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AICECS 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2161 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2161/1/012023

Modeling of Supervised Machine Learning using

Mechanism of Quantum Computing.
Ms. Mukta Nivelkar1 , Dr. S. G. Bhirud2
1 2
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Veermata Jijabai
Technological Institute, Mumbai, India.
E-mail: 1, 2

Abstract. Mechanism of quantum computing helps to propose several task of machine

learning in quantum technology. Quantum computing is enriched with quantum mechanics
such as superposition and entanglement for making new standard of computation which will
be far different than classical computer.Qubit is sole of quantum technology and help to use
quantum mechanism for several tasks. Tasks which are non-computable by classical machine
can be solved by quantum technology and these tasks are classically hard to compute and
categorised as complex computations. Machine learning on classical models is very well
set but it has more computational requirements based on complex and high-volume data
processing. Supervised machine learning modelling using quantum computing deals with feature
selection, parameter encoding and parameterized circuit formation. This paper highlights on
integration of quantum computation and machine learning which will make sense on quantum
machine learning modeling. Modelling of quantum parameterized circuit, Quantum feature
set design and implementation for sample data is discussed. Supervised machine learning using
quantum mechanism such as superposition and entanglement are articulated. Quantum machine
learning helps to enhance the various classical machine learning methods for better analysis and
prediction using complex measurement.

1. Introduction of basic quantum theory

Quantum observables are measuring the state of system. As particle is changing its state from
position X1 to X2 and so on. There can be ‘n’ number of state particle can take X1, X2, . . . ..
Xn. Particle could be measured in terms of its energy. Persistence of particle in given state
will be momentum and current state. All these things are particle quantities which we can use
in quantum mechanism and this also called physics measurements in terms of state of particle,
momentum. Quantum mechanism will use particle state which is superposition of many states.
Superposition state is called as arbitrary state which could be used for further calculations.
This is how particle physics in the part of quantum mechanism. Following section highlights on
quantum basics and mechanism such as qubit, superposition and entanglement. [7]. Quantum
mechanism integrated with various other domains such as Cryptography, Biology, Molecular
Science and Chemistry [10]

1.1. Quantum Bit or Qubit

Classical Computer mechanism represents data in terms of classical bit 0’s and 1’s, and the
concept that carries such information is called a ”bit” or called as ‘ON as 1’ and ‘OFF as 0’
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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
AICECS 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2161 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2161/1/012023

bit. A Classical bit can be in either a 0 or 1 in state at time moment. A quantum computer
proposed new standard in terms of mechanism that is a quantum bit or ”qubit” instead of a
classical bit 0 and 1. A quantum bit will be in two states (0 and 1) at same time to represent
data, but bit will hold single state at a time moment and a qubit can take together states of 0
and 1 simultaneously at any one moment is called as superposition. In similar way, two qubits
in this state can provide the four state values of 00, 01, 10, and 11 all at one time and 3-qubit
can be in superposition of eight states such as (000,001......111). Bloch sphere is single qubit
representation as shown in Figure 1. Bloch sphere represents 1 qubit space in which electron
will spin in up position is activation state represented as 1 and electron spin in down position
will represented as 0. Sphere representation of Qubit is well known as the Bloch sphere, and
it will visualize the state of a single qubit. Figure 1 shows 1-qubit Bloch sphere representation
with real value amplitudes[16].
State |0i will be represented by,
and State |1i will be represented as  

Figure 1. Bloach Sphere.

1.2. Quantum mechanism

1.2.1. Superposition [16][17] Data bit on classical machine is represented by a single state that
is represented in states denoted by |0i and |1i. Each state is measured as individual state. A
qubit has composite state is known as a arbitrary state of represenation of more than one state.
Qauntum qubit will be measured in terms of superposition of multilpe states. Electron spinning
up direction is excited state represented as |1i and a ground state representing |0i A single or

AICECS 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2161 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2161/1/012023

|0i qubit is superposition of the qubit two states together for 0 and 1 denoted by the addition
of the state vectors of 0 and 1 shown in Eq (1):

|Ψi = α|0i + β|1i (1)

Ψ state represents superposition of 0 and 1. Ψ state will measured for multiple qubits as per
mechanism. Eq (1), (2), (3) represents 1qubit, 2qubit, 3qubit. 2- qubit state is represented in
following manner, four states and shown in Figure 2.

|Ψi = α1|00i + α2|01i + α3|10i + α4|11i (2)

