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Listen to the audio given and answer the questions given below. You can listen to the
audio as much as you like.

1. Elaborate TWO (2) lessons learnt from the story.

The first lesson that I learnt from the story is we must be respectful of our neighbour.
From the audio, Barbara’s neighbour showed a lack of respect for his neighbour by
continuing to play the stereo at an unacceptable volume even after Barbara told him it was
too loud. Barbara’s neighbour was a very rude and ego person. If he wanted to avoid
upsetting the other neighbours, all he needed to do was turn the volume down.
The second lesson is before acting, we should consider the consequences logically and not
let our emotions get in the way. From the audio, Barbara cannot control her anger then she
bring a baseball and threaten to kill him if he didn’t turn down the music. After that happen,
she also didn’t expect her own action to be like that. This is why we shouldn’t act suddenly
because of how we feel.

2. If you were Barbara, what would you do to make sure that your neighbours are not
disturbing you? Give two (2) solutions to what you can do.

If I were Barbara, I would file a complaint with the department about him being a noisy
neighbour if he continued to be troublesome. I didn't think that this action was going too
far, considering that it has the potential to make the neighbourhood a more peaceful place.
He paid no attention to Barbara's complaint and continued to play his stereo at an
extremely loud volume. Because of this, I believe that filing a complaint with the
department office would serve to teach him a lesson.
The second solution is for me to try to talk to him face to face about the issues that are
bothering me without letting my emotions get in the way of our discussion. Because I’m a
student, I require a calm and peaceful environment in which to reside so that I can study
well into the wee hours of the morning.

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