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Aethen's personality profile

Your closest personality type

Like all of our personality type descriptions, this is an archetype. Depending on where you fall on each of the four scales, you might recognise yourself in more
than one type - this can also change as you get older, or even depending on your mood or the situation. Also, two people with the same closest personality type
can seem very different depending on things like their environment, values or interests. This description is a fun read that should encourage you to consider
your skills from a new angle, and might teach you a few things about yourself - enjoy!

ESFJ - Mimic poison frog

Encouraging friends who can balance an energetic social life with hard work.
ESFJs are caring and attuned to the needs of the people around them. They are very generous, and spend a lot of
their time and effort on making sure their friends and family are happy. They love really getting to know someone and
their favourite way to do that is by asking a lot of questions about the person’s life. They are popular and
encouraging, and an ESFJ’s friends feel supported by them. Although they tend to have large groups of friends, loyalty
is important to them, so they might naturally feel more of a bond with people they have known for longer, and they
tend to be close to their families.

Having a vibrant social circle is very important to an ESFJ and they are often the organiser of the group. When they
suggest something it’s unlikely to be just a hanging out session watching TV - they usually put effort into imagining a
great activity for everyone. Because this is so important to them, a friend turning down an invitation or cancelling on
them can make an ESFJ very upset. They show a lot of appreciation for their friends, and can get hurt by people who
aren’t good at communicating appreciation back.

ESFJs enjoy traditions, especially ones that celebrate people and relationships. They’ll always turn up at a birthday
party, and they enjoy physical tokens of friendship, like matching bracelets. Someone dropping a tradition can be
especially heart-breaking for them. For example, if your friendship group always go to the same place after the first
day of the school year, an ESFJ is the one who will feel hurt by the friend who can’t come anymore because they have
joined a drama club.

ESFJs are hard-working and never slapdash. They use their great organising skills just as well for work as for their
social life! They like having a schedule, and they can get a lot done in a short amount of time. ESFJs have a tendency to
see the world in black and white. What is right and wrong feels so obvious to them that they can get angry or be
dismissive towards people who don’t agree. They also feel uncomfortable doing things that people might find weird -
they like to stand out, but not for that reason.

Some unscientific illustrations of an ESFJ

As an animal: An elephant who remembers everything and protects its herd

Hates: Feeling left out

Motivational poster says: The best way to make great friends is by setting out to be one yourself

On the screen: Taystee Jefferson from Orange is the New Black

As a sport: Basketball

A famous ESFJ is: Princess Diana

And... as a frog!

Frog type: Mimic poison frogs

Character: Unlike most species, who let their tadpoles fend for themselves, Mimic poison frogs feed them and
piggyback them one at a time to suitable water when they are ready. Taking care of their loved ones, like an ESFJ.

Way of life: Mimic poison frogs live in the foothills of the Andes in Peru. They’re active early in the morning and again
in the afternoon, retreating to the shelter of a plant in between.

How they’re doing: Compared to other dart frog species, Mimic poison frogs have relatively large and stable wild
populations. However, they’re often illegally collected and exported to be sold as pets.

What you can do to help: You can make a difference. You could donate to, or raise money for, the Amphibian Survival
Alliance which helps to protect amphibians all over the world.  

Other close matches

Because of where you land on the four scales, you might also recognise yourself in these types.

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ESTJ - Wood frog
Loyal individuals who get things done and love organising activities with their friends.
ESTJs are honest and patient individuals with a lot of personal integrity. Their have a strong sense of loyalty, so they
especially enjoy old friendships and are often close to their families, but they have a large circle of friends both old
and new. They spend a lot of time and effort on their relationships, and they like to make sure their friends hang out
often. Their favourite thing to do is organise a group event doing something they enjoy, often something positive or
healthy. They love to help people and to get involved in their community, and want to set a good example. They don’t
ask for anything in return, but it is important to them to feel that they are getting recognition, especially from people
they admire.

An ESTJ will often be friends with people who enjoy similar activities and have similar values to theirs. They know what
they enjoy and what is important to them, and they can find it a bit hard to relate to someone with different interests
or opinions! They like feeling that things are settled and predictable and they enjoy traditions, like having a family
meal every weekend. This means that they can feel apprehensive about change or situations they haven’t experienced
before. When they are uncomfortable, ESTJs often first react stubbornly, by digging their heels and sticking to their
opinions. When they open up though, a new idea can become a value they will defend just as strongly as their old

ESTJs are not afraid to take on difficult projects. They don’t get daunted by the scale of a task and are able to break it
up into manageable parts. They are very neat, able to organise both themselves and others in a group, and they don't
give up halfway. They most enjoy taking the lead on a group project, but they also aren’t shy about doing the boring
parts themselves. They can get frustrated with people who don’t pull their weight, or who keep interrupting their
instructions with crazy suggestions.

Some unscientific illustrations of an ESTJ

As an animal: A friendly horse in a well-organised herd

Hates: Someone asking for their advice and then not following it

Motivational poster says: Teamwork is Dreamwork

On the screen: Red from Orange is the New Black

As a sport: Rowing

A famous ESTJ is: Judge Judy

And... as a frog!

Frog type: Wood frog

Character: Wood frogs are able to recognise their family: when many tadpoles are in the same place, siblings seek
each other out. Like ESTJs, they like to stay in a group with people they’re close to.

Way of life: Living in forests across North America, Wood frogs are able to survive freezing temperatures by producing
urea and glucose which limit the amount of ice that forms in their cells! 

How they’re doing: The wood frog is not endangered, although in many areas, urbanisation is splitting up their

What you can do to help: You can make a difference. You could donate to, or raise money for, the Amphibian Survival
Alliance which helps to protect amphibians all over the world. 

Your results in detail

If you've come out as an Extravert, you will probably still identify with some aspects of an Introvert's personality, and vice versa. This is true for all four of the
personality scales - no one falls entirely on one side of a scale. A common analogy is that of your dominant hand: a right-handed person can still use their left
hand to do things even if it feels less natural, and it is possible to train yourself to get better with your non-dominant hand. Some people write with their left
hand but play tennis right-handed, and some people are fully ambidextrous. It's the same with the four personality scales: although most people have a
preference for one side of each scale, everyone uses both.

Here is where you fall on each of the four scales.

Interacting with people

56% 44%
Extravert (E) Introvert (I)

When their energy levels are feeling low, Extraverts get them back up by thriving off their friends and their environment, whereas
Introverts need some time alone to recharge.

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Interacting with the world

60% 40%
Sensor (S) Intuitive (N)

Intuitives like to try new things and daydream about their future, whereas Sensors live in the present and prefer to do things they
know they enjoy.

Making decisions

52% 48%
Feeler (F) Thinker (T)

When making a decision, Feelers take into account their own emotions and those of other people, whereas Thinkers try to consider
only objective facts.

Making plans

62% 38%
Judger ( J) Perceiver (P)

Judgers enjoy having a plan and feel more relaxed once they have made a decision, whereas Perceivers go with the flow and prefer
to keep their options open as long as possible.

Want to take the quiz again?

For the most useful results, we recommend that you only take the quiz every 6 months or so. You've taken the quiz 3 times, and the profile above is based on the
last quiz you took which was on 23 June 2023. This means you've got 182 days left to wait!

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