Eq. (1) in which α and β are the complex values. a n-qubit is superposition of ’n’ states at a
moment of time shown below in Eq(3).

|Ψi = α1|00..i + α2|01..i + α3|10..i + .... + αn|11..i (3)

1.2.2. Entanglement Entanglement is phenomenon of quantum physics which is one of the

major strengths of quantum physics mechanism. Entanglement theory couples the multiple
qubits together. quantum systems to define correlations between states within a Superposition.
Qubits cannot be separated once they are getting entangled with each other. Entanglement on
multiple particles Qubits are going to behave and react with each other as per their entangled
rule which is applied. Quantum entanglement for two qubits and which is the superposition of
four states. Quantum entanglement is one of principles of quantum physics, and which is really
very complex to understand. Entanglement which is Linking of multiple qubits together to show
superposition states on higher dimension. Qubits are entangled with each through the action of
laser to connect them. Once after entanglement they are in intermediate state of behavior with
each other. But then after qubit can separated with any distance but they will be remaining
entangled with each other. [16][18]

1.3. Quantum Gates and circuit design

Quantum gates are used to represent states and superposition of states of the qubits. Quantum
computing will use logic gates and these gates are having different purposes. Like, Hadamard
gate will gives superposition of 1-qubit, Pauli-X will require to rotate in x-direction, also Pauli-Y
will rotate in Y-direction. Controlled Gates will work on 2-qubit and more to measure second
qubit also 3-qubits gate is mentioned. Table 1 shows quantum gates overview and what will be
the input provided to the gate have shown.[17]

2. Review of quantum machine Learning

[1] author highlighted on basic theory of quantum machine learning and elaborated on state
preparation, model design. [2] discussed on supervised learn-ing with quantum enhanced feature
space and its benefits over classical machine learning. [3] Maria Schuld in year 2020 talked
about various methods of quantum encoding to convert classical data into quantum data and
effect of encoding while implementing variational models. How to use rotations in variational
model on parameters and get good results by updating the model. There are various methods of
encoding are discussed and elaborated in the article. Paper [4] discussed on quantum variational
model implementation for deep reinforcement learning. Author Somayeh Bakhtiari come up with
quantum machine learning algorithms need and motivation behind the topic [5]. Ismael C [6]
and Amira A. [9] discussed about quantum ensembles classifier. Paper [7] give deep illustration
physical science in quantum computing. M. Schuld, M. Fingerhuth and F. Petruccione [8]
discussed on quantum interference circuits for Distance based classifier. [10] M. Schuld highlights

AICECS 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2161 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2161/1/012023

Table 1. QGate Overview.


Hadamard (H) 1 qubit Superposition
X 1 qubit X-rotation (Bit Flip)
Y 1 qubit Y-rotation
Z 1qubit Z-rotation
AND 2qubit Performs AND operation
SWAP 2 qubit Performs Bit swapping
CNOT 2 qubit Controlled NOT gate
Taffoli 3 qubit Operates on 3 qubits

on various interdisciplinary areas and their integration with quantum computing for complex
problem solution is discussed. [11][12] gives briefer on quantum tools and subroutines required
for supervised and unsupervised machine learning and also discussed about implementation
platform for it. [13] is elaboration optimization methods in the area of machine learning. [14] and
[15] discussed on state discrimination and robust control nature of universal quantum machines.
Peter wittek [16] and maria Schuld[17] these books highlights on classical-quantum approach of
machine learning with encoding techniques, variational circuits, quantum tools and subroutines
required for QML algorithm implementation. Machine learning methods comparison is well
discussed in both books in very well manner. [18] also brief on the theory of mechanism and its
use. Mathematical concepts are explained to understand quantum theory as well.

3. QML Benefits
Quantum computers will supercharge the classical machine learning algorithms. Quantum
computing will perform such tasks which classical computer cannot perform on operational
ability of machine. Quantum machine learning is capable to consider higher dimension feature
space such as n-dimensional feature space [2]. Classical machine learning can plot data on
multiple dimensions but it would take more time and sometimes it will fail on operational power
of system. Machine learning is well established on classical computers and researchers are still
working on improvement of ML algorithms. First section of paper briefs on quantum computing
concept qubit and quantum mechanisms such as superposition and entanglement. Next section
of the paper will do survey and comparison analysis of quantum machine learning and its need.
Classical machine learning has some computational difficulties in terms of operational methods
of classical computer. Proposed techniques in quantum computing domain will overcome
computational difficulties and represent data on very high dimensional feature space by making
use of quantum mechanisms. Quantum mechanics such as superposition and entanglement
will help to represent and process data on higher dimensional space which will make sense of
how quantum machine learning will reproduce better results over classical ml methodologies.
To understand quantum concept, we should be brief on following points: Quantum Qubit,
Superposition, Entanglement. The benefits of quantum computers motivate the standard by
introducing qubit or a quantum bit, the Quantum information called as Quantum bit. Single
number has 0 or 1 used to represent the state of a bit on a classical computer. Based upon above
literature review following points are identified as operation ability to classical machine could be
achieved using quantum hardware. Machine learning from quantum perspective will definitely
help to solve and optimize complex problem and get the solution or prediction in less time. Few
research papers are discussed about big data processing in quadratic time over classical models.

AICECS 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2161 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2161/1/012023

4. Data and feature reprsentation and Quantum feature set

Quantum machine learning is one of the emerging areas of research in which how quantum
approach of learning will help to decorate classical machine learning is required to understand.
QML will articulate machine learning algorithms in such way that quantum mechanism will be
used to perform complex and undesirable tasks of classical computing[1]. Data representation

Figure 2. Quantum machine


on higher-dimensional space and speed of algorithm execution will be proposed method.

Representation of data on large feature space and some more mathematical processing on
data points will enhance algorithm speedup. Figure 2 shows benefits of data representation on
enhanced feature space. Data representation on 2D and 3D feature space will be shown in Figure.
3 and this will help to understand and view more clarity in data points. 3D representation
will create hyperplane and separate data points which might give advantage over 2D scaling.
Supervised machine learning will help to classify data in which will be having mostly two classes
or we can say it would be Binary classifier. But using quantum Hilbert space we can classify
data on higher- dimensional space as well as if dataset would have more than two classes then
also feature space would be handled by quantum algorithms. [2]

5. Quantum Machine learning process model

Modelling quantum machine learning will be using Classical-Quantum approach which will take
input in the form of classical data, processing will be done on quantum circuits as shown in
Figure. 5. Classical data input has fed to quantum algorithm called as training data for machine
learning. Initially training data will be represented on quantum feature space. Classical to
quantum data conversion will use various methods to encode the data such as basis, amplitude
encoding[1]. We are looking into supervised machine learning approach. Quantum circuit at this
level is either parameterized or variational in nature [4]. Next step will measure output label
as this is supervised approach and finally comparison of output in terms of mean absolute error

AICECS 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2161 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2161/1/012023

will be calculated and if required model processing will be updated. Figure 3 shows overview of
modeling Quantum classifier which will output class label as prediction [6]. Quantum classifier
on complex data points would be a great choice which requires complicated measurement to
study and learn behavior of data. [9]

Figure 3. Quantum machine

learning model.

5.1. Quantum Lab for proposed implementation

Quantum lab online simulator is provided by IBM quantum. This platform is provided by
IBM as quantum cloud service for simulation of algorithm on quantum hardware. Qaunum Lab
with python tool is available for coding the real quantum devices. Python language provides
packages to support quantum machines. To access the services of this tool user have to create
the account and then sign in to work. This tool also supports the quantum composer with
quantum lab. Researchers and students are getting banefited by this quantum cloud services.
Python with qiskit packages helps to create circuit of own choice to simulate various task on
quantum computers. User can select the name of simulator and work on it. Second option is
from classical machine using Jupiter notebook we can access and install Qiskit and work on the
quantum simulators [19].

5.2. Proposed quantum tools and techniques

Quantum technology evolved recently and there are many areas of classical do-main can
regenerate on computational speedup. Survey papers are digging the research in quantum
technology and quantum machine learning. and are showing how quantum technology will work
in supervised and unsupervised learning and mathematical models and tools for methods. Most
of the papers have discussed quantum implementation on Qiskit[19] which requires following
• Quantum tools: Model formation requires quantum algorithms as tools such as Grover
Search, Quantum Minimization algorithm, Quantum Phase Estimation, Quantum Fourier
transform. [5]
• Quantum ML tools: DistanceCalc, MeanCalc, MedianCalc, and depends upon the machine
learning technique subroutine will be modelled. [5][8]
• Encoding Methods: [3] Classical data conversion into quantum data requires to encode
classical data. Basic and amplitude method of encoding is discussed. Basic and amplitude
encoding shown in Figure. 4. In case of Basic encoding classical data stream is provided

AICECS 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2161 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2161/1/012023

as qubit state to the feature vector as shown. Like as dis-cussed in beginning section of
paper 2-qubit has four states into it such as 00, 01,10,11 and these is 2-D in size. In case
of amplitude encoding input, vector will be rotated along any one of the axis x, y, z and
particle behaviour will be tested and accordingly α state will be measured. This is very
import to encode data in quantum space for betterment of quantum data analysis.

Figure 4. Basic and amplitude


Overall discussion focuses on how quantum learning will be time efficient and computationally
better over classical ml models. Various application such as Machine learning in data related
to molecular science, networking standards are used and quantum computing have proposed in
these specific domains. This rigorous survey is helping out to find research gap in quantum and
classical machine learning standard in some extent.

5.3. Dataset overview and implementation

Proposed work will consider sample data for processing on quantum machine. Following tasks
has to be planned. Select sample data for processing. The data transformation will be done
in classical to quantum space which will follow Classical-Quantum approach. Apply machine
learning algorithm for classification of data on n-dimension feature space. If data will be having
n-number of features then it will be difficult on classical model to plot and analyse data. Feature
set for sample Iris dataset(available open source) is used for feature set creation and encoding
of data into quantum space. Proposed problem will do dataset selection for Figure. 3 shows
data represented on higher-dimensional feature space and how the concept will be adapted by
Machine learning algorithm. Proposed system has following features:
• Dataset selection and feature set formation.

AICECS 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2161 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2161/1/012023

• Identify best suitable machnine learning model.

• Data encoding for Classical-Quantum approach.
• Measurement of conversion time complexity.
• Accuracy of prediction/classification.
Quantum machine learning is used to classify the given dataset which has total 150 records with
4 features and three classes into it. This Iris flower dataset has features such as sepal legth,
petal length, sepal width, petal width.

5.4. Quantum classifier model

Following steps are performed two classifiy data using quantum classifier.

5.4.1. Uplaod data set and find the various features of it. In Section 5.1 paltform selection and
quantum cloud services are discussed. Quantum implementation of machine learning simulated
on IBM quantum platform using Python Language tool. Dataset mentioned in section 5.3 and
all features are selected.

5.4.2. Select the features of dataset and prepare feature set. Given dataset has four features.
All 4 features are taken and prepared feature set out of it. We can have ’n’ number of features.

5.4.3. Qubit selection and entanglement methods Number of qubits for simulation are depends
upon number of features selected. Those are discussed in section 5.4.2

5.4.4. Train model and provide sample train data. Train model for given dataset according to
the set standard of classical machine learning.

5.4.5. Apply various techniques to do encoding of data. Section 5.2 discussed on encoding
methods for classical to quantum conversion of data. Figure 6 in result analysis shows sample
train data.

5.4.6. Use quantum feature map techniques. There are various techniques used to make
quantum feature map which is encoding of data to represent in quantum space. as shown
in Figure 5 zzFeaturemap [19] is considered for feature map inplementation.

5.4.7. Design the quantum circuit for selected features. Figure 6 shows quantum circuit design
based upon selected features of given data.

5.5. Result analysis

Based upon the dataset discussed in section 5.4.1 sample train data based upon selected number
of features is demonstrated and used for futher purpose.

6. Motivation and Scope

There are various tools and subroutines are used for implementation of Quantum algorithm
[10]. Supervised and unsupervised machine learning can be implemented and tested on Qiskit
platform [19] with the help of many quantum tools [11]. In this paper the from implementation
perspective the sample dataset is taken and experiment on quantum hardware is performed.
Under future scope of same research, Big dataset would be the input and Big data will be
experimented and tested on quantum space. Time and measurement complexity will be the

AICECS 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2161 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2161/1/012023

Figure 5. Feature set and data


points of further research and how quantum technology can be used to overcome the operational
ability of classical machine on several front would be proposed.

7. Conclusion
Quantum mechanics is used to build weird analysis for complex pattern generation in data.
Integration of Quantum computing and machine learning would help to solve complex machine
learning tasks. Quantum systems can generate complex patterns that are very hard to
generate on classical machines mechanism. But quantum systems can also learn and recognize
the patterns that can’t be recognized classically. Quantum ML can be built on many
other parameters such as hyperplane generation on high-dimensions feature space, multiclass
classification, faster vector generation, ML optimization. This domain integration also helps to
model unsupervised and reinforcement learning. This paper discussed how machine learning will
be modelled using quantum technology and discussed about articulation of quantum machine
learning using classical- quantum model for implementation based upon the available cloud
quantum services.

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Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2161 (2022) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2161/1/012023

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