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Lembar LKPD

Nama Sekolah : MTSN 002 Tembilahan

Nama Siswa :
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VII/1

Now, let’s learn another descriptive text. Read aloud the text ini front of the class Then,
answer the questions based on the text.
(Sekarang mari kita pelajari sebuah tes deskriptif yang lain. Baca teks
dengan seksama. Kemudian, jawablah pertanyaan–pertanyaan berdasarkan teks)

Daniel Jacob Radcliffe was born in Fullham, London, 23 July 1989. His
nickname is Dan. He is the only child of Alan Radcliffe and Marcia
Dan has white skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a pointed nose. His
height is about 168 cm. He is a loyal, shy, down to earth and humorous
person. He is also intelligent and somewhat mysterious. He loves football,
Formula One racing and gymnastics.

After Read the Teks, now answer the question below based on the text :
(Setelah membaca teks, sekarang jawab pertanyaan yang ada di bawah berdasarkan teks
1. What is the text about? ________________________
2. What is Mio? ________________________
3. What does he look like? ________________________
4. What does Mio usually do? ________________________
5. What is his habit when he is not well? ________________________

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