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LFCA222A019 LITE001

Film Reflection: "Alpas"

"Alpas" is a film that shows how tough life can be for a daughter when she
feels down because of all the pressure around her. It made me feel for her and
made me think about my own life.

The main idea of the film is about the daughter trying to deal with all the
things her family and society expect from her. She feels overwhelmed by having
to do well in school. Eventually, she gets really sad and sinks into depression.
The film did a great job of showing what it's like to feel that way, how it affects her
behavior and emotions.

What's really touching about the film is how real it feels when showing
what it's like to have mental health struggles. You can see it in the way the
daughter acts and how she interacts with her family. It's like a wake-up call to pay
attention to what people might be going through without us knowing.

The film also highlights how complicated family relationships can be. You
see the daughter and her family not getting along because they don't understand
each other's feelings and expectations. It reminds us how important it is to listen
and support each other, especially during tough times.

But despite all the sadness, the film also gave us moments of hope. We
see the daughter starting to understand herself better and trying to heal. It's a
reminder that even when things seem really hard, people can find strength to
keep going.

Looking back, the film showed us the tough reality of facing pressure and
feeling sad, but it also encourages us to be more understanding and supportive
of others going through similar struggles. It reminds us that mental health is
important and that we should be there for each other, no matter what.

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