tank, and this has been done by the chaotic first one — are found to be amenable to
use of baffles, allowing reflections from the ends analysis statistically because o f a very important
and sides of the tank, and by introducing irregular observed fact. To explain this fact, the record is
paddle motions. None i f these methods is desirable, first marked o f f at equal small intervals o f time,
for the resulting confusion is not like the irregu- as shown in Figure 5, and the deviations o f the
larity of the sea, and it is not subject to satisfactory point f r o m t h e average line are classified and
analysis or repetition. plotted on the basis of frequency of occurence. I t
The significance o f recent w o r k i n physical is found then that the result is very close t o a
oceanography [Reference 14] is that the confusion typical "normal" o r Gaussian distribution curve,
of a storm sea is found to be more apparent than as shown in Figure 6. The distribution curves will
real and that the application of statistical methods be different for different wave records, but they
can b r i n g a certain degree o f order out of the are always found t o be very close to the typical
apparent chaos. These methods received their initial shape. Starting from this important characteristic
impetus f r o m the need during the last war f o r of ocean wave records, Pierson [Reference 14] has

( b ) SWELL
l'ig• 5 a l o Ill r e t "1.1 1 , , , 1 1'miil

position of one of the narrow rectangles along the

+ R O / l / T S O B TAW I E D " R O N .4NAZYS/S
ordinate scale of frequencies, co (or period, T), and
the amplitude of each component is given by the
square root o f the area o f the same rectangle.
Figure 7(b) shows the 14 components correspond-
/YORAML P/STR/Z31/170/1
ing to each o f the rectangles — the "corrugated
plates" previously mentioned. Summing u p t h e
heights of these components at successive instants
will give a typical wave pattern similar to Figure
5 (a). The greater the number of components taken,
the more exactly will the pattern approximate a
possible ocean wave record. However, no two re-
cords — either artificial o r real — will ever be
S C A U E O F D E V 1 4 7 7 0 / Y S O F R 0 / M 7 S O h ' R E C O R D T A OA, R E 4 / Y
exactly alike, even though their statistical properties
may be identical.
Fig. 6. Scale of deflations o f points on record from mean Thus, the apparent irregularity of the sea and of
Note: T h i s graph was prepared f r o m data given i n R e f . 1 4 , based ship motions in it may be considered simply to be
on 200 points i n a 2 - m i n . record obtained f r o m a pressure- the sum of a very large number of regular waves
type wave recorder.
and motions superimposed.
The energy spectrum is different from the ideal,
found that the sea surface can be represented as an however, i f the wind has not blown long enough
infinite number of infinitesimal sine waves super- for the sea to be fully developed, or if the open sea
imposed in random fashion, so that all of the crests distance or "fetch" over which the wind has blown
never coincide. As a practical matter, the elevation is limited. The spectrum grows from the high fre-
at any instant may be considered as the sum o f quency end, and, i n incomplete form, i t would
points on a large number — instead of an infinite terminate at some frequency — say (o, in Figure 7
number — of sine waves of very small amplitude. — determined b y the duration or fetch. Hence,
This picture may be visualized by assuming a large the spectrum o f a simple storm appears t o be a
number of corrugated plates, each with a different fairly definite function of wind velocity, duration,
sized corrugation, stacked on top of one another. and fetch.
The composite wave pattern can then be obtained So far, no mention has been made of the direction
by adding the heights of the points on the plates of motion of the waves. Actually, it appears that
vertically i n line. Each o f the component waves the wave components are not all travelling in the
possesses the well-known characteristics o f simple same direction — as a result of fluctuations in the
surface waves whereby the wave is completely storm winds which created them; that is, the cor-
specified b y i t s frequency ( o r period) and i t s rugated plates previously mentioned lie at different
height, since wave length and velocity are known angles to one another. This results in the character-
functions of frequency (or period). However, these istic "short crestedness" o f ocean storm waves in
component waves are not directly visible in a sea- a direction at right angles to their motion. How-
way o r a record; they can be found only by a ever, i t is believed that the directions of most o f
rather complicated analytical method. the components lie within 3 0 ' o f that o f the
dominant crests — when the disturbance created by
The frequencies o r periods o f the component
a single storm is considered. The theoretical form
waves and their relative importance in an actual of three-dimensional spectra has been tentatively
wave record are described by the "energy spectrum"
worked out, thus permitting the mathematical re-
of the seaway. For the case of a reasonably steady
wind blowing over an initially calm sea for a suf- presentation of the sea surface over an area as well
as at a fixed point [see Reference 12].
ficient length of time in the open ocean, Neumann
[Reference 15 ] has obtained a mathematical ex- The work discussed has dealt entirely with an
pression f o r this spectrum, which can be worked idealized spectrum o f a single, simple storm. A n
out f o r a n y desired w i n d velocity. A typical actual sea spectrum may be much less smooth and
example is shown i n Figure 7(a), i n which the regular than the spectrum shown in Figure 7. Many
curve simply indicates the relative amplitudes or more observations a t sea are needed, using the
heights o f the many wave components present in statistical theory as the basis f o r analyzing the
a typical ideal seaway. I n this Figure, i t is shown resulting data. Meanwhile, the idealized spectrum
how the wave pattern is approximated by taking appears t o be quite satisfactory f o r the present
the sum of say 14 component waves, neglecting the analytical and experimental work. Even though
low waves at each end. The frequency, and hence actual storms may differ somewhat, they will cer-
length, o f each component is indicated b y the tainly be of the same general character.

