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Section 1

Professional Courtesy
 Generally refers to a philosophy of particular professional behavior or etiquette which is
extended between members of the same profession-attire, punctuality, behavior,
respect, and communication.
 Teachers are thieves and steal or we should say borrow, the ideas of fellow teachers all
thetime. But it is common courtesy to give credit to those you got the idea from. It is not
professional to take the ideas of others and make them out to be your own. These
educators put a lot of time and effort into their work and it is unethical for any teacher
to take their hardwork and not give credit. Especially if you post their ideas used in your
classroom on social media.
 Giving or rendering aid or assistance

 Feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.

Section 2
Cooperative Responsible
 If there are sudden changes of decision made in a particular event, it must be known by
theadministration first to have immediate action or decision. A teacher or in a lower
positionmust hear the side of the higher in authority.Scenario:
 1.Concerning outings: Romy Romero, a high school teacher, organized a swimming
partywith the students outside the school premises without the knowledge and
permission ofschool authorities. On the day that the group was to leave the school, the
branch coordinatorsaw them and asked where they were going. When she learned that
they are about to leave fora swimming party led by this teacher, the Branch Coordinator
stopped them. Instead, she allowed them to “party” inside the school premises. The
teacher was given disciplinary warning for his disregard of school policies.
 2. A worse case happened when a PE and Scouting teacher extended a Makiling camping
foranother day in Nasugbu. The teacher was also reprimanded since all outings require
theofficial approval of the school and permit slips signed by parents.


Section 3.
 By providing training and seminars to teachers and other personnel, they may have good and
proper etiquette.


Section 4.

Except for cause means if the administration announced that they will fireteacher/s because of excess in
the school or in the subject specialization, or the decrease ofenrolment maybe one of the reason,
personal issues are not counted.Scenario:

Section 5.

Logo’s interpretation:

The book represents the school. The hands which are small were the pupils and the big one’s are the
school staffs. The color of the big hands represents that they are different in jobs butas you can see it is
surrounded in the school. It is because they are helping, they areinterrelated with one another with one
mission and it is to hone the kids.

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