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Sex God

Sitting in a sad drawer filled with cobwebs that cover every corner. I lay next to an empty packet

of cigarettes, her baby picture, a lighter, 3 quarters, 12 dimes, and 7 pennies. How did my home

become so lonely? How did I become no longer important? She would usually take me out every

night. When she came home drunk, had a rough day at work, or just bought some new lingerie.

Now I lay here, like I have been laying for the past few months, wishing for her to take me out of

this sad wooden drawer and turn me on. I know she misses the vibrations. And I don’t think she's

getting any new vibrations. Except from that deep-voiced man I heard a few nights ago. He came

into her bedroom and I could hear him lurking around. Looking through her books and pictures

that hang on her wall. He went to look inside MY HOME but she quickly told him not too. Then

I heard kissing noises, a few “oh baby’s,” constant reassurance that he was “doing good,” a deep

roaring moan, and a fall onto the bed. I know I could make her last longer than that.

It’s been about 3 weeks and I have only been touched once. She was crying and upset because

this man of hers for some reason was too tired from work and had another busy day ahead so he

couldn’t come over. So she grabbed me out of the dresser with tears in her eyes. She pushed my

button and hid me under the blankets. Didn’t seem like it was doing much for her so she twisted

my bottom and soon the blankets and sheets were being flown off. The tears were out of her eyes

and once she was finished she placed me back into my home. I thought I was in the clear with

this man until he came over the next night. He asked her if she was into toys. THANK GOD. He

was going to use me. I was going to be used. No longer lying next to the dirty cobwebs or the

two dollars and two cents scattered around my floor. But instead he pulled out this donut shaped

thing. Was it supposed to go on me? He then slid it on himself and I almost threw up. What the

actual fuck was that. Oh, and then it started to vibrate. They were going like animals all night
with that thing. I think I even heard her say that they should use it again the next night. I couldn’t

believe my rhinestone eyes. I was beautiful. A little small but still beautiful nonetheless. I was a

light blue with many functions. This “thing” was an ugly red and didn’t look as soft to the touch

as I am.

Well it finally happened. He forgot the “other toy” so it was my turn. She said she was a little

embarrassed by me, which was only slightly offensive. But they still pulled me out and turned

me on. I was waiting for him to hand me over to her so I could feel her gentle hands and not his

gross calises touching my small waist, but he never did. He was the only one holding ME. And

she was screaming HIS NAME. I was the one doing all of the work, not him! And then the worst

thing possible happened. They dropped me on the bed for a little so “she could have a break”

which was code for he was tired of holding me, because I know she never needs a break. And

when they picked me up. He faced my RHINESTONE EYES right as his hairy pelvic. I have

never wanted my glued on eyes to fall off as much as I wished at that moment. It was like I was

thrown into a jungle and I swear I saw a bird or two. The horror rushed over me so quickly and I

wished for a permanent death. Nothing more and certainly nothing less. To my surprise, I

stopped vibrating. And I felt so relieved. I could escape the jungle and go prance in the nice, kept

up woods that surrounded the lake. But if I know my girl, it's that if she isn’t done, she isn’t

done. She took me out of his hands, slammed me against her side table as if I were some remote

not working, and then pressed my buttons on and off a few times until I started to shake again.

Why oh why did I have to be such an amazing tool that all women should have? When they were

“wrapping up” I heard this atrocious man yell that he is a “sex god.” She looked at me and rolled

her eyes. We both knew that I was the true sex god.

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