I . S . P. - V o l . 2 - N o . 6 - 1955

C4i2 a i 3 6614 W 3 - (416 1 7 C I - ) el t • 6 4 1 / 0 C'')/ w i e c ( - 1 / 3 (A--1/4

S c A L E o r F R E CP C167YC U . / = 2 r

( C O A f r O V E N 7- h / / 11E-5.

E 1 Y 6 71/ o r 7 C-1/ 5 : / 2 7- 2 = 2,90A,J2 f/L-/G//r-


e.4_19 ---





SC o r 7-1/VE O R D / 5 7 - 4 NCL-

Fig. 7 T y p i c a l energy spectrum - showing approximation b y a i n i t c sum of ,oni pone,' i‘


Significance o f Short-Crestedness form given i n Reference 12 f o r an ideal short-

crested sea. This was done by assuming the short-
I f the study is limited first to the symmetrical
motions o f pitch, heave, and surge, as discussed crested sea_ to be made up of groups of components
differing from each other by headings of ] 0'. The
above, the next step is to determine how important spectrum for all components at each different angle
the characteristic o f short-crestedness i s t o the
was then calculated, corrected f o r the effect o f
present problem. Short-crested beam seas, contain- speed on frequency o f encounter, and integrated
ing components o f many different directions, by equation 1.23 o f Reference 12. The result is
obviously produce greater longitudinal forces and also plotted in Figure 8.
moments than long-crested seas, no matter how
irregular, if parallel to the ship's course. Hence, for It may be seen that the difference between the
this case, short-crestedness is very important. As the two spectra for a moving point is very small, and
ship's heading is shifted more and more toward right hence the use of a long-crested sea for experimental
angles t o the dominant direction o f the sea, the and analytical work on symmetrical motions is cer-
effects o f the variation i n direction w i l l become tainly justified. As a matter of fact, the two curves
less and less. I n order to determine exactly what could be made practically to coincide by using a
the effect would be in a typical case of a head sea, fictitious wind velocity f o r the long-crested sea
some calculations were carried out on the basis of somewhat higher than the specified 30 knots. This
the three-dimensional spectrum given i n Refer- would give a sea almost exactly equivalent to the
ence 12. The results are shown in Figure 8. short-crested sea, insofar as the spectrum is con-
cerned. This refinement, however, is hardly neces-
sary in view of the degree of accuracy with which
sea spectra are known.

