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English B - Literature

English B Acquisition
2nd Course


Main Izzy, Rosamunde, Jack, Suzy, Prince Andrew
Secondary Izzy's teachers, Izzy's classmates, Izzy's doctors and nurses, Izzy's neighbours,
Izzy's friends' parents

Experiences 1 In Chapter 9, Izzy begins to adjust to her new life with a
prosthetic leg. She struggles with the physical challenges of
learning to walk again, as well as the emotional challenges of
adapting to her new identity. She feels isolated from her friends
and family, who don't seem to understand what she's going
through. However, she finds solace in her friendship with
Rosamunde, who is supportive and understanding.
Experience 2 In Chapter 10, Izzy continues to grapple with the challenges of
her new life. She is frustrated with her slow progress in physical
therapy and feels like she's never going to be her old self again.
She also has to deal with the awkwardness of dating and trying
to explain her disability to potential partners. However, she starts
to make new friends at the rehabilitation center and finds a
newfound sense of independence.

Feelings Loneliness: Izzy feels isolated from her friends and family, who
don't seem to understand what she's going through. She struggles
to connect with them on a deeper level and feels like she's lost a
part of herself.

Frustration: Izzy is frustrated with the physical challenges of

learning to walk again and feels like her body has betrayed her.
She's also angry at the unfairness of her situation and lashes out
at those around her.

Plot Izzy navigates the awkwardness of social interactions,

particularly when it comes to dating. The fear of rejection and
the discomfort of explaining her disability hinder her ability to
connect with others on a deeper level. She yearns for genuine
connections but struggles to overcome the barriers that her
disability creates.

Isolation The protagonist spends their days in the hospital feeling bored
and lonely. They engage in activities to pass the time, but they
long for more visitors and companionship.

English B
Identify Izzy struggles to come to terms with her new identity as a girl
with a prosthetic leg. She feels like she has lost a part of herself
and is no longer the same person she used to be. She is also
grappling with the physical and emotional challenges of learning
to walk again.

Izzy's friends and family don't seem to understand what she's

going through, which makes her feel even more isolated and
alone. She lashes out at them in frustration and anger, but she
also knows that she needs their support.


Izzy's internal struggle is palpable as she grapples with the chasm between her pre-accident
identity and her current reality. The once vibrant and confident girl is now shrouded in
self-doubt and insecurity, questioning her place in the world. The physical challenges of learning
to walk again serve as a constant reminder of her altered body, further exacerbating her
emotional distress. Despite the overwhelming challenges, Izzy exhibits glimmers of resilience
and determination. She finds solace in her connection with Rosamunde, her best friend, who
offers unwavering support and understanding. Rosamunde's presence serves as a beacon of
hope, reminding Izzy that she is not alone in her journey.

Chapter 10 witnesses Izzy's gradual yet unwavering journey towards self-acceptance and
resilience. As she continues to navigate the physical and emotional complexities of her new life,
she discovers an inner strength that propels her forward.
Izzy's determination to regain her independence is evident in her unwavering commitment to
physical therapy. Despite the pain and discomfort, she perseveres, driven by a deep desire to
reclaim her mobility and autonomy.
Amidst the challenges, Izzy finds moments of connection and understanding with fellow patients
at the rehabilitation center. These shared experiences foster a sense of belonging and
camaraderie, reminding her that she is not defined by her disability.

English B




English B

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