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1. Elaborate TWO (2) lessons learnt from the story.

From the story, I have learnt to respect other people’s personal space. We shouldn’t be
playing music too loud, even if we’re in our house. We should think about the neighbors.
Imagine if your are trying to sleep or doing something that needs focus and your neighbor
just blast their music up to maximum volume. Obviously you will be mad at them. So, we
should be thoughtful about our surroundings. The other lesson i learnt is to think twice
before acting. In the story, Barbara just barged in her neighbor’s house and went out on
them for being too loud. She then regret her actions. Even after getting what she wants,
which is silence, she still felt sorry for her neighbor and think that she shouldn’t have
done that to them. 

2. If you were Barbara, what would you do to make sure that your neighbours are not
disturbing you? Give two (2) solutions to what you can do

If I were Barbara, first I would ask them politely to play their music slowly. I wont be
regretting on what i’ve said to them later on. Plus they also wont hate me because i ask
them politely. Secondly, I’ll buy them headphones. This is so they can enjoy their music
quietly, all by themselves. I can also enjoy my peace of mind without them disturbing

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