MOVING A T 1 5 / u y o r s
It is important also t o consider wave lengths
FIXED P O I 11 T, 3 0 K N O T Wit10
t O N G • CRESTED when comparing different irregular seas in relation
SHORT-CRESTED to ship motions. The spectrum characterizes the
periods and heights of component waves, but great
care is required to obtain information regarding the
lengths of the component waves. The difficulty is
that periods or frequencies are changed by move-
ment o f the point o f observation, b u t effective
02 0 , 2 0 , 4 0 . 5 0 . 6 0 , 7 0 . 6 ' 0 . 9 1 . 0 12 wave lengths are changed only by differences in
w = 2 IT
direction. 'When a ship encounters a short-crested
head sea, the effective length ( i n relation to sym-
H . 8 . C o i n parison o f p o w e r spectra f i r e d a n d 17107 ing points
in long- and short -crested seas
metrical ship motions) o f each component wave is
the actual length divided by the cosine of the angle
between its direction and that of the ship. Hence,
One of the curves in Figure 8 shows Neumann's it is clear that the average length of a short-crested
ideal storm spectrum at a fixed point, correspond- head sea must be somewhat longer than that of a
ing t o a 30-knot wind [Reference 16]. When long-crested sea having the same spectrum at a fixed
taking a record at a fixed point, it makes no dif- point, i t would be possible to work out the average
ference whether o r not a long- o r short-crested wave length for the long- and short-crested seas,
sea produced the record. However, a ship MONTS but it will suffice to note in this case that if a some-
through the sea, and therefore i t is convenient to what higher fictitious wind velocity were assumed
consider the spectrum which would be recorded at in order t o bring about agreement between the
a moving point. In this case, it does make a differ- two spectra in Figure 8, then, at the same time,
ence whether or not the sea is long- or short-crested. the average wave lengths would_ be brought into
The spectrum for the long-crested case is obtained closer agreement. In the case of following seas, on
by shifting points on the original spectrum so as to the contrary, the corrections to spectrum and to
correct for the period of encounter. The spectrum wave length work in opposite directions.
corresponding to a point moving at 15 knots in a The significance o f all this is that i f a long-
direction opposite that o f the waves is shown in crested sea is adopted for studies o f symmetrical
Figure 8. To obtain it, values of the relative ampli- motions, a legitimate simplification is obtained and
tude [r(,,))] f o r different values of (,) have simply not merely a rough approximation having n o
been replotted at the (,) value corresponding to the theoretical foundation. I t simplifies both analytical
frequency of encounter. and experimental problems greatly, and opens the
Finally, the corresponding spectrum was deter- way to the possibility of a straightforward verifica-
mined f o r a point moving at 15 knots into the tion and evaluation of the St. Denis-Pierson theory
wind, with a three-dimensional spectrum o f the [Reference 12].

