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A. Completion. Complete the information using the correct form of words

from the box. One word is extra.
Commence: bắt đầu
Embrace: ôm
Flee: chạy trốn
Navigate: điều hướng/ đi tàu
overlap: nhiều lớp
resemble (v): giống
Many tourists arriving in Japan naturally 1. 1.commence their sightseeing in large
cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, not far from the international airports
where they arrive. But, if you stay in the city, you're only seeing one side of Japan.
Join the more adventurous tourists who 2. 2. flee the crowded city streets and
escape into a beautiful landscape of forests and islands that stretches the length of
Japan. Here are three suggestions to get you started!
• At the island of Miyajima, take a kayaking trip where you can 3. 3 navigate much
of the island's 27-kilometer coastline and discover its sea caves, shellfish farms,
and beaches.
• Koyasan, a beautiful World Heritage Site, is famous for its many temples. Here
monks 4. 4. Embrace a religion known as Shingon Buddhism, and happily share
the experience with visitors.
• The underwater stone formations off the island of Yonaguni Jima 5. 5. Resemble
pyramids, giant steps, and even carvings of animals. Discovered in 1986, some
claim they are the work of a 12,000-yearold civilization; others say they are natural
rock formations. Either way, the island has some of the most interesting diving
anywhere! So don't just stay in the city. Japan is a land of beauty and mystery just
waiting to be discovered by you!
1. commence
2. flee
3. navigate
4. embrace
5. resemble
B. Words in Context.
Complete each sentence with the best answer.
1. If we say that a person's laughter is contagious, we mean that it ________.
A. is very loud
B. makes us laugh, too.
2. A ferry is useful when traveling ________.
A. up a mountain
B. between two islands
3. If someone needs to retrieve a map, he or she needs to ________.
A. go back and get it 100%
B. draw it from memory
4. If two subjects overlap, they cover ________ information.
A. very different
B. some of the same
5. The work of a philosopher relates to ________.
A. wisdom and learning
B. selling things
Contagious (a): dễ lây lan
Ferry (n): chiếc phà
Retrieve (v): nhận lại
Overlap (n/v): trùng nhau
Philosopher (n): nhà triết học
A. Matching.
Read the information below and match each word in red with its
The Origins of Valentine's Day Although Valentine's Day may seem like a modern
event, its roots go back over 2,000 years. This day of romance evolved from the
Roman celebration called Lupercalia, which was held every year on February 15.
When the emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the
Roman Empire, around A.D. 313, the holiday continued and was renamed for Saint

According to the story, in about A.D. 270, Roman Emperor Claudius II, seeking to
recruit more soldiers for his army, prohibited young men from marrying.
Valentine, it is said, was a priest who performed marriages in secret despite the
ban. For his defiance of the emperor, Valentine was killed—on February 14, the
story goes.

One of the first Valentine's Day cards was sent in 1415 from France's Duke of
Orleans to express his affection for his wife while he was held prisoner in England.
Today, giving your sweetheart a Valentine's Day card has become the norm for
lovers in many countries around the world.

- defiance (n): thách thức: behavior showing you are not willing to obey(tuân
- affection (n): sự yêu mến: feelings of love for someone affection

- norm (n): định mức/ quy tắc: a way of behaving that is considered normal in
a particular society
- recruit (n): tuyển dụng: to select or persuade someone to join an organization
- romance (n) lãng mạn: referring to the actions and feelings of people who
are in love.
1. c 2. a 3. b 4. e 5. d

B. Completion.
Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the words from
the box. One word is extra. inherent trigger mutual norm abundant
1. Chocolate may be 1.----- romantic—scientists have found that it contains
chemicals that cause you to feel like you're in love.
2. However, chocolate, which may cause feelings of love in some people, can
2.----- severe headaches for others.
3. By giving a Valentine's Day gift, a person in love sometimes discovers that the
love is 3.-----, and that their feelings are returned.
4. According to a recent bizarre scientific study, women with large chins have a
greater 4.----- to cheat in relationships.
5. Science tells us that a(n) 5.----- of certain chemicals in the brain causes the
racing heart, blushing, and sweaty hands of someone in love.
1. inherently (a): vốn có
2. trigger (n/v): kích hoạt
3. mutual (a) qua lại/ hỗ trợ
4. inclination (n): khuynh hướng
5. abundance (n): phong phú

C. Completion.
Complete the information using the correct form of words from the box. Two
words are extra.
dense absurd prominent species undergo evoke harsh ritual noble bounce

Jennifer Holland is a writer who went to Papua New Guinea to do research for an
article on birds of paradise. She later shared some of her most memorable

Her favorite 1. 1.----- of bird of paradise is Carola's parotia, whose dance 2. 2.-----
includes motions such as bowing, flapping, 3. 3.-----, and moving its neck side to
side to move the 4. 4.----- wire-like feathers on its head, in hopes of winning one of
the watching females. "Its mating dance is so 5. 5.----- that I could hardly keep
from laughing."

For a couple of nights, Holland stayed in a tiny village with a large local family. It
is the custom of the local people to build a fire pit in the center of the room, and
smoke forms a 6. 6.----- cloud inside the house. Because she was not accustomed
to it, the smoke was very 7. 7.----- on her eyes and her lungs. "My eyes watered
constantly, I coughed like a new smoker, and I had to step outside regularly to get
fresh air—much to the delight of the local kids who sat on the steps waiting for us
to emerge."

On one of the country's smaller islands, Holland met a little boy who was terrified
because he had never seen someone who looked like her before. The adults and
older kids laughed and tried to comfort him, but he continued to cry, as if seeing
her 8. 8.----- the image of a monster come to eat his family.
1. species: loài
2. ritual: nghi thức
3. bouncing:
4. prominent: nổi bật
5. absurd (a) ngớ ngẩn
6. dense cloud (a) đám mây dày đặc
7. smoke harsh (a) khói cay mắt
8. evoked (v) gợi lên
A. Definitions.
Read the information below and match each word in red with its

A food contamination scare recently occurred in the United States involving one of
the country's most beloved foods—the peanut. In late 2008 to early 2009, nine
people died and almost 700 people nationwide were reported to have been affected
by salmonella poisoning. However, the real number of victims was likely to be
much higher. The U.S. Center for Disease Control estimates that for every reported
case of salmonella, 38 cases go unreported.

The cause of the salmonella was found to be peanut products. Peanuts are used in a
wide variety of products and are an integral part of health bars, cookies, ice cream
varieties, and even dog biscuits. Although the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) does not have the authority to order a compulsory recall, stores across the
country voluntarily removed peanuts and peanut products from store shelves.

Using DNA technology, the FDA traced the exact variety of salmonella back to a
company called Peanut Company of America, which was likely not diligent
enough in its testing and cleanliness. The company has since gone out of business.

a. necessary because a law or someone in authority says you must

b. being an essential part of something
c. happening or existing in all parts of a country
d. hard-working in a careful and thorough way
e. dirty or harmful because of dirt, chemicals, or radiation

a. necessary because a law or someone in authority says you must =

compulsory (a) bắt buộc
b. being an essential part of something = integral(a) tích phân
c. happening or existing in all parts of a country = nationwide (a) toàn quốc
d. hard-working in a careful and thorough way = diligent (a) siêng năng
e. dirty or harmful because of dirt, chemicals, or radiation = contamination
(a) ô nhiễm
B. Words in Context.
Complete each sentence with the best answer.
1. If contamination is confined, it _______.
A. occurs within a certain area
B. has spread to many areas
2. The body's digestive system primarily _______.
A. fights disease
B. takes nutrients from food
3. If a project is feasible, it ________ be done.
A. can
B. can't

4. An optimistic person believes that the future will be _______ than today.
A. worse
B. better
5. A person might be called a pioneer in business because he or she ________.
A. started a new type of company
B. wrote a history of a company
Confined: giới hạn
Optimistic: lạc quan
Pioneer: tiên phong
Feasible: khả thi
Digestive: tiêu hóa

A. For and Against.
Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
allergic genetic slip by undiscovered adequately tested pesticide
public relations exercise
Reasons for
1. There is nothing new about humans altering(thay đổi) 1.----- the plants. We've
been doing it for thousands of years.
2. Not one current biotech food has been linked to 2.----- or health problems in
3. Insect-resistant(kháng côn trùng) biotech plants offer an environmentally safe
alternative(thay thế) to 3.-----.
Reasons against
4. Even though we try to catch them all, harmful proteins created through genetic
modifications( sửa đổi) may still 4.-----.

5. Genetically engineered crops are sometimes released into the environment
before they have been adequately tested
6. The benefits of golden rice are exaggerated. It is little more than a(n) 6.-----.

1. genetic: di truyền
2. allergic: dị ứng
3. pesticide: thuốc trừ sâu
4. slip by undiscovered: trượt bởi chưa được khám phá
5. adequately tested: kiểm tra đầy đủ
6. public relations exercise: bt quan hệ công chúng

B. Completion.
Complete the information using the correct form of words from the box.
Two words are extra.
conventional: thông thường
diminish giảm bớt
revolution: cuộc cách mạng
nutrition: dinh dưỡng
insect pest: côn trùng gây hại
skeptic: hoài nghi
notwithstanding: bất chấp

According to a study, Chinese farmers growing rice whose 1. 1. genes are modified
to enhance insect resistance reduced their pesticide use by 80 percent. They also
saw pesticide- related health problems drop sharply. In addition, the genetically
modified (GM) rice seed boosted crop production by almost 10 percent. There has
been resistance to using GM grains as food crops—but some think this news from
China may signal an important and 2. 2 revolutionary change.

For the study, two types of rice were genetically altered to resist two common
insect 3. 3 pest, which usually require heavy use of pesticides to control. The
farmers were allowed to purchase the GM seed at the same price as 4. 4.
conventional seed. During the study, the amount of pesticide used by farmers 5. 5
diminished because they saw less need for it. As a result, farmers' pesticide
exposure dropped, and their health improved.

However, not everyone agrees that GM food is risk free; there are still many 6. 6
skeptics who don't trust it. Some people are concerned that government regulation
of GM rice will not be strict enough. There is also the fear that insects will become
used to the modified plants and become stronger over time. As with all GM foods,
people worry that there could be unexpected and life-threatening 7. 7.----- reactions
to them in humans. Such fears and concerns 8. 8.-----, proven examples of
problems with GM foods have been quite rare.

1. genes
2. revolutionary
3. pests
4. conventional
5. diminished
6. skeptics
7. allergic
8. notwithstanding

C. Definitions. Use the correct form of words in the box in A to complete

the definitions.
allergy battle conventional diminish revolution nutrition
pest gene skeptic notwithstanding
1. reduce in size, importance, or intensity
2. despite
3. a reaction whereby you become ill when you eat, smell, or touch something
4. a very great change in the way that something is done or made
5. normally used
6. insects or other small animals that damage crops or food supplies

1. reduce in size, importance, or intensity = diminish

2. despite = notwithstanding
3. a reaction whereby you become ill when you eat, smell, or touch something
= allergy
4. a very great change in the way that something is done or made = revolution
5. normally used = conventional
6. insects or other small animals that damage crops or food supplies = pest


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