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"Patch the Gap" as an innovative technique in improving the reading level of learners was created by

Liliw Central Elementary School with the goal of assisting Grade 1 learners in developing their literacy
skills, particularly reading. The primary objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of Patch the
Gap as an innovation used by Grade 1 Teachers to improve the reading levels of Grade 1 Learners in
Limited Face-to-Face Classes.

The researcher used the full probability sampling design to investigate and find the important
information and data needed for the research, considering the situation in education in the new normal.

The findings indicate that the Patch the Gap in terms of implementation and improvement are both
rated as "Excellent." The Pre-test mean score is 1.27, which interpreted as "Absolutely No Mastery".
Post-test result, which is rated "Mastered," has a mean score of 4.73. Considering the computed t-value
is 3 with the degree of freedom of 14 and the critical value of 2.14, there is a substantial difference
between the level of reading skills before and after the program implementation.

The respondents of this study were fifteen (15) Grade 1 Learners who were enrolled in Liliw Central ES in
Limited Face-to-Face Classes. A questionnaire checklist was used to supplement the gathering data for
the perception and the impact of “Patch the Gap”. Monitoring Tool was used to record the progress of
learners which made this research study original.

Key Words: Patch the Gap, Reading Assessment, Reading Levels, Face-to-Face Learners

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