- Vo l . 2 - N o . 6 - 1955


2[ 3

Fig. 9 . P o r t i o n o f record o f irregular l a n k 'Wale

Recorded a t p o i n t o n carriage moving a t 1.42 knots

In simplifying the problem o f ship motions by the E.T.T. a t the present time. A sample record
neglecting short-crestedness as described above, i t of the irregular wave produced is shown in Figure 9.
must not be forgotten that there are conditions of The analysis of typical experimental records has
the sea in which wave directions are very important shown that the distribution of points at successive
to the symmetrical motions. These are cases which time intervals are very nearly Gaussian, as required,
cannot be approximated by a single simple storm, and that the distribution of apparent periods can,
such as by suitable control, be made to correspond closely
1. t h e combined effect of two or more storms at to the distribution observed a t sea, as given b y
some distance apart; Neumann [Reference 16]. A comparison o f the
2. t h e effect o f a storm sea building up on an period distributions f o r a typical case is given in
existing swell (although, in time, the swell may Figure 10. "Apparent period" is defined here as the
be destroyed by the storm wind [Reference 16], time between successive crests of the irregular wave
the combined effect may be apparent for some record, which o f course gives no direct indication
time); of the periods of the component waves. A n energy
3. t h e effect of circular storms or sudden shifts of spectrum analysis o f a 11/2-minute record is now
wind direction [Reference 1 7 ] ; conditions at being made on the Univac machine at the David
the eye of a hurricane, for example, defy ana- Taylor Model Basin, but it is not yet available.
lysis by present methods. The irregular wave method being developed at
Conditions such as the above can produce very the F.T.T. is very simple in principle. Use is made
extreme cases o f short-crestedness, with pyramidal of floats a t the wavemaker end o f the tank to
crests and deep holes. Data o n such conditions control wave amplitude, and of a continually vary-
are certainly needed, and the corresponding ship ing paddle frequency to provide a wide range of
motions must in due course be studied analytically wave frequencies. The object is to make the period
and experimentally. of each paddle stroke different, and hence the motor
speed control rheostat is changed manually after
each stroke. O f course, without some control o f
Creating Irregular Long-Crested Wares in a Model
Tank amplitude, the short strokes produce higher waves
than the long ones, and an unrealistic sea results.
There are two possible methods o f creating ir- By using a light "polarfoam" float, 36 in. long and
regular long-crested waves in a model tank. One is 4 in. thick, extending the width of the tank, the
to superimpose a finite number o f components, a heights of all waves less than 36 in. long are reduced
process which becomes increasingly complex as the almost to the height of the 36-in. waves. The exact
number o f components is increased. The other is proportions, number, and ballasting of the floats to
to vary continuously the frequency and amplitude give the best results requires further study, but the
of the wave-generating mechanism. A variation of basic idea seems to be sound.
the second method looks particularly promising at It would undoubtedly be possible to apply the

" F U L LY A R I S E N " SEA.
9 H

E. r T. TA N K No. 1
1 % - Hit RECORD

AVE. -7-- 1,0 Sec. 1 , / Sec.
AVE. HT. 2 . 4 /17 2 , 6 if?
HIGHEST 4 , 9 / n 4 , 9 //7 .
AVE 7 : .3.4 F T 5 , 2 " - T.
2 ------,L.,,._,,.,,,,,.


0,6 0.7 1,5 1 . 6 1 7 1 8 1 . 9 210 2,1

00 0 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 , 3 _ 1 . 8

Fig. 1 O. A natysis o f i r r e g u l a r w a r e record, Stevens E . T. T. d i s t r i b u t i o n o f apparent periods

above method t o the operation o f a random-sea obtained b y pure cut-and-try methods. Further
generator, thereby producing a different wave development o f analytical methods will also have
pattern every time i t is operated. This is not the to be pursued for irregular as well as regular seas.
aim, however, because an important feature of the In the irregular case, References 12 and 13 represent
method is that i t appears to lend itself to making the pioneering work; b u t the first is completely
a reproducible sea. T h e objective is t o provide devoid of experimental verification, while the ex-
mechanical-electrical control whereby the wave- perimental part in the second one is rather brief.
maker w i l l repeat a t w i l l a sequence o f strokes It will be necessary, therefore, t o devote a con-
of approximately 3 minutes' duration. This corre- siderable amount o f effort t o the experimental
sponds to about 30 minutes o f a full-scale ocean verification and further analytical development of
record, which, as indicated b y Pierson's work, the theory of calculating the complex sea motions
should provide a satisfactory sample f r o m t h e from the known ship responses to simple seas.
statistical point o f view [Reference 14]. I f this The experimental application of irregular waves
reproducibility is successful, i t will permit one or to the problem of bending moments in a ship model
more wave patterns to be analyzed once and for all, was described in a recently presented paper by one
and thus eliminate the need for multiple analysis of of the authors [Reference 18].
wave records. I t is also hoped that direct com-
parative tests of different models can be made in
the same wave pattern for either head or following The Present N a r y Project at the E.T.T.
seas. Of course, a model run in the tank usually
The work on irregular waves now being carried
requires much less than 3 minutes, and therefore a
large number of runs will be required in different out at the Experimental Towing Tank is being done
parts of the wave pattern. under sponsorship o f the Bureau o f Ships, under
the technical cognizance o f t h e David Ta y l o r
It must be clear from the first part of this paper,
Model Basin. Briefly, the project has two aims:
however, that ship motions are governed by a large
number of characteristics (expressed as coefficients 1. t o make a direct comparison of the resistance
of the coupled differential equations), and that it and motions of two extreme hull forms in both
is not probable that the best combination of these regular and irregular long-crested tank waves;
for improved ship performance i n waves can be and

I.S.I'. - Vo l . 2 - N o . 6 - 1955

2. t o check on analytical methods o f calculating

ship responses t o irregular waves on the basis
of the responses to regular waves of a wide range
of frequencies,
a. b y means of statistical methods (St. Denis-
Pierson, [Reference 12]), and
b. b y point-by-point calculation (Fuchs-Mac-
Gamy [Reference 13 ] ).
It is expected that the statistical study, item 2(a),
will yield the motion spectra and the average and
maximum amplitudes o f motion. The point-by-
64,_ 2 77-
point calculation, item 2 (b), will result in the time r

history of motion in relation to the wave, in order Fig. 1 1. A m pill tide spectra o f m o t i o n ash! p i t c h i n g
to provide a picture of wetness of decks, propeller From Fignre 14 o f Reference 13
emersion, slamming, etc. I t will be noted that the
problem o f ship motions in regular waves, instead ameliorated b y the fact that synchronism occurs
of becoming secondary to the problem o f irregular only with the shorter waves which produce com-
wave motions, now becomes an essential part of it.
paratively small pitching moments.
The simple sea studies provide the necessary building
blocks from which i t is hoped the irregular sea
motion can be constructed. Coii liSiO

Work to date on this project has been on prob- The above considerations suggest that improve-
lems o f instrumentation and background theory, ments in the seakeeping qualities o f ships may be
and therefore there are no concrete results to re- sought in the following directions:
port. However, the indications are that the new 1. Radical shifts of natural frequencies of oscilla-
theory accounts for sea observations in a qualitative tion, in order to avoid synchronism as much as
way. Whichever type o f motion is considered — possible, through modifications t o proportions
for example, rolling or pitching t h e ship seems or weight distribution. I n the case of pitching
to select the resonant frequencies from the broad and heaving, shorter periods are distinctly bene-
band o f frequencies present in the seaway and to ficial in this respect.
respond most violently to them. This is illustrated 2. Changes i n hull form o r the use o f auxiliary
in Figure 11, which is based on t w o Figures i n devices which will reduce motions when reso-
Reference 13. I t can be seen that the calculated nance w i t h certain wave components is un-
response spectrum involves a radical shift o f the avoidable.
sea spectrum, with a peak at the natural pitching 3. Changes i n hull form or the use of auxiliary
frequency. This is confirmed b y sea observations devices which will improve the phase relation-
[Reference 19]. Insofar as pitching is concerned, ship between the waves and the ship motions.
normal ship proportions seem t o be such that, at It is hoped that the work on motions in irregular
ordinary speeds in head seas, ships experience syn- seas being undertaken at the E.T.T. will not only
chronism with the longer wave components, which clarify the theory involved but will shed some light
results in erratic but occasionally violent pitching. directly on the above possible improvements in the
At reduced speeds or hove to, conditions are usually seakeeping qualities of ships.

1 Stoker. 1 . f . a n d A . S . Peters: T h e M o t i o n o f a S h i p as a 4. I la:1•11, I I , I - a n d P. T . N i m N : " C a l c u l a t i o n o f M o t i o n a n d
floating R i g i d B o d y i n a Seaway'', N e w Y o r k U n i v e r s i t y. Stresses o f a P i t c h i n g a n d H e a v i n g S h i p " , Transaction o f
1 nstitute o f Mathematical Sciences Report N o . I M M -NYL.1 t he Society o f N a v a l A r c h i t e c t s a n d M a r i n e Engineers,
213, January 1954. 4%, 1940, p p . 94-1
11,141nd, 11. w o Papers o n t h e H y d r o d y n a m i c T h e o r y 1. ' S . S . O c e a n V u l c a n Sea T r i a l s - ; A p p e n d i x : C a l c u l a t i o n o f
of Heaving and Pitching Ship'', Society o f Naval A r c h i t e c t , Theoretical B e n d i n g Moments'', A d m i r a l t y S h i p We l d i n g
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- V o l . 2 - N o . 6 - 1955

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