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Kate LaPierre

February 8, 2022

The Medea
Kate LaPierre

The production of "The Medea" was incredible and intensely devastating to watch, especially

due to Zoey Caldwell's acting. Medea is an intense character that is easy to sympathize with,

but hard to understand why sympathy is how you feel. In the video, her darkness is shown by

not only her clothing choice but in her face. Her emotions that are painted on her face are dark

and hard, while everyone else looks sad and scared. The portrayal of Medea is perfect because

of her complexity as a character. She is hurt and it seems that the only way to heal her pain is

to cause pain to others. She uses her pain in a seemingly nice way, but cruel, by manipulating

those around her to get what she wants. Getting revenge on Jason become her mission and it is

hard to sympathize with the fact that she will even use her own children to get that revenge on

him. In her society, her status is low due to her being a woman and not having the power that

men seem to have within society. Because her status is so low that it almost seems like she

has nothing left to lose. At least, if I put myself in the shoes and mind of Medea, having my

mission to be getting revenge on Jason and not being high in society, I would feel as if there is

nothing left to lose. Except my children, which is why it is hard to sympathize with her.

Wanting revenge is a valid feeling that sources from the heartbreak that Jason left her with.

But in reality, she is using those around her and hurting herself more, unless she doesn't feel

the remorse of doing that. I had partial sympathy for what she was going through, but I have

more sympathy for the fact that she can't stop herself from hurting others to get what she

wants. It is sad to see someone ruin their life and others just to get revenge. Watching the

video really brought it all together and brought the emotion of Medea. Reading the story of

her made me feel as though she was just a evil person, but seeing the emotion on her face

made me feel that she is more confused and hurt than evil.  
Kate LaPierre

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