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Taare Zameen Par (Every Child is Special)

1. Did you learn anything from this movie? If you did, what was it?
Yes, I have learned a lot from this movie. One of which is that you should never let anyone
dictate who you are and let his/her words down you, because in the end of the day you’ll be
the one who’s going to benefit you just have to believe in yourself.
2. What is the message of this movie? Do you agree or disagree with it?
The message of the movie states that ever child is special, and that it is like a seed that needs
love, care, and support. I agree with the message of the story, because I too experience those
unfortunate events and is needing for someone to truly understand and genuinely love me with
great patience. It also states that the way how we are treated by our family and the people that
surrounds as affects the way we live life, and I could not agree more with it.
3. Was there something you didn’t understand about the film? What was that?
Yes, there is. The time when the boy was catching fish, and was being fetch by someone who
has no patience nor respect. Isn’t that considered inappropriate or child abuse knowing that
you’ll grab a kid by his neck, was the parent of the kid wouldn’t do anything?
4. What did you like best about the movie? Why?
What I like best about the movie was the time when the boy started to prove that he is a cool
and amazing kid. Especially when they were by the pond and making boats and everyone
started to cheer, because for me that is a boost in my self-esteem.
5. What did you like least about the film? Why
What I least like about the film was the fact that it shows bullying, impatience, and lack of love
of people, because it really hurts knowing that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
6. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?
It would be Ram Shankar Nikumbh, the teacher. He didn’t just prove that there are still genuine
people in this world, but he also showed that despite who we are, we are still capable of doing
big and great things. He also opened the eyes of not just parents on how to love and care for
their kids, but on the role of the teacher as the second parents of a child.
7. Who was your least favorite character in the film? Why?
Mrs. Awasthi, because they way he abuse his own son by shouting, slapping, and cursing him is
not acceptable. He also doesn’t care about his child’s mental health, because of his ignorance
and lack of love could result for his son to take his own life.
8. Did anything that happened in this movie remind you of something that has occurred in
your own life or that you have seen occur to others? and what is that?
Yes, those events were when my classmates bullied me and despise me with regards to my
failure. I have also experienced the way my parents rage on me knowing that those mistakes
we just shallow. I really felt the way how the boy felt, but despite those awful things that
happened in our past we still didn’t gave up.
9. What were you thinking as you finished watching the film?
When I finished watching the film, I felt happy for the boy who got redemption despite the past
events that happened in his life. I also felt that, if I would have a son or a daughter, I don’t want
those things to be experienced by them, because the impact will be a life time. I would love
them, support them, and never pressure them with my standards.
10. Would you recommend this movie to a friend? Explain your reasons.
Yes. I would recommend this movie to a friend, because I also want them to realize how can
words affect a person. It would also help my friend someday if he/she would have a family of
his/her own. It may serve as a lesson to him/her how being a role of a parent to our kids is
11. What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
When the teacher scolded the parents on how they are behaving and told them what is really
happening to Ishaan. It is the most powerful thing for me, because few teachers have the
courage and sincerity to do such act.
12. If you had a chance to ask a character in this movie a question, what would it be?
I would ask the parents of Ishaan, what would the feel if they were treated that way and
abused. If they truly love their son, they would treat him like trash and that it is their duty and
responsibility to handle them, not because it is stated in the Law, but because it is stated in
their hearts.
13. If you had a chance to ask the screenwriter a question, what would it be?
I would ask the screenwriter what were the inspiration and the reason behind this wonderful
movie. I would also ask if he were too, experienced this kind of treatment, because every thing
are made for a reason and a purpose.
14. If you were writing the screenplay for this movie, would you have changed the ending?
Explain your answer.
If I would be writing the screenplay for this movie, I wouldn’t change the ending. It is because, I
already appreciate how the ending went and I really wanted Ishaan to be an inspiration to
others and be a regret for those people who treated him wrongly. I wanted Ishaan and
Nikumbh, the credits they deserve.
15. What feelings did you share with any of the characters in the movie?
I share genuine love and great patience with regards to Nikumbh, and great sadness and joy for
Ishaan knowing that at first his story showed devastation and heartbreak and at the end it
shows how happy he was.
16. Did any of the characters in this movie make you angry? Tell us why.
Yes. It is Mrs. Awasthi, because the way he treats Ishaan is very disturbing and inappropriate
way. How could a person do such a thing, and in the end, he appreciates him because he is
already excelling. That is why I really feel mad towards him/ that character.
17. Did you come to respect any of the characters in this movie? Who was it and why did
you come to respect that character?
Mr. Nikumbh, the teacher. Is the only one I respected the most, because he didn’t just turn
around the life of Ishaan, but he also taught the parent of Ishaan how to truly love and support
their son. He also showed that being a teacher is not limited to text books and limited to the
four corners of the classroom it is also applied to the life of the students and outside the school
18. What comment is the author trying to make about the culture of the characters in this
The author is trying to portray that in this world we world there are different people who we
will be meeting and that some would be the doubters and gossipers, but despite those people
there would always be someone out their who is true, pure, and genuine.
19. Are there any relationships between various characters, like brother-brother, parent-
child, teacher-student, student-student, etc., that are important to the story? If so,
describe the relationships that you believe contribute to the story and how those
relationships advance the action of the story.
Yes, there are a lot of relationships that greatly contributed to the flow of the story. First would
be the parent-child relationship of Mrs. & Ms. Awasthi and their son Ishaan, they should how
poorly they understand the state of their child that without it in the story the relationship of
teacher-child wouldn’t take place which is the relationship of Mr. Nikumbh and Ishaan. Their
relationship with one another depicts the story’s climax to the ending of the story because
without him the story wouldn’t end that way. Lastly the student-student relationship of Ishaan
and his classmates. Some of which bullied them, but when Ishaan is already showing greatness
eventually everyone started to support him, that would lead for Ishaan’s boost in confidence
and self-esteem.
20. What are the most dramatic issues relevant to our time that have been presented in this
story? Describe the presentation of one such issue and show how it relates to the times
in which we now live.
The most dramatic issue relevant to our time that have been presented in this story, is how our
parents pressure us with their standards, and doesn’t even realize that their actions and
behavior greatly affects the way we think and behave as well.
21. Stories can be persuasive. Show how the movie attempts to persuade viewers to accept
the particular values or principles that the writers intended to promote.
The writers persuade the viewers with the actions of the characters and events that happened
in the story. It opened the viewers eyes on the reality that we are all different and that we need
to value and treat each and every person right and with respect, because we do not know what
they are going through. It also opened the eyes of the viewers on how we should love and treat
our children, just like how Mr. Nikumbh, and the parents of Ishaan showed.
22. What is the significance of the movie on your part as a student?
As a student, the movie states that I shouldn’t bully a person and mistreat him/her on how
he/she acts or behave and that I should help him rise up and not look at education as a
competition with my fellow classmates.
23. What does this movie imply in your ART 002 subject?
The movie implies, that we all have different ways on how we show our creativity, our feelings
and our ideas. Some would be the way we express our love to another; it is called the art of
love. Furthermore, it also implies that even if who we are, where we came from, we could still
create art, because art is everywhere. Art is life.

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