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LFCA222A019 LITE001




1. Prose typically follows a
straightforward narrative structure with
1. Poetry uses words to create vivid a clear beginning, middle, and end. It
pictures and sensations in the often tells a story in a linear fashion.
reader's mind. 2. Prose is composed of complete
2. Poetry uses comparisons or sentences organized into paragraphs.
metaphors and symbolic elements to It adheres to standard grammatical
rules and conventions.
convey deeper meanings beyond
the literal words. 3. Prose aims for clarity and direct
communication. It conveys information
3. Poetry pays attention to the in a straightforward manner without
musicality of language, using relying on elaborate stylistic devices.
patterns of stressed and unstressed
syllables to create a unique flow. 4. Prose uses everyday language that
is common and accessible. It avoids
4. Poetry is a powerful way to the heightened and stylized language
express feelings and capture the often found in poetry.
essence of human experiences. 5. Prose allows for flexibility in
5. Poetry has carefully chosen words sentence and paragraph length,
to convey meaning efficiently, accommodating a natural flow of ideas
valuing brevity and precision in and dialogue. It doesn't adhere to
expression. strict rhythmic or metrical patterns like
poetry does.


1. Poetry and prose both use words to communicate, sharing the basics of grammar
and vocabulary.
2. Both forms use descriptive language to create mental images and evoke feelings.
3. Poetry and prose can explore similar topics like emotions, relationships, and societal
4. While prose tends to tell stories more conventionally, both can convey narratives
with their unique styles.
5. Both allow writers to be creative and express themselves, whether through the
rhythmic patterns of poetry or the narrative flow of prose.

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