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Mesapotamiam art

Today i will be talking about mesapotamiam art and how it was remarkable in the Third
millennium B.C measapotamiam art was significant to the people bacause it represented gods
and godesses who ruled over the aspect of nature and important life events they made a central
place to worship the gods called the ziggurat a stepped pyramid with stairs leading to the altar
where worshippers would elevate themselves closer to the heavens.Thyre art was also useful in
every day life they used it for pots and pans which were made out of clay and also their clothing
and jewlery was very colorful and beautiful they also made very good boats and weapons.The
most common material that was used in their art was clay, clay was used as i said for pottery
monumental buildigs and tablets used to record history and legends.The mesapotamians
developed their skill in poetry over the years at first they used to their hands to make simpler
pots later they learned how to use the potter’s wheel they aslo used high temperature ovens to
harden the clay thye learned how to make different shapes glazes nad patterns soon their
pottery turned to art which then after they had declined had helped the egyptians with their
writing and art they influenced them alot.Fine jewelery was a status symbol in ancient
mesopotamia and both men and women wore it Jewelers ised fine gem stones silver and gold
to make intricate designs tey made all sort of jewlery including bracelets necklaces and
earrings.Around 3000 BC they the mesapotamians learned how to make bronze by mixing tin
adn copper they would melt the metal at very high temperatures and then pour it into moulds to
make all sorts of items including tools weapons and sculptures.Stone masons were some of the
best artist in mesapotamian art they carved everything from large sculptures to small detailed
relief sculptures most of the sculptures had historical or religious significance they usually were
gods or kings so as you see they have lots of significance.

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