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TUPAS, Jan Mico Iliac T.

G 10 – St Gregory the great

My reflection of the movie “Every child is special”

The movie itself has taught me many things, it taught me that even with any mental disorders we
can be special. Having disorder doesn’t mean we cant fit into the society, and doesn’t mean they
cant do anything or learn anything, they have their own talents too just like from the movie,
Ishaan being an artistic person. And we also just have to accept the fact that there are things that
they can do better than us. Pressuring, Bullying, And making fun of him will only make it worse
so instead of pressuring, bullying him, be friend with him and gain his trust so that you can
practice or teach him something he has difficulties doing it, and so that they wont fell into
depression and waste their talents. This movie teaches us that even with such mental disorder we
can still shine in different ways. It showed us that it also takes time to learn something new and
to learn or practice things we had difficulties doing